
unusual facts about ordain


Catholic Church doctrine on the ordination of women

The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued and published on May 29, 2008, in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, a decree signed by Cardinal William Levada, on the existing ban on women priests by asserting that women "priests" and the bishops who ordain them would be automatically excommunicated "latae sententiae".


So Theodore Balsamon (twelfth century): "It is forbidden by the canons that there should be bishops in small towns and villages, and because of this they ordain for these priests who are protopopes and chorepiscopi" (Syntagma, III, 142).

Rodrigo Arango Velásquez

Born in Betania, Colombia, he was ordain to the priesthood on June 3, 1950.

Roy Bourgeois

Holding that the Roman Catholic church has no authority to ordain women, Pope Benedict XVI reaffirmed the church's ban on women priests at the Vatican's 2012 Holy Thursday chrism Mass.

Susannah Heschel

In 1972 she asked the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York to consider her application to its rabbinical school, though she knew it did not ordain women at that time.

William Fisken

He was sent to the presbytery at Newcastle upon Tyne, and preached as a probationer at the adjoining village of Stamfordham, where in 1847 he was ordained into the priesthood.

see also