
unusual facts about philosopher's stone


Parasmani ('Philosopher's stone' that converts iron into gold) is a Hindi film of 1963.

1988 in Israel

18 August – Ernst Simon (born 1899), German-born Israeli Jewish educator, and religious philosopher.

6123 Aristoteles

The asteroid was named in honor of the Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle.

Abbott Handerson Thayer

Among his devoted apprentices were Rockwell Kent, Louis Agassiz Fuertes, Richard Meryman, Barry Faulkner (Thayer's cousin), Alexander and William James (the sons of Harvard philosopher William James), and Thayer's own son and daughter, Gerald and Gladys.

Acta Eruditorum

Since its inception many eminent scientists published there – apart from Leibniz, e.g., Jakob Bernoulli, Humphry Ditton, Leonhard Euler, Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus, Pierre-Simon Laplace and Jérôme Lalande but also humanists and philosophers as Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff, Stephan Bergler, Christian Thomasius and Christian Wolff.

Adam of Łowicz

Adam of Łowicz (also "Adam of Bocheń" and "Adamus Polonus"; born in Bocheń, near Łowicz, Poland; died 7 February 1514, in Kraków, Poland) was a professor of medicine at the University of Krakow, its rector in 1510–1511, a humanist, writer and philosopher.


Ajjada Adibhatla Narayana Dasu was poet, musician, dancer, linguist and philosopher.

Adolf Friedrich von Reinhard

He won first prize from the Prussian Academy of Sciences for La Système de Mr. Pope sur la perfection du monde comparé à celui de Mr. Leibniz (1755), a critique of the philosophy of Alexander Pope, Leibniz and Christian Wolff.

Bora Yoon

Yoon’s wide-ranging talents have led to collaborative performances with electronics giant SAMSUNG, media philosopher DJ Spooky, and the late poet Sekou Sundiata in the America Project and multimedia swansong: The 51st (dream) state.

Briony Penn

For this program, she taped, field produced and edited episodes ranging from the natural death movement to humpback whale research, and she conducted interviews with diverse personalities like philosopher John Ralston Saul, Haida political leader Guujaaw and author Tom Robbins.


Dorothy Edgington, philosopher active in metaphysics and philosophical logic

Edmund Yard Robbins

Edmund Yard Robbins (b. 29 May 1867, Windsor, New Jersey – d. 30 May 1942, Princeton, New Jersey) was an American philosopher.

Emmanuelle Jouannet

Jurist and philosopher, Emmanuelle Jouannet followed both program academics law and philosophy respectively at the Panthéon-Assas University and Paris-Sorbonne University.

Engaged theory

A second lineage of engaged theory has been developed by researchers who began their association through the Global Cities Institute, scholars such as Manfred Steger, Paul James and Damian Grenfell, drawing upon a range of writers from Pierre Bourdieu to Benedict Anderson and Charles Taylor.

Étienne Pivert de Senancour

Étienne-Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Ignace Pivert de Senancour (Paris, 16 November 1770 – Saint-Cloud, 10 January 1846), was a French essayist and philosopher, remembered primarily for his epistolary novel Obermann.


Jerry Fodor (born 1935), American author and philosopher concerned with philosophy of mind and cognitive science, husband of the above

Günther Anders

Anders was married three times, to the Jewish-German philosopher and political scientist Hannah Arendt from 1929 to 1937, to the Jewish-Austrian writer Elisabeth Freundlich from 1945 to 1955, and to Jewish-American pianist Charlotte Lois Zelka in 1957.

Henrik Steffens Hagerup

Henrik Steffens Hagerup was the son of Caspar Peter Hagerup and Ulrikke Eleonore Steffens, sister of philosopher Henrik Steffens.

Hermotimus of Clazomenae

Hermotimus of Clazomenae (c. 6th century BCE), called by Lucian a Pythagorean, was a philosopher who first proposed, before Anaxagoras (according to Aristotle) the idea of mind being fundamental in the cause of change.


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the first novel in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series

J. Y. T. Greig

Greig was a leading scholar on the Scottish philosopher David Hume.


The 18th-century French philosopher Voltaire noted the similarities between Jepththa and the Greek mythological general, Idomeneus, speculating whether one story had in fact imitated the other.

Johann Christian Lossius

Johann Christian Lossius (1743, Liebstadt near Weimar – 1813, Erfurt) was a German materialist philosopher.

Julius Moravcsik

He contributed greatly to building the department; his appointments, included Stuart Hampshire and J. O. Urmson from England and the Canadian philosopher Ian Hacking.


