
unusual facts about outer planets

Atmospheric mining

Due to the abundance of hydrogen and helium in the outer planets of the Solar System, atmospheric mining may be easier than mining terrestrial surfaces.

Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group

The other ones are LEAG (Luna), OPAG (Outer Planets & Satellites), SBAG (Small Bodies), and

see also

Alan Stern

He was Chair of NASA's Outer Planets Science Working Group (OPSWG) from 1991 to 1994 and served as a panel member for the National Research Council's 2003-2013 Decadal survey on planetary science.

Susan Musgrave

Musgrave defended Al Purdy's collection of poetry Rooms for Rent in the Outer Planets: Selected Poems, 1962–1996 in Canada Reads 2006, a nationally broadcast radio "battle of the books" competition.

Urbain Le Verrier

About that time, Le Verrier's work on the outer planets was revised and expanded by Gaillot.

Voyage to the Outer Planets

Voyage to the Outer Planets was an early multimedia experiment combining Omnimax film, 70 mm film and Planetarium special effects.

William Hayward Pickering

At the time of his retirement as director, in 1976, the Voyager missions were about to launch on tours of the outer planets and Viking 1 was on its way to land on Mars.