
unusual facts about pandemic

2009 flu pandemic in Brazil

On June 11, after the WHO elevate a pandemic the swine flu outbreak, the Minister of Health confirmed more 9 cases in the country: 2 in São Paulo, 1 in Rio de Janeiro, 2 in Santa Catarina, 3 in Minas Gerais and 1 in Tocantins.

Acral necrosis

The striking black discoloration of skin and tissue, primarily on the extremities ("acral"), is commonly thought to have given rise to the name "Black Death," associated both with the disease and the pandemic which occurred in the 14th century.

Ancient Diocese of Uzès

Other notable bishops were the fourth, Saint Firminus (541-53), who is locally venerated as Saint Firmin and whose relics remain in Uzès Cathedral (dedicated to Saint Theodoritus (Saint Théodorit), martyr, and patron saint of the town), and who was venerated as a patron saint against plague, and Saint Ferreol (553-81).


According to historical records, buboes were characteristic of the pandemic responsible for the Black Death and perhaps other ancient pandemics.

Clarkson Cup

When the 2004–05 NHL season was cancelled because of lockout, the Stanley Cup was not awarded for the first time since the 1918-19 Spanish Flu pandemic.

Domestic violence in the United States

Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations, declared in a 2006 report posted on the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) website that:Violence against women and girls is a problem of pandemic proportions.


On 2006-01-28 Bogner met with US Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and was told about the US Government's preparedness concept on dealing with the potential of a flu pandemic.

Haemophilus influenzae

H. influenzae was first described in 1892 by Richard Pfeiffer during an influenza pandemic.

Here Comes the Wolf

Here Comes the Wolf: The Pandemic Hoax is an upcoming documentary film directed by J.J. Rendon which investigates the 2009 flu pandemic and the events leading up to it.

Humanitarian crisis

An ongoing or lingering pandemic may amount to a humanitarian crisis, especially where there are increasing levels of virulence, or rates of infection as in the case of AIDS, bird flu or Tuberculosis.

International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza

President George W. Bush announced the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza in his remarks to the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on September 14, 2005, in New York.

Joe Oastler

At one point the club had feared that Oastler had fallen victim to the swine flu pandemic.

Leroy Edgar Burney

In addition, he supported an effective response by the Communicable Disease Center to the 1957 Asian influenza pandemic and gave ongoing, measured support to the development of the oral polio vaccine developed by Albert Sabin.

Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act

The purpose of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act is “to improve the Nation’s public health and medical preparedness and response capabilities for emergencies, whether deliberate, accidental, or natural.”

Pandemic Preparedness and Response Act

The Pandemic Preparedness and Response Act is a bill introduced on October 5, 2005 by U.S. Senators Harry Reid, Evan Bayh, Dick Durbin, Ted Kennedy, Barack Obama, and Tom Harkin in response to the growing threat of an outbreak of avian influenza.

Pandemic Studios

The company's president was Josh Resnick and its CEO was Andrew Goldman — both formerly worked at Activision, and Pandemic was founded with an equity investment by Activision in 1998.

Protective sequestration

The term “protective sequestration” was coined by Howard Markel and his colleagues, in their paper that described the successes and failures of several communities in the United States in their attempts to shield themselves from the 1918-1920 so-called “Spanish Influenza” pandemic during the second wave of that pandemic (September-December 1918).

Sheri Fink

She has contributed to the public radio news magazine Public Radio International (PRI)’s The World covering a number of topics including the global HIV/AIDS pandemic and international aid in development, conflict and disaster settings.

Synthetic vaccine

Novartis Vaccine and Diagnostics, among other companies, developed a synthetic approach that very rapidly generates vaccine viruses from sequence data in order to be able to administer vaccinations early in the pandemic outbreak.

see also