Leszek Kołakowski (1927–2009), Polish philosopher and historian of ideas

Macrobius Cove

The feature is named after the Roman writer and philosopher Ambrosius Macrobius (4th-5th century) who placed on the world map the southern polar land envisaged by Aristotle.

Margaret Bentinck, Duchess of Portland

In 1766, the Genevan Romantic and philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau met Bentinck, admired her knowledge of botany despite his general belief that women could not be scientific, and offered his services as her "herborist" (plant collector).

Michael J. Sandel

A high achiever, he was the President of his senior class at Palisades High School (1971), graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Brandeis University with a Bachelor's degree in politics (1975), and received his doctorate from Balliol College, Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar, where he studied under philosopher Charles Taylor.

Montmorency, Victoria

Montmorency was named after a local farm, Montmorency Estate, which in turn was named for the town of Montmorency, Val-d'Oise, where the French Enlightenment philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau lived briefly.

Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington

Günter Beck, a lecturer for the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at the Haifa Center for German and European Studies at the University of Haifa in Israel, compared Lisa's role in the episode to the nineteenth-century American poet and philosopher Henry David Thoreau.

Nanjing University

Many scholars visited and instructed there, including the American educationist Paul Monroe, W. H. Kilpatrick, E. L. Thorndike, philosopher John Dewey, British philosopher Bertrand Russell, German philosopher Hans Driesch and the Indian (also Bengali) poet Rabindranath Tagore.

Norrie Haywood

Home side Racing Universitaire d'Alger (R.U.A. for whom Nobel Prize winning author-philosopher Albert Camus had played in goals for its junior team) had already won both the North African Champions Cup and the North African Cup in the 30s (R.U.A. would win each twice by the decade's end).

Objections to evolution

Philosopher Robert Pennock makes the comparison that evolution is no more atheistic than plumbing.

Okakura Kakuzō

Outside of Japan, Okakura had an impact on a number of important figures, directly or indirectly, who include philosopher Martin Heidegger, poet Ezra Pound, and especially poet Rabindranath Tagore and heiress Isabella Stewart Gardner, who were close personal friends of his.


Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of the übermensch, translated "overman" (as opposed to, e.g., "superman") by scholars including Walter Kaufmann

Regius Professor of English Language and Literature, Glasgow

Nichol had formerly been a coach at the University of Oxford, where along with A. V. Dicey, Vinerian Professor of English Law, philosopher Thomas Hill Green and poet Algernon Charles Swinburne he formed the Old Mortality Society, a literary discussion society.

Saint Petersburg Roman Catholic Theological Academy

The Academy had 8 faculty members, who included philologist Leon Borowski, philosopher Anioł Dowgird, historian Paweł Kukolnik.


Francisco Sanches (c.1550–1623), Portuguese or Galician philosopher of Jewish origin; refugee from the Inquisition

Swedish Humanist Association

The yearly award commemorates the Swedish philosopher Ingemar Hedenius, whose views - expressed in his book Tro och vetande ("Belief and knowledge") - were instrumental in starting the cultural debate that eventually led to the separating of the Swedish church and state.


Richard Swineshead (fl. c. 1340–1354), English mathematician, logician and natural philosopher

Thomas Mermall

At the time of his death he was completing a translation of contemporary Spanish philosopher Javier Gomá’s book Ejemplaridad pública Public exemplarity.

University of Nashville

Lindsley, along with George Ticknor at Harvard, Jacob Abbott at Amherst, and James Marsh at the University of Vermont, was considered one of the leading educational reformers of the era.

Vladimir Bazarov

Bazarov also became interested in philosophy during the first decade of the 20th Century, coming to reject Marx's formulaic dialectical materialism in favor of the use of the scientific method to observe and theorize about human behavior, as espoused by the Austrian Ernst Mach and the German-Swiss philosopher Richard Avenarius.

Walter Rauschenbusch

He was also the maternal grandfather of the influential philosopher Richard Rorty.

Woodside School, Ooty

The school motto is 'Sapere Aude' (Dare to be wise), a quote from the writings of the Greek philosopher Horace.


The American integral philosopher Ken Wilber uses the term worldcentric to describe an advanced stage of ethical development.

Worthington Senior High School

Peter Ludlow, prominent analytic philosopher, currently teaching at Northwestern University.

Zinda Rood

Zinda Rood is a 4 volume biographical work of Justice Javed Iqbal on Muhammad Iqbal, the famous Muslim poet-philosopher.

see also

Bampton Classical Opera

In 2002, Bampton Classical Opera performed the United Kingdom première of The Philosopher's Stone (Der Stein der Weisen), a singspiel by Emanuel Schikaneder composed in collaboration with Mozart, Henneberg, Schack, and Gerl.