
unusual facts about pattern matching

Behind the Mirror: A Search for a Natural History of Human Knowledge

Pattern matching is the abstraction of different appearances into the identification of being one object and is available only in highly organized creatures


In some languages with pattern matching, such as Standard ML, OCaml, and Haskell, the pattern matches any value, but does not perform binding.

see also

Alfred Aho

Steve Johnson used the bottom-up LALR parsing algorithms to create the syntax-analyzer generator yacc, and Michael E. Lesk and Eric Schmidt used Aho's regular-expression pattern-matching algorithms to create the lexical-analyzer generator lex.


AMBIT, a family of pattern matching programming languages

Kasian Franks

Later he went on to start SeeqPod Inc. a music search, discovery and pattern matching company in which the U.S. Department of Energy, along with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, holds a 5% stake.


Larry Tesler improved the pattern matching system to implement a successor language called LISP70, which was only completed to a preliminary version.


Ruby and Perl use $ as a special variable described as the “default input and pattern matching space” — any output defaults to that variable, and may be omitted.