
5 unusual facts about Pattern


Silver bullet: Assuming that a favorite technical solution can solve a larger process or problem

Golden hammer: Assuming that a favorite solution is universally applicable (See: Silver Bullet)

Database-as-IPC: Using a database as the message queue for routine interprocess communication where a much more lightweight mechanism would be suitable

JAR hell: Overutilization of the multiple JAR files, usually causing versioning and location problems because of misunderstanding of the Java class loading model

Pattern-oriented modeling

POM is also characterized by an effort to identify the appropriate temporal and spatial scale at which to study a pattern, and to avoid the assumption that a single process might explain a pattern at multiple temporal or spatial scales.

23308 Niyomsatian

The asteroid is named for Thai student Korawich Niyomsatian due to his first place finish at the 2007 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair with his experiment on the 'The Secret in Mimosa Leaf's Folding Pattern.' His first place finish allowed his group to be recognized by Intel ISEF for an outstanding interdisciplinary science project, winning the naming rights for the asteroid.

39th District corruption scandal

The 39th District corruption scandal refers to a persistent pattern of brutality and corruption among a cadre of Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) officers, primarily from the department's 39th District, that emerged in late 1995 and received nationwide attention by 1997, eventually resulting in an investigation by Human Rights Watch.

Apache Tapestry

; Post/Redirect/Get : Most form submissions follow the Post/Redirect/Get (PRG) pattern, which reduces multiple form submission accidents and makes URLs friendlier and more bookmarkable, along with enabling the browser Back and Refresh buttons to operate normally.

Bronze corydoras

The eggs of C. aeneus exhibit a unique surface pattern with small villi-like protuberances which resemble attaching-filaments of teleost eggs.

C. T. E. Rhenius

Following the Mudalur pattern, Rhenius started several Christian satellite villages, including Neduvilai (later known as Megnanapuram) (1825), Idayankulam (1827), Asirvathapuram (1828), Nallur (1832) and Surandai (1833).

Cell adhesion molecule

Each cadherin exhibits a unique pattern of tissue distribution, such as epithelial (E-cadherins), placental (P-cadherins), neural (N-cadherins), retinal (R-cadherins), brain (B-cadherins and T-cadherins), and muscle (M-cadherins).

Charles Page Eden

His reputation was made by his editions (for the Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology) of Peter Gunning on the ‘Paschal or Lent Fast,’ 1845, and of Lancelot Andrewes's ‘Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine,’ 1846; and also an edition of Jeremy Taylor's Works, in 10 vols.

Charleville musket

While it is more correctly called a French infantry musket or a French pattern musket, these muskets later became known as "Charleville muskets", after the armory in Charleville-Mézières, Ardennes, France.


Kelly L. Moran, Shelley Chintz: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pattern Books, Thaxted Cottage, 1999, ISBN 0-9676925-0-4.


By June 2012, the station dropped the entire 1980s library and most pre-2000 music from its playlist, making it one of the few AC stations to not follow the adult contemporary pattern.


It broadcasts on 1040 kHz with a daytime power of 10,000 watts and a nighttime power of 5,000 watts as a class B station, using a directional antenna with the same directional pattern day and night to protect WHO in Des Moines, Iowa.

Colonial Town Plans of Perth

The plan was a semi-regular grid pattern bounded by Mount Eliza to the west, wetlands to the north, and tilted on an angle so that the principle streets ran parallel to the river, which formed the boundary to the south and the east.

Cyclamen purpurascens

Subtypes include the Lake Bled form (silver with a netted pattern of veins near the margin), selected from plants near Lake Bled in the Julian Alps of Slovenia, and the Limone or Lake Garda form (silver with a very thin green border and gray arrowhead pattern in the center), selected from plants near Limone sul Garda near Lake Garda in Italy.

Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Walk

It goes between Kensington Gardens, Green Park, Hyde Park and St. James's Park in a figure-eight pattern, passing five sites that are associated with her life: Kensington Palace, Spencer House, Buckingham Palace, St. James's Palace, and Clarence House.


