
3 unusual facts about nucleolus


During that year, a study of nucleoli by John Gurdon and Donald Brown in the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis, generated increasing interest in the function and detailed structure of the nucleolus.

The nucleolus ultrastructure can be visualized through an electron microscope, while the organization and dynamics can be studied through fluorescent protein tagging and fluorescent recovery after photobleaching (FRAP).

Targets of this post-translational regulatory mechanism include VHL, PML, MDM2, RelA, HAND1 and hTERT, among many others.


Nucleolus | nucleolus |

Cajal body

They were first reported by Santiago Ramón y Cajal in 1903, who called them nucleolar accessory bodies due to their association with the nucleoli in neuronal cells.

Lloyd Shapley

His work with M.Maschler and B.Peleg on the kernel and the nucleolus, and his work with Robert Aumann on non-atomic games and on long-term competition have all had a tremendous impact in economic theory.


SIRT7 is active in the nucleolus, a compartment of the nucleus reserved for the assembly of ribosomes.

see also