He felt that what is left is "a murky stew of withered affections and grasps at modernity, from siren effects to processed horns and Auto-Tune breakdowns."
Relatively isolated from the sociological academy throughout his lifetime, Simmel presented idiosyncratic analyses of modernity more reminiscent of the phenomenological and existential writers than of Comte or Durkheim, paying particular concern to the forms of, and possibilities for, social individuality.
Christine Buci-Glucksmann, Baroque Reason: The Aesthetics of Modernity, Sage, 1994
Afsaneh Najmabadi, Women with Mustaches and Men without Beards: Gender and Sexual Anxieties of Iranian Modernity (University of California Press, Berkeley, 2005).
Daughter of Mumbi tells of the tensions felt by an adolescent who is torn between her allegiance to traditional identities (Mumbi was the mythical female founder of the Kikuyu) and a father (to whom the book is dedicated) who sees his support for British colonial rule as an allegiance to modernity.
Between the 1950s and his death, Rowe published a number of widely influential papers that influenced architecture by further developing the theory that there is a conceptual relationship between modernity and tradition, specifically Classicism in its various manifestations, and Modern Movement "white architecture" of the 1920s - a viewpoint first put forward by Emil Kaufmann in his classic book "Von Ledoux bis Le Courbusier" (1933).
Its particular dialogue with geography and its balance between tradition and modernity lead it to be recognized with the Andrea Palladio International Prize, juried by James Stirling, Rafael Moneo, Manfredo Tafuri and Francesco Dal Co in 1991.
Talal Asad, in an anthropological study on modernity, quotes an Arab atheist named Adonis who has said, "The sacred for atheism is the human being himself, the human being of reason, and there is nothing greater than this human being. It replaces revelation by reason and God with humanity."
Located at Olival and Crestuma, in Vila Nova de Gaia, this infrastructure it’s a symbol of functionality and modernity.
He is best known for his multi-volume gnosticism series, including Gnostic Return in Modernity and Gnostic Apocalypse: Jacob Boehme's Haunted Narrative. Rehabilitating a project attempted in the nineteenth century by a leader of the Tübingen school of theology, Ferdinand Christian Baur, O'Regan attempts to identify a gnostic structure or "grammar" that can be traced through sources and authors as diverse as Valentinianism and William Blake.
Her work is mainly concerned with ecological philosophy but also deals with questions of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and politics as well as a variety of themes, such as cosmology, place, identity and indigeneity versus modernity.
According to Nicholas Thomas, who draws on the work of Michel Foucault, modernity can be understood as a colonialist project, wherein “societies internal to Western nations, and those they possessed, administered and reformed elsewhere”, were framed as objects to be surveyed and regulated (Thomas, 1994: 4).
Gossmann, Lionel (1984) "Basle, Bachofen and the Critique of Modernity in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century", in: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes; 47, pp.
Her essays have appeared in Novel: A Forum on Fiction, Victorian Poetry, Victorian Review, The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature (2006, ed. David Scott Kastan and Nancy Armstrong), Criticism, Victorian Studies, Nineteenth-Century Literature, and Modernism/Modernity, in addition to numerous essay collections.
Social theorists and sociologists such as Scott Lash, Ulrich Beck, Zygmunt Bauman and Anthony Giddens maintain (against postmodernists) that modernization continues into the contemporary era, which is thus better conceived as a radical state of late modernity.
She translated into Ukrainian the book To Build Bridges (2004), written by the Japanese Empress Michiko, delivered lectures on Ukrainian literature at Kyoto University and lectures on gender problems of modernity at Sokko Gakai University.
The Tate show takes from Paul Gilroy’s book The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness, published in 1993 in which he coined the term ‘The Black Atlantic’ in describing the fusion of black cultures with other cultures from around the Atlantic.
He left "a remarkable body of work whose profound modernity has only recently come to light":The interest shown in his work by such important figures as Roberto Matta (1911-2002), and the impact it would have on the art of Arnulf Rainer (1929), Julian Schnabel (1951), A.R. Penck (1939) and Elmar Trenkwalder (1959), confirm him as an artist of the twentieth century whose work has its place in reflections by contemporary artists.
Pavel Florenskij — Tradition und Moderne: Beiträge zum Internationalen Symposium an der Universität Potsdam (Tradition and Modernity: Contribution to an International Symposium at the University of Potsdam, 5. - 9. April 2000), (Frankfurt am Main; New York: Peter Lang, 2001): ISBN 3-631-37537-9: Notes: Includes selection of his letters from his travels in Germany, in Russian with German translations on facing pages.
Buddhist modernism, i.e. forms of Buddhism that have emerged from engagement with the dominant cultural and intellectual forces of modernity, or a specific form/concept of Buddhist modernism, as described by the scholar Donald S. Lopez Jr.
Norton Mezvinsky specializes in U.S. history between 1877 and 1920, U.S. immigration history, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the history of Judaism, and terrorism in the post-modern world.
“For Prada, fashion, luxury and style have always been aspects of a project that goes beyond production of clothes, footwear and handbags. Interest and careful observation of the world, society and culture are at the core of Prada’s creativity and modernity. This has pushed Prada beyond the physical limitations of boutiques and showrooms, leading us to interact with diverse, seemingly distant worlds, and introducing, very naturally, a new way of creating fashion.”
While it initially served as a common pasture for settlers' animals, less than a century later Public Square was the height of modernity, when in 1879 it became the first street in the world to be lit with electric street lights, arc lamps designed by Cleveland native Charles F. Brush.
Examining the work of Eliot, Auden, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault and more, Kimball critiques the ways in which these writers deal with what he views as the intellectual and moral deterioration of modernity.
In addition to featuring essays by many critics of modernity, The American Review also became the a vehicle for spreading the ideas associated with English Distributism, the supporters of which included G. K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc.
In Further Considerations on Afrofuturism, Kodwo Eshun explains that modernity has caused the growth of a new kind of esteem for the future, as the avant-garde’s playground.
Many of the sculptures include small motifs of modernity, such as a small pint of Guinness beside a Ganesha and a mobile telephone tucked into the back of a starving Buddha.
In the words of art historian Ellis Waterhouse, "although Scrots was not a painter of high creative or imaginative gifts, he knew all the latest fashions, and a series of paintings appeared at the English court during the next few years which could vie in modernity with those produced anywhere in northern Europe".