However, in July 2008 the Dumfries and Galloway Council decided to seek an Empowerment Order under the Harbours Act 1964 which would enable the Council to take over the harbour land and operations, following the pattern of a number of successful harbours along the Solway coast.

Egg Fu

He was a Chinese Communist agent, inexplicably shaped like an egg the size of a house, with a Charlie Chan-like speech pattern, who used his mustaches as whips against his enemies.

ERDL pattern

The 1st Battalion, 13th Infantry Regiment wore the ERDL-leaf pattern as an experiment in the early 1970s in Baumholder, Germany.

Evolutionary developmental biology

An early version of recapitulation theory, also called the biogenetic law or embryological parallelism, was put forward by Étienne Serres in 1824–26 as what became known as the "Meckel-Serres Law" which attempted to provide a link between comparative embryology and a "pattern of unification" in the organic world.

Fisherton Delamere

The Church of England parish church, St Nicholas's Church, built in the 14th century in a chequerboard pattern of flint and Chilmark stone, sits on a hill overlooking the River Wylye at the centre of the village.

Form-based code

Architect Christopher Alexander published A Pattern Language in 1977, a compendium of physical rules for designing humane buildings and places.

Fouquieria columnaris

The peculiar distribution pattern of the mainland boojums has led Mexican botanists to conclude that they were probably transplanted to the mainland by the indigenous Seri people, who lived in this area and still live on communal property south of this location.

Guy Clutton-Brock

With the eloquent support of Trevor Huddleston, Fenner Brockway, Michael Scott, Mary Benson and many others, Guy, his wife Molly (1912–2013), Didymus Mutasa, George Nyandoro and Michael and Eileen Haddon founded Cold Comfort Farm in Southern Rhodesia which became a widely acclaimed pattern for racial freedom and regeneration in the poverty-stricken countries of Africa.

Harrison Marks

His feature films as a director were Naked - As Nature Intended (1961), The Chimney Sweeps (his only non-sex feature, 1963), The Naked World of Harrison Marks (1965), Pattern of Evil (1967), The Nine Ages of Nakedness (1969) and Come Play With Me (1977), which featured Mary Millington.

Hydrothermal explosion

Generally, these larger explosions have created craters in a north-south pattern (between Norris and Mammoth Hot Springs).

Jal tarang

The jal tarang developed on the pattern of gongs of gamelan orchestras played in Java, Bali, and Burma (now Myanmar).

Jesus Christ in comparative mythology

Tryggve Mettinger, former professor of Hebrew bible at Lund University, is one of the academics who supports the "dying and rising gods" construct, but he states that Jesus does not fit the wider pattern.

Joe's Bridge

This silenced the guns, and the road was cleared of wreckage by armoured bulldozers, while infantry mopped up, thus setting a pattern for the rest of the advance towards Valkenswaard and Eindhoven.

Lasker versus Bauer, Amsterdam, 1889

The same sacrificial pattern was echoed in a number of later games, notably NimzowitschTarrasch, St Petersburg 1914; MilesBrowne, Lucerne 1982; and PolgarKarpov, Seventh Essent 2003.

London 2012 Olympic Torch

Designed by British designers Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby, it has a triangular form that was developed in recognition of a pattern of trinities relating to the Olympic Games: the London 2012 Olympic Games are the third London Olympics (1908, 1948, 2012); the Olympic Motto is 'Faster, Higher, Stronger'; and the Vision for London 2012 was to unite 'sport, education and culture'.

Maija Isola

Lesley Jackson, in the aptly titled chapter Op, Pop, and Psychedelia in her textbook Twentieth Century Pattern Design, writes that "from Finland the exuberant all-conquering Marimekko burst on to the international scene" in the 1960s; she illustrates this with one pattern by Vuokko Nurmesniemi, and three by Isola – Lokki, Melooni, and inevitably Unikko.

