
unusual facts about nomenclature


Its name derives from its similarity to the helix: for every point on the helicoid, there is a helix contained in the helicoid which passes through that point.

1842 in birding and ornithology

Hugh Edwin Strickland draws up the report of a committee appointed by the British Association to consider the rules of zoological nomenclature.

59 Elpis

Urbain Le Verrier, director of the Paris Observatory, at first refused to allow Chacornac to name the object, because Leverrier was promoting a plan to reorganize asteroid nomenclature by naming them after their discoverers, rather than mythological figures.

6-digit UNESCO nomenclature

The article covering the full 6-digit nomenclature is incomplete in this English-language edition of Wikipedia but may be found in the Spanish-language edition at :es:Clasificación Unesco 6 dígitos.

7.62×51mm NATO

The 7.62×51mm NATO (official NATO nomenclature 7.62 NATO) is a rifle cartridge developed in the 1950s as a standard for small arms among NATO countries.


Authorized Program Analysis Report, in IBM nomenclature, a problem officially recognized and diagnosed by IBM's support department.

Arne Ölander

Arne Ölander became a member of the Academy of Engineering in 1943, was secretary of the Academy of Sciences Nobel Committees from 1943 to 1965, committee member of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry from 1949 to 1971, where he was primarily engaged in issues related to chemical nomenclature.

Banksia lindleyana

A major disruption to Banksia nomenclature occurred in 1891, when Otto Kuntze challenged Banksia L.f. on the grounds that Banksia J.R.Forst & G.Forst (now Pimelea) had been published before it.

BMW 326

Despite the nomenclature, it was clear that BMW’s Eisenach plant was no longer under the control of BMW: later BMW 340s, still based on the prewar 326, were badged as EMW 340s following a protracted dispute concerning title to the BMW name.

Botanical nomenclature

A separate Code was adopted to govern the nomenclature of Bacteria, the ICNB.

Calcar avis

The renaming of the hippocampus as hippocampus major, and the calcar avis as hippocampus minor, has been attributed to Félix Vicq-d'Azyr systematising nomenclature of parts of the brain in 1786.

Canadian military fur wedge cap

In Canadian Forces nomenclature it is known as Cap, Man’s Winter, Fur, C.F. Exactly when the fur cap stopped being in general issue is unclear; however, it is still being worn today by the officer cadets of the Royal Military College of Canada.


A fundamental effort in this translation was the application of Greek mythic nomenclature to designate individual stars, both asterisms like the Pleiades and Hyades, and the constellations.

Charles Viner

Viner translated and published J.B. Moen's Postage Stamps Illustrated - A General Nomenclature of Every Postage Stamp and Facsimiles of All Types issued up to the present time in the Different Countries of the World 1840-1864.


CLEC4C is a membrane protein of plasmacytoid dendritic cells, which is used as a marker for this kind of cells and denoted as CD303 in the nomenclature of the Cluster of differentiation.

Clostridium butyricum

Recent European Food Safety Authority opinions confirm the official strain nomenclature as Clostridium butyricum FERM BP-2789.

East Palestine, Ohio

Formerly, East Palestine was called Mechanicsburg, but was changed to "East Palestine" as part of a religious nomenclature in that area such as New Galilee, Pennsylvania, Enon Valley, Pennsylvania, etc.

Eleanor of Normandy

Despite her common nomenclature it is not certain that Eleanor was her proper name.

Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire

Albert Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1835-1919), French zoologist, coined the binomial nomenclature name for the Chinese Monal pheasant, son of Isidore Saint-Hilaire

George Linnaeus Banks

George was born in Birmingham, the son of a seedsman familiar with the plant nomenclature of Linnaeus.


Hantzsch–Widman nomenclature, type of systematic chemical nomenclature for naming heterocyclic parent hydrides

Hantzsch–Widman nomenclature

Hantzsch–Widman nomenclature is named after the German chemist Arthur Hantzsch and the Swedish chemist Oskar Widman, who independently proposed similar methods for the systematic naming of heterocyclic compounds in 1887 and 1888 respectively.

All of the prefixes end in "a": In Hantzsch–Widman nomenclature (but not in some other methods of naming heterocycles), the final "a" is elided when the prefix comes before a vowel.

