
unusual facts about opposition

465th Bombardment Wing

On two different missions – to marshalling yards and an oil refinery at Vienna on 8 July 1944 and to steel plants at Friedrichshafen on 3 August 1944 – the group bombed its targets despite antiaircraft fire and fighter opposition, being awarded a Distinguished Unit Citation (DUC) for each of these attacks.

Afzal Khan Lala

In 1975, he was arrested by the government as part of general crackdown against the opposition and was charged as part of the Hyderabad tribunal.

Alaska gubernatorial election, 2006

Murkowski also faced opposition from former state lawmaker and Fairbanks businessman John Binkley.

Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate

Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper earlier expressed his intention to join the Partnership in August 2007, despite some domestic opposition.

Charles Wordsworth

In 1846, however, he resigned; and then accepted the wardenship of Trinity College, Glenalmond, the new Scottish Episcopal public school and divinity college, where he remained from 1847 to 1854, having great educational success in all respects; though his views on Scottish Church questions brought him into opposition at some important points to WE Gladstone.

Chivi District

All that changed in the elections of 2008 with the opposition led by Morgan Tsvangirai winning all the three seats, one with a razor thin margin.

Claude Beauchamp

In June 1992, several leading figures in the opposition Civic Party of Montreal (CPM) urged Beauchamp to become their party's candidate for mayor in the 1994 municipal election.

Clean Power Now

Clean Power Now was formed in 2003 after an opposition group, The Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound was formed against the Cape Wind project proposed in 2001.

Costa Rican Civil War

In Cartago, Costa Rica's second-largest city located only twelve miles from the capital, Figueres' forces met some considerable military opposition; however, the limited forces and supplies of the governmental forces quickly ran out, and Cartago fell into the hands of Figueres on April 12.

Curly Watts

Opposition from his old-fashioned parents Arthur and Eunice led to tension between the couple, and Shirley left when Curly threw out the guests at his surprise party so he could revise for upcoming HND exams in Business Studies.

Ernesto Geisel

Having the aforesaid activities been stopped, Geisel and his Chief of Staff, Minister Golbery do Couto e Silva devised a plan of gradual, slow democratization that would succeed, in spite of all attempts and threats of the opposition offered by radical sectors of the military hierarchy and some terrorist movements the leftists would still try against the government.

Frances Street Squats

Two days later the city council, under then-mayor Gordon Campbell and with the full support of opposition members (including Libby Davies), declared the houses a “public nuisance” and granted a demolition permit.

Francesco degli Angeli

He made converts, among them the brother of the King and lords of the court, but did not succeed bringing about the reunion of the Abyssinian Church with the Roman Catholic Church, because of opposition from Ethiopian monks.

Genuine Opposition

On February 15, 2007 the group changed its named again to "Genuine Opposition" (GO) after a meeting with Senate President Manny Villar in his office in Las Piñas.

George F. Fitzpatrick

George Fitzpatrick married Phyllis Sinanan, sister of Mitra and Ashford Sinanan, uniting the Fitzpatrick family with another prominent political family of Trinidad (see Ashford Sinanan, Ambassador, Leader of the Opposition, Democratic Labour Party (DLP), West Indies Federation, Founder of the West Indian National Party (WINP) and High Commissioner to India.

Henry Chance Newton

Works attributed to Richard Henry include Monte Cristo, Jr (burlesque melodrama 1886); Jubilation (musical mixture 1887); Frankenstein, or The Vampire's Victim, a parody of the Mary Shelly novel Frankenstein, presented at the Gaiety Theatre, London, in 1887; and Opposition (a debate in one sitting 1892).

Hirokazu Nakaima

In the election, Nakaima defeated Keiko Itokazu, who received the recommendation of five opposition parties.

Human rights in Uzbekistan

In 2005 the Uzbek government arrested Sanjar Umarov, an opposition politician, and raided the office of Sunshine Uzbekistan, an opposition political alliance.

Inquisition: The Persecution and Prosecution of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Sherwood mentions opposition by the news media, major Christian denominations, and members of the government including Representative Donald Fraser and Senator Bob Dole.

Isaac Jackman

Jackman prefixed a long dedication to Phillips Glover of Wispington, Lincolnshire, in the form of a letter on Royal and Royalty Theatres: it purported to prove the illegality of the opposition of the existing theatres to one just opened by John Palmer in Wellclose Square, Tower Hamlets.

Jack Palladino

In April 2009, Australian businessman Peter Holmes à Court admitted in the NSW Supreme Court that the Hollywood actor Russell Crowe had hired Palladino & Sutherland to investigate opposition to the planned takeover of the South Sydney Rabbitohs.

Jeremy Grantham

He has stated his opposition to the Keystone Pipeline on the basis of the ruinous environmental consequences that its construction will bring to Alberta and to the entire planet due to the contribution that burning the extracted oil would make to climate change.


In the Iraqi governorate elections, 2009 the Kurdistan Alliance Bloc won more than 55,000 votes, leaving the rest of the opposition parties with less than 1,000 together.

Lang Labor

Lang still faced significant opposition within the caucus and the caucus appointed cabinet but he was able to defeat his opponents by returning his commission as Premier to the Governor, Sir Dudley de Chair on 25 May 1927.

