
unusual facts about movement

Michael Meert

Along with many others, he founded the “Video-Movement” and worked on a great number of videos within the “grass-roots movement” of video art.


Darkcore was the short lived counter movement to happy that occurred at the same time.

Alan Lodge

Since the events at Stonehenge, Lodge has covered a range of issues including the Travellers movement, Reclaim the Streets, the road protests in the mid 90s and the campaign against the Criminal Justice Act in 1994.

Arthur Chesterfield-Evans

Dr Chesterfield-Evans was president of the Non-Smokers Movement from 1984 to 1997 and a member of Billboard Utilising Graffitists Against Unhealthy Promotions (BUGA UP), which vandalised tobacco-advertising billboards with satirical graffiti.

Asghar Ali Engineer

Asghar Ali Engineer has been instrumental in publicizing the Progressive Dawoodi Bohra movement through his writings and speeches.

Autistic Self Advocacy Network

In April 2013, as part of Autism Acceptance Month – a counter-movement against the cure-focused Light It Up Blue and Autism Awareness Month movements – ASAN launched an Autism Acceptance Month web site.

Berhanu Nega

Born in Debre Zeyit, Berhanu attended Addis Ababa University where he participated in the student movement against the ruling Derg government in his freshman year.

Biblical Witness Fellowship

Founded in 1978 as the United Church People for Biblical Witness, the movement reorganized as the Biblical Witness Fellowship at a national convocation in Byfield, Massachusetts in 1984, hosted by the current president of BWF, the Rev. Dr. William Boylan.

C3 Church Global

C3 Church Global, formerly known as Christian City Church International (C3i), is a Charismatic movement founded by Phil Pringle and Christine Pringle.

Cals cabinet

There was also social unrest ('the sixties'), which became apparent in the Provo movement, construction worker protests, riots over the marriage of princess Beatrix in Amsterdam and the rise of new parties like Boerenpartij, Pacifist Socialist Party, GPV and D'66.

Cecile Platovsky

She helped change the movement of women in the fashion industry, along with Donna Karan and Liz Claiborne.

Chicano Movement

The Chicano Moratorium was a movement by Chicano activists that organized anti-Vietnam War demonstrations and activities throughout the Southwest and other Mexican American communities from November 1969 through August 1971.

Colored Music Settlement School

Growing concern in Victorian England concerning poverty gave rise to a movement whereby those connected to universities settled students in slum areas to live and work alongside local people.

Conscious business

Many believe that Anita Roddick pioneered the Conscious Business Movement with her company, The Body Shop in 1976.

Daud Bolad

Frustrated and disillusioned, Bolad went to Chad in 1989 seeking the support of President Hissène Habré in starting a rebel movement in Darfur, but was rejected.

Dora Maar

Towards the end of her life, she renounced her earlier association with Surrealism, albeit staying involved in the art world through some exchanges with upcoming artists, as she did with Patrice Stellest while he defined the principles of the Trans Nature Art movement.

East New Market, Maryland

Thus the continued use of the older burial ground of their former location at "Union Chapel" was no longer needed; it coincides with a more general trend known the rise of the cemetery movement (for a general discussion of the topic of the cemetery movement see the book Lincoln at Gettysburg by historian Garry Wills)

Edward Woodall

Most recently, Ed Woodall became a movement and improvisation teacher at Oxford School of Drama.

Eithne Coyle

Following the signing of the treaty she toured County Donegal, County Londonderry and County Tyrone and found that many of the local branches had lost much of their membership and was forced to reorganise the movement in Ulster as a more streamlined model.

French Impressionist Cinema

1 Others, namely Richard Abel, criticize these attempts and group the films and filmmakers more loosely, based on a common goal of “exploration of the process of representation and signification in narrative film discourse.” 2 Still others such as Dudley Andrew would struggle with awarding any credibility at all as “movement.” 3

Gedaliah Bublick

As a young man, Bublick drifted away from traditional Jewish life for the Haskalah (Enlightenment) Movement, but becoming convinced of its falsehood, he returned to become a staunch advocate for Orthodox Judaism.

Georges-Paul Wagner

He has defended in court Jean-Marie Le Pen, as well as members of the OAS terrorist movement who tried to assassinate General Charles de Gaulle at Le Petit-Clamart in 1962.

Ghulam Murtaza

Ghulam Murtaza Shah Syed, known as G. M. Syed (1904–1995), Pakistani political leader who pioneered the Jeay Sindh movement

Henry Liddon

In 1882 he resigned his professorship and travelled in Palestine and Egypt; and showed his interest in the Old Catholic movement by visiting Döllinger at Munich.


Hyperkinesia is a state of excessive restlessness which is featured in a large variety of disorders that affect the ability to control motor movement, such as Huntington's disease.

Ivor Bell

During Gerry Adams' initial career in the republican movement he took much of his direction from Brendan Hughes and Bell.

Juba Kalamka

He has been a speaker, panelist, and curator for numerous organizations and conferences, among them the San Francisco Black Gay/Lesbian Film Festival, GLAAD, Hip Hop as a Movement at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and Burning Closets/Working Our Way Home at Oberlin College.

Kanzo Uchiyama

Ikeda was arrested for her involvement in the student movement, expelled from Meiji University.


Boaz Kipchumba Kaino, Kenyan politician and Member of the National Assembly for the Orange Democratic Movement

Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection

The museum houses many important breakthrough paintings of the Papunya movement and Arnhem land artists.

