
unusual facts about pancreatic cancer

Bile duct

Jaundice is commonly caused by conditions such as pancreatic cancer, which causes blockage of the bile duct passing through the cancerous portion of the pancreas; cholangiocarcinoma, cancer of the bile ducts; blockage by a stone in patients with gallstones; and from scarring after injury to the bile duct during gallbladder removal.

Intel International Science and Engineering Fair

:* Winner of The Gordon E. Moore Award in 2012 was Jack Andraka, who came up with an inexpensive, quick, and accurate way to test for pancreatic cancer.

Spirit of the Marathon II

Julie, from Los Angeles, began running after a divorce and has completed many marathons, including qualifying for the Boston Marathon, and plans to run 52 marathons in 52 weeks hoping to raise both awareness of and $1 million in donations for the fight against pancreatic cancer, which killed her father.

Ursula Halligan

In December 2009, Halligan controversially disclosed the fact that the then Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan, Jnr had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

Veratrum californicum

One derivative of it, compound name IPI-926, is currently undergoing clinical trials for the treatment of various types of cancer, including hard-to-treat hematologic malignancies, chondrosarcoma, and pancreatic cancer.

see also

Beit Oren

Wasser's research found that Cyathus striatus, one of the strains, was effective in treating pancreatic cancer in animal trials.

Charles E. Bohlen

After his New Year's Day later, he died in his sleep of pancreatic cancer at his home in Washington, D.C. on January 1, 1974, at the age of 69.

Desney Tan

He later attended Carnegie Mellon University, where he earned his PhD in Computer Science in 2004 under the supervision of Randy Pausch, popularly known for delivering "The Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams" after being diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer.

Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research

Thanks to a commitment from Cablevision to underwrite all of The Lustgarten Foundation's administrative expenses, 100% of every donation received goes directly to pancreatic cancer research.