Legislative Yuan

Opposition parties were formally illegal until 1991, but in the 1970s candidates to the Legislative Yuan would run as Tangwai ("outside the party"), and in 1985 candidates began to run under the banner of the Democratic Progressive Party.

Liberhan Commission

The senior BJP leader further alleged that the government wanted to divert attention from the opposition its plan of raising Madhu Koda and 2G Spectrum allocation scams in Parliament.

Limehouse Town Hall

On 30 July 1909 the Chancellor of the Exchequer David Lloyd George made a polemical speech in the assembly room, attacking the House of Lords for its opposition to his "People's Budget".

Meramec River

Grass-roots opposition forced politicians originally in favor of the project to reconsider.

Nachman of Breslov

According to Breslov tradition, a number of prominent figures of Hasidut supported Rebbe Nachman against the Shpoler Zeide's opposition, including Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev, Rabbi Gedalia of Linitz, Rabbi Zev Wolf of Charni-Ostrov, and Rabbi Avraham of Kalisk.

Oliver Smedley

In opposition to Clement Attlee's Agriculture Act 1947, Smedley helped to found, and become Secretary of, the Farmers' and Smallholders' Association in 1947.

Politics of Malaysia

On 11 November, the Malaysian government briefly detained de facto opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on Tuesday and arrested a human rights lawyer and about a dozen opposition leaders, amid growing complaints the government is cracking down on dissent.

Ralph Goodale

He was named Opposition House Leader by interim Liberal leader Bill Graham in 2006, and continued to serve in this role under the leadership of Stéphane Dion and Michael Ignatieff until September 2010 when he was promoted to Deputy Leader.

Ramón Quiroga

Quiroga is perhaps best remembered for his appearance at the 1978 FIFA World Cup in a match against Poland, when he ran all the way to the opposition half and fouled Grzegorz Lato, receiving a yellow card in the process.


Electrical reactance, the opposition to a change in voltage due to capacitance (capacitive reactance) or in current due to inductance (inductive reactance)

Recognition of same-sex unions in Germany

Members of the ruling coalition of Union parties and Free Democratic Party voted against the proposal while opposition parties Social Democratic Party, Greens, and The Left supported it.

Reginald Spencer Ellery

In establishing the Melbourne Institute for Psycho-Analysis in October 1940, the group encountered opposition from both the Federal government and the local branch of the British Medical Association.

San Luis Obispo Mardi Gras controversy

The Associated Students of the University of California system (ASUC) created a bill in opposition to SB 337, noting that it altered the Donahoe Higher Education Act and eligibility for Cal Grants, a form of financial aid.

Scales of Justice

Scales held by Lady Justice symbolizing the measure of a case's support and opposition

South African general election, 2004

The Inkatha Freedom Party lost some support, including the majority in their stronghold province of Kwazulu-Natal, while the United Democratic Movement also lost support, barely hanging on as opposition in their stronghold, the Eastern Cape.

St Kilda railway line

Plans were sufficiently advanced for Melbourne - Brighton Bus Lines to have taken delivery of six Volgren bodied Volvo B10M buses before it was decided to retain the rail service after much opposition.

Stacked Up

The political background in Britain, and the impending passing of the Criminal Justice Act into statute paved the way for a series of politically influenced artists such as The Levellers, The Prodigy, Dreadzone, and Pop Will Eat Itself, and Senser fit into that group with a blend of aggressive hip-hop, thrash metal and psychedelic ambience.

The Art Journal

The Art Journal became noted for its honest portrayal of the fine arts, but its opposition to fake and mis-attributed Old Masters, such as Raphael or Titian, depressed the market in such works.

The Sponge

When Kramer takes part in the AIDS Walk, he refuses to wear an AIDS ribbon in opposition to "ribbon bullies", led one more time by Bob and Cedric from "The Soup Nazi" episode.

To the Finland Station

The second group of twelve chapters deal mostly with the development of thought in Karl Marx in light of his influences, partnership with Friedrich Engels and opposition from Lassalle and Bakunin.

TONY! The Blair Musical

Once again in the spotlight, Tony recounts to the audience how the Conservative opposition was no competition, before a barbershop quartet of former Tory leaders - John Major, William Hague, Iain Duncan Smith and Michael Howard - shuffle on stage in boaters to sing their comic song in which they lament how they all fell foul of Mr. Blair.

Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi

Tuilaepa responded by calling opposition MP Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi (of the Tautua Samoa Party) "very stupid", adding that "only an idiot" would fail to see the merits of the bill.

United States House of Representatives elections in Georgia, 2002

Incumbent Republican Congressman Nathan Deal was initially elected to Congress in 1992 as a Democrat, but switched to his current affiliation as a Republican in 1995 and has been re-elected without substantive opposition ever since.

Viva Belarus!

Based on a true story of Franak Viacorka, activist of the Belarusian opposition, co-author of the screenplay for the film.


The term was coined by German nationalists in the context of Germany's "Freedom Wars", in marked and conscious opposition to the ideals of the French Revolution such as universal human rights.

Walter Luttrell

In April 1945, during the advance into Germany and the fighting around Ibbenbüren, Luttrell's squadron seized a pass above the Teutoburger Wald and fought along the ridge there for a day without support, against heavy opposition.

see also