Hispano-Suiza 12Y

The Armée de l'Air changed their nomenclature, so the next version was the Hispano-Suiza 12Y-21, which increased the compression ratio to 7:1, when running on 100 octane gasoline.


High-definition television (HDTV), via the incorrect nomenclature "high-resolution television"


INCI, the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients

Interleukin 2

It was initially called T cell growth factor, but the name was changed in 1978 to IL-2 (interleukin-2) by the Interlaken cytokine nomenclature committee.


Depending on when a Hh inhibiting compound is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there may be a perceived need for one to be differentiated over another for marketing purposes, which could lead to different nomenclature (e.g., a Hhi or an agonist of Smo).


The original nomenclature of the KiSS-1 gene and its product, kisspeptin, may have been named with a bit of whimsy, to ensure everyone knew (or might guess) where it was discovered— in Hershey, Pennsylvania, the home of the chocolate "Hershey's Kisses".

Mark Norell

Norell is credited with the discoveries, as well as the nomenclature of the species Apsaravis, Byronosaurus, and Achillonychus.


He translated and published the works of Carl Linnaeus thus introducing Linnaean nomenclature in France.


Nomenclature, EID of the manufacturer or supplier, EID for IUID as applicable, serial or other traceable number, current PIN, original PIN, LOT, or batch number for IUID as applicable, acquisition instrument identification number.

Moisés Santiago Bertoni

Plant usual Paraguay: Alto Parana and Misiones; nomenclature, characters, properties applications according to research by the author, or data from credible persons or make use of them Indians, including a study of physical and industrial timber.

Mullard–Philips tube designation

In Europe, the principal method of numbering vacuum tubes ("thermionic valves") was the nomenclature used by the Philips company and its subsidiaries Mullard in the UK, Valvo in Germany, and Dario in France, from 1934.


Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community – From the French, Nomenclature Statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne (NACE)

Naomi Datta

For example, Dr. Datta co-authored (with Royston C. Clowes, Stanley Cohen, Roy Curtiss III, Stanley Falkow and Richard Novick) a proposal for uniform nomenclature for bacterial plasmids.

Naresh Mehta

Among the numerous schools of poetry which sprang up in the 1950s was Nakenwad, a school deriving its nomenclature from the first letters of the names of its three pioneers - Nalin Vilochan Sharma, Kesari Kumar, and Naresh Mehta.


OPCS-4 is an alphanumeric nomenclature, with a 4 character code system similar to that found in ICD-10.

Philippine House of Representatives elections in MIMAROPA, 2013

The second district of Palawan was redistricted into two districts: Puerto Princesa and Aborlan is designated as the third district, while the rest of the old second district retained that nomenclature.

Ranade Institute

The department changed the nomenclature of its Master’s programme to Master of Arts (Mass Communication and Journalism) and revised its syllabus from academic year 2003-04..

Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid

Annals of the Botanical Garden of Madrid: This is the magazine published by the Botanical Garden, which publishes papers on plant taxonomy and systematics and fungi and related fields such as biogeography, bioinformatics, conservation, ecophysiology, phylogeny, phylogeography, floral, functional morphology, nomenclature or plant relationships -animal, including works of synthesis and review.

Samudra Methi

This nomenclature is typical to places in and around Mumbai, in Maharashtra, India.

SEAT Ibiza

The Ibiza is named after the Spanish island of Ibiza, and its use in the supermini car was the second nomenclature in naming models after Spanish cities, after the SEAT Ronda

Sergey Belyavsky

Discovered the bright naked-eye comet C/1911 S3 (Beljawsky), also known according to the nomenclature of the time as Comet 1911 IV or Comet 1911g.

The Stones of Nomuru

Third, the name of the planet Kukulkan violates the nomenclature previously established for the planetary system of Epsilon Eridani in the introduction and title story of The Continent Makers and Other Tales of the Viagens, according to which the planets take their names from Norse gods like Thor, not Mayan gods like Kukulkan.

Visual inspection

The term is an allusion on military nomenclature: Mark I, Mark VIII, etc.

Vocal Performances

The first track, "Petrified", argues that evolutionary thinking and Latin nomenclature have poorly captured the charm and dignity of dinosaurs such as the Haplocanthosaur, Pterosaur and Archaeopteryx.

see also