
unusual facts about orthogonal

16PF Questionnaire

However, one big technical difference between Cattell's five Global Factors and popular five-factor models was Cattell's insistence on using oblique rotation in the factor analysis whereas Goldberg and Costa & McCrae used orthogonal rotation in their factor analysis.

Arthur Erdélyi

Erdélyi was primarily an expert in special functions, in particular, Lamé functions, hypergeometric functions and orthogonal polynomials.


The position of the absorption and emission bands remain almost unchanged in solvents of different polarity as the dipole moment and transition dipole are orthogonal to each other.

Compact group

Such a Haar measure is in many cases easy to compute; for example for orthogonal groups it was known to Hurwitz, and in the Lie group cases can always be given by an invariant differential form.

Corrado de Concini

University of Rome and in 1975 a Ph.D. from the University of Warwick under the supervision of George Lusztig (The mod-2 Cohomology of the orthogonal groups over a finite field).

Curvilinear coordinates

In the case that they are orthogonal at all points where the derivatives are well-defined, we define the Lamé coefficients (after Gabriel Lamé) by

Ehrenfest paradox

1937: Jan Weyssenhoff (now perhaps best known for his work on Cartan connections with zero curvature and nonzero torsion) notices that the Langevin observers are not hypersurface orthogonal.

First quantization

The standard geometrical terminology is used; e.g. the norm squared of "?title=orthogonal">orthogonal if \phi\rangle = 0.

Jordan frame

Jordan frame (Jordan algebra), complete sets of pairwise orthogonal minimal idempotents in a Jordan algebra

Katsura Imperial Villa

Le Corbusier and especially Walter Gropius, who visited in 1953, found inspiration in the minimal and orthogonal design.

Locus of control

Weiner's early work in the 1970s suggested that orthogonal to the internality-externality dimension, differences should be considered between those who attribute to stable and those who attribute to unstable causes.

Meyer wavelet

The Meyer wavelet is an orthogonal wavelet proposed by Yves Meyer.

Moo Mapper

It also has three prominent, completely new features - the height level of the toggled radar (in the Z-axis), and orthogonal and perspective projection modes.

Mourad Ismail

Mourad E. H. Ismail (born April 27, 1944, in Cairo, Egypt) is a mathematician working on orthogonal polynomials who introduced Al-Salam–Ismail polynomials, Chihara-Ismail polynomials and Rogers–Askey–Ismail polynomials.


In the context of Computer science, for Orthogonal Persistence for the Java platform, an approach to provide orthogonal persistence for Java (programming language).

Optical cavity

Accurate description of such a beam involves expansion over some complete, orthogonal set of functions (over two-dimensions) such as Hermite polynomials or the Ince polynomials.

Orthogonal array

Orthogonal arrays played a central role in the development of Taguchi methods by Genichi Taguchi, which took place during his visit to Indian Statistical Institute in early 1950s.

Orthogonal matrix

As another example, with appropriate normalization the discrete cosine transform (used in MP3 compression) is represented by an orthogonal matrix.

Orthogonal polynomials

Some of the mathematicians who have worked on orthogonal polynomials include Gábor Szegő, Sergei Bernstein, Naum Akhiezer, Arthur Erdélyi, Yakov Geronimus, Wolfgang Hahn, Theodore Seio Chihara, Mourad Ismail, Waleed Al-Salam, and Richard Askey.


Orthotropic material is one that has different material properties or strengths in different orthogonal directions (e.g., glass-reinforced plastic, or wood)

Orthotropic deck

(The steel deck-plate-and-ribs system may be idealized for analytical purposes as an orthogonal-anisotropic plate, hence the abbreviated designation “orthotropic.”)

Paul Douglas Tougaw

Recently, Dr. Tougaw has developed a Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) device having normal QCA cells laid out in a planar structure, having a set of input lines and a set of orthogonal output lines.

Quadrature mirror filter

Orthogonal wavelets -- the Haar wavelets and related Daubechies wavelets, Coiflets, and some developed by Mallat, are generated by scaling functions which, with the wavelet, satisfy a quadrature mirror filter relationship.

Richard Askey

The Askey–Wilson polynomials (introduced by him in 1984 together with James A. Wilson) are on the top level of the (q)-Askey scheme, which organizes orthogonal polynomials of (q-)hypergeometric type into a hierarchy.

Singular value decomposition

Eugenio Beltrami and Camille Jordan discovered independently, in 1873 and 1874 respectively, that the singular values of the bilinear forms, represented as a matrix, form a complete set of invariants for bilinear forms under orthogonal substitutions.

see also