
unusual facts about orderly


Alastair Bruce

The following year, he erected a cairn at Sallachy, above Loch Shin in the north west Scottish Highlands, in memory of his orderly during the War, Guardsman James Reynolds, from the village of Bridge of Weir in Renfrewshire, who had died while bringing back a wounded comrade, who survived.

Andrew Leo Bettwy

1LT Bettwy participated in the liberation of the German concentration camp at Landsberg, and during the final three days of the war in Europe in May 1945, was officially "traded" to the German 38th SS Division Nibelungen as liaison officer to effect orderly surrenders.

Battle of Dupplin Moor

The Earl of Fife tried to lead the survivors of Mar's shattered army on an orderly retreat; but this turned into a rout after Beaumont and others took to horse, charging off in pursuit.

Battle of Hochkirch

Eventually the orderly Austrian army caused the disarrayed Prussians to fall back to the walls of Hochkirch, and eventually to retreat out of the village.

Beaufort Hospital

Gilbert Spencer (Stanley Spencer's younger brother who also served as a medical orderly) recalled his first terrifying moments at Beaufort when he was surrounded by a 'ward full of wounded Gallipoli soldiers, their skins sunburnt and their clothes bleached and the soil of Suvla Bay still on their boots.' (1)

Bedford Magazine Explosion

Halifax, having been previously devastated by the Halifax Explosion, had emergency plans in place for such an incident, leading to an orderly and widespread evacuation of Halifax's northern half.

Carroll A. Deering

In any case, several authors, including Larry Kusche and Richard Winer, have pointed out that the state of the ship indicates an orderly rather than panicked evacuation.


Chourst's inquisitiveness once drove him to visit Mechanus, although he barely survived the encounter; Primus himself showed up to deal with the slaad after he had worked enough mayhem and disorder on the orderly plane, and still seeks justice against Chourst.

Cluny Abbey

An orderly succession of able and educated abbots, drawn from the highest aristocratic circles, led Cluny, and three were canonized: Saints Odo of Cluny, the second abbot (died 942); Hugh of Cluny, the sixth abbot (died 1109); and Odilo, the fifth abbot (died 1049).

Corporate sustainable profitability

An increasing amount of companies are realizing the importance of an orderly and active CSR-orientation as socially, environmentally and economically responsible.

Danuta Siedzikówna

Danuta Siedzikówna (nom de guerre: Inka; underground name: Danuta Obuchowicz; born September 3, 1928, Guszczewina – died August 28, 1946, Gdansk) was a medical orderly in the 4th Squadron (created in the Białystok area) of the 5th Wilno Brigade of the Polish Home Army.

Denys Bray

Bray's publications evidence his deep understanding of the Brahui language and his later work on Shakespeare re-arranged the much disputed argument on the basis of the discovery of a hitherto unexpected rhyme-link or word-link, joining sonnet to sonnet to form an orderly and smoothly flowing whole.

Earlsboro, Oklahoma

It was named for James Earls, a local African American who had served as an orderly for Confederate General Joseph Wheeler during the Civil War.

Glenside Museum

One of the most celebrated workers at the former Bristol Lunatic Asylum was the painter Stanley Spencer (later Sir Stanley Spencer RA CBE) who worked there in 1915-1916 as medical orderly in the Royal Army Medical Corps.

Ike Webb

Webb retired from the game in 1910 and joined the Army, serving as a catering orderly in the West Yorkshire Regiment.

Italian Neoclassical and 19th-century art

Orderly arrangements of columns, pilasters and lintels, as well as the use of semicircular arches, hemispherical domes, niches and aedicules replaced the more complex proportional systems and irregular profiles of medieval buildings.

John Paul Getty III

Nine of the kidnappers were apprehended: a carpenter, a hospital orderly, an ex-con and an olive-oil dealer from Calabria, as well as high-ranking members of the 'Ndrangheta – a Mafia-type organization in Calabria – such as Girolamo Piromalli and Saverio Mammoliti.

Kevin Gregson

Gregson did missionary work for the church from 1989 to 1991 and later took jobs as an orderly — first at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre and then the Riverview Hospital in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

Luca della Robbia

These doors were not finished until 1469; their reliance on a few figures placed in simple, orderly compositions against a flat ground, contrasts sharply with the elaborate pictorial effects of Lorenzo Ghiberti's more famous Baptistery doors.

Mark Tennant

He earned the nickname "The Green Hornet", after the comic book and radio serial character of the same name, because he "always knew what the bad guys were doing" during his turn as orderly officer.

Michael Bialoguski

He joined the Australian Army, served as an orderly at an army hospital, and was discharged in order to continue his medical studies at the University of Sydney.


The city remains an orderly, compact and leafy provincial center which could keep its old neighborhoods without surrendering to a boom in concrete constructions and displays a progressist mind as exemplified by the pride still expressed on having had Turkey's first female provincial governor in the 1990s, Ms. Lale Aytaman.

Nuño de Guzmán

Hoping to establish a more orderly government, to reduce the authority of Cortés, and secure the authority of the Spanish crown in the New World, on December 13, 1527 the metropolitan government of Charles V in Burgos named a Real Audiencia to take over the government of the colony.


South Asian English: a peon is an office boy, an attendant, or an orderly, a person kept around for odd jobs (and, historically, a policeman or foot soldier).

Private defense agency

According to the research of Terry L. Anderson and P. J. Hill, the Old West in the United States in the period of 1830 to 1900 was similar to anarcho-capitalism in that "private agencies provided the necessary basis for an orderly society in which property was protected and conflicts were resolved," and that the common popular perception that the Old West was chaotic with little respect for property rights is incorrect.

Sartono Anwar

In fact, she was willing to leave an established life: salary and bonuses in Pertamina orderly and clear work schedule.

Urban wilderness

Jacob Riis and other reformers fought for parks in urban areas, but the resulting parks, while a vast improvement, were formalized, rectilinear arrangements of artificially orderly lawns, bushes, and walkways.


On March 23, 2009, the firm's partners voted for an orderly unwinding and dissolution of the firm, due in part to difficulties the firm was having in continuing its line of credit with Wachovia.

see also