Madison Township, Daviess County, Indiana

In the 1856 spring elections, the Know Nothing movement was popular in Madison Township, and the Democrats nominated Perkins for township clerk; to their surprise, he won, and his actions in office won him the reputation of one of the best clerks the township ever had.

Mario Rojzman

In 1991, during the Gulf War, he was invited by the World Zionist Organization to join the founders of Mercaz Olami, the Zionist Arm of the Jewish Conservative Movement.

National Voter Registration Act of 1993

This voter registration movement was spearheaded by the husband and wife team of Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward in the early 1980s in response to the Reagan administration.

Nicholas Bonanno

Bonanno was also engaged in other labor movement activities, including the American Trade Union Council for Histadrut, Atlanta’s Community Relations Committee, and the United Italian American Labor Council.

Open-source unionism

Open-source unionism is a term coined by academics Richard B. Freeman and Joel Rogers to explain a possible new model for organizing workers that depended on the labor movement"taking its own historical lessons with diversified membership seriously and relying more heavily on the Internet in membership communication and servicing."

Pagan studies

Pagan studies scholar Chas S. Clifton argued that the discipline had developed as a result of the increasing "academic acknowledgement" of contemporary Paganism's "movement into the public eye", referring to the emergence of Pagan involvement with interfaith groups and the Pagan use of archaeological monuments as "sacred sites", particularly in the United Kingdom.

Patrick Wolrige-Gordon

He married Anne Howard, daughter of Peter Howard, in 1962 and became involved through Howard in Frank Buchman's Moral Re-Armament (MRA) movement, which attracted much negative comment.

Pietro Lazzari

After the end of the First World War Lazzari joined the Italian Futurist movement and exhibited with such artists as Giacomo Balla and Gino Severini.

Pradip Basu

He specializes in postmodernism and the Naxalite movement, and was actively involved in Naxalite politics during 1974-1981, but gradually became critical of Naxalism and orthodox Marxism, and became interested in western Marxism, and the works of Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser, and the Frankfurt School.

Progressive tonality

While J.S. Bach in his instrumental and orchestral suites would often place every movement in the same key (see, for example, the solo cello Suites, BWV 1007-1012 or the equally homotonal A minor solo flute partita BWV 1013), in a work like his St Matthew Passion he felt able to 'progress' from an E minor start to an ending in C minor, and his Mass in B minor actually ends in D major.

Robert Hughes, Baron Hughes of Woodside

Under his chairmanship the Anti-Apartheid Movement campaigned against the Thatcher government’s refusal to impose sanctions against South Africa in the 1980s and organised the 1988 ‘Free Mandela’ concert at Wembley Stadium which was televised by the BBC and broadcast around the world.

Rodryg Dunin

He was a student at Maria Magdalena Gymnasium (high school) in Poznań, where he participated actively in a secret Polish educational-social youth movement, and later studied at academies in Tetschen (Děčín), Bohemia, and Leipzig, Saxony.

Saint David

It is a seven-movement work best known for the classical crossover series Adiemus, which intersperses movements reflecting the themes of David's last sermon with those drawing from three Psalms.

Scientology in the United States

Among these documents was a plan to frame Gabe Cazares, the mayor of the city of Clearwater, Florida, with a staged hit-and-run accident; plans to discredit the skeptical organization CSICOP by spreading rumors that it was a front for the CIA; and a project called "Operation Freakout," aimed at ruining the life of author Paulette Cooper, author of an early book critical of the movement, The Scandal of Scientology.

SCOPE Project

Dr. King announced the SCOPE project in a speech at UCLA on April 27, 1965 and his visit resulted in the recruitment of twenty UCLA students, including the late Joel Siegel, who later became the film critic for Good Morning America and Rick Tuttle, who worked with Rev. Hosea Williams and Rev. Andrew Young and spent two months in a Savannah jail as a result of his Movement activities before he was released.

Scotch-Irish American

In reaction to the proposal by Charles I and Thomas Wentworth to raise an army manned by Irish Catholics to put down the Covenanter movement in Scotland, the Parliament of Scotland had threatened to invade Ireland in order to achieve "the extirpation of Popery out of Ireland" (according to the interpretation of Richard Bellings, a leading Irish politician of the time).

Take Back The Tech!

For example, the use of social networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to track a person's activity and movements, the use of spyware to monitor a person's computer and Internet use, and the use of global satellite positioning devices to track a person's physical movement and location, usually by a domestic violence abuser.

The Steady On Tour

Since 1998 was the height of the whole Girl Power movement, the girls, who were known for parodying secular songs in their concerts, built a whole set about the women of the Bible, parodying songs by Aretha Franklin, The Chordettes, The Bangles, Cyndi Lauper and the Spice Girls.

The Yes Album

According to Alice Cooper on his radio show Nights with Alice Cooper, Anderson claimed to have written the first two movements of "Starship Trooper" alone, though the "Disillusion" movement (which evolved from an earlier song "For Everyone", heard on Something's Coming: The BBC Recordings 1969–1970 and The Word Is Live) is credited to Chris Squire.

Thiruvananthapuram Central railway station

It is the largest and busiest railway station in Kerala in terms of passenger movement and an important rail hub in Southern Railway.

World Football Insider

It was launched by Around the Rings, the number-one publication in the world covering the business and politics of the Olympic Movement, in June 2009.

see also