Margaret Ball

Two generations later this pattern was repeated when Francis Taylor, who was Mayor of Dublin 1595–1596, was condemned to the dungeons after exposing fraud in the parliamentary elections to the Irish House of Commons.


Esther Meek, following Frame's model closely, calls these perspectives the rules, the self, and the world, and emphasizing the existential perspective, she states, "Knowing is the responsible human struggle to rely on clues to focus on a coherent pattern and submit to its reality" (LTK, 1).

Oglethorpe Plan

Though seldom mentioned, notable vestiges of the Oglethorpe Plan can be found in the land use pattern surrounding Savannah; in the cities of Darien, Georgia; Brunswick, Georgia; and at Fort Frederica National Monument on St. Simons Island, Georgia.

Optic nerve

Glaucoma is a group of diseases involving loss of retinal ganglion cells causing optic neuropathy in a pattern of peripheral vision loss, initially sparing central vision.

Ottaviano Fregoso

Contemporary historians and intellectuals remembered Ottaviano as a liberal and magnanimous prince, holding him up as a quintessential Renaissance gentleman and a pattern for rulers, as did Baldassare Castiglione who made him one of the interlocutors in The Book of the Courtier (1528).

Overactive disorder associated with mental retardation and stereotyped movements

The extent to which the behavioural pattern is a function of low IQ or of organic brain damage is not known, neither is it clear whether the disorders in children with mild intellectual disability who show the hyperkinetic syndrome would be better classified here or under F90.- (Hyperkinetic disorders); at present they are included in F90-.

Police accountability

The 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act authorized the United States Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division to bring civil ("pattern or practice") suits against local law enforcement agencies, to reign in abuses and hold them accountable.

Postage stamp gum

On Swiss stamps of the 1930s, Courvoisier used a gum-breaking machine that pressed a pattern of small squares into the gum, resulting in so-called grilled gum.

Pother Kanta

It is one of the first forays that Sharadindu took in the realm of creating a mature logical detective moulded in the pattern of Sherlock Holmes in the Bengali language, and one that Bengalis could immediately identify with.


Puntius is a genus of cyprinid fishes known as the spotted barbs for the predominant pattern, though many have vertical black bands instead.

Regional rail

There are of course trains that are something in between regional and inter-city, like the Oresundtrain (between Copenhagen and 3 cities in Sweden over 3 hours away) with stopping pattern like a regional train and pass prices attracting work commuters.

Samuel T. Anders

Later, in the episode "Islanded in a Stream of Stars", Thrace once again visits her husband, because she believes there is a pattern in a drawing given to her by Hera Agathon, which turned out to be a representation of musical notes for a song Thrace's father played for her as a child.

Singleton pattern

University of Maryland Computer Science researcher Bill Pugh has written about the code issues underlying the Singleton pattern when implemented in Java.

The Spooners of Porthmadog

Later engines were delivered on the newly opened Cambrian Railways to Minffordd where Spooner had laid out a pattern of exchange sidings that inspired many visitors from abroad to adopt narrow gauge as the inexpensive feeder line to the standard gauge.

Thomas B. Warren

In the context of the Churches of Christ and the Restoration Movement, Warren was a strict restorationist: he believed that the noninstrumental Churches of Christ followed the strict New Testament pattern of Christian doctrine, worship, and practice.

Thorsen House

The front door contains leaded art glass in the pattern of a gnarled grape vine, executed by Emil Lange, who also worked with the Greenes on the Gamble House.

Vastu shastra

Brahma occupied the central portion – the Brahmasthana- and other gods were distributed around in a concentric pattern.

Wibault 170 Tornade

The general design of the Wib 13 followed the pattern set by Wibault's earlier single seat, parasol wing fighters, the Wib 3 and Wib 7 but it was smaller and lighter.

William Ruddiman

It was at that time that atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations stopped following the periodic pattern of rises and falls that had accurately characterized their past long-term behavior, a pattern which is well explained by natural variations in the Earth’s orbit known as Milankovitch cycles.

see also