
49 unusual facts about pinniped


The amauti can be made from a variety of materials including sealskin, caribou skin or duffle (a thick woollen cloth) with a windproof outer shell.

Breezly and Sneezly

His friend is Sneezly Seal (voiced by Mel Blanc), a droopy seal with a perpetual cold whose sneezes pack devastating power.

Calf Point

The headland was charted and named in 1911 by the Northern Party, led by Victor Campbell, of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910–13, and named because of the great number of young seals, known as calves, distributed nearby this headland.

Canada–European Union relations

But Canada and EU remain at odds over an EU ban on importing seal products and Canada's visa requirement for the EU citizens of the EU member states of Romania and Bulgaria.

Cardigan Strait

A polynya forms in Cardigan Strait most winters, used by wintering Bearded and Ringed seals, polar bears, and walrus.

Chamerion latifolium

This arctic plant provides valuable nutrition for the Inuit, who eat the leaves raw, boiled with fat, or steeped in water for tea, the flowers and fruits raw, and as a salad with meals of seal and walrus blubber.

Chilkoot Lake

The fauna found in abundance in the lake area, as one approaches along the Luktak Channel and the outlet stream from the lake, are Bald eagles, harbor seals, bears feeding on salmon and mountain goats on the hill slopes.

Chilkoot River

The aqua fauna found in abundance in the Chilkoot River, as one approaches along the Lynn Canal and the outlet stream from the Chilkoot Lake, are Bald eagles, harbor seals, bears feeding on salmon and mountain goats on the hill slopes.

Chutes Park

The site also included, at various times, such exotic diversions as a seal pond, ostriches and the interestingly named House of Trouble and Cave of the Winds.

Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals

Abbreviated as the "Antarctic Seals" agreement, the convention had the objective to promote and achieve the protection, scientific study, and rational use of Antarctic seals, and to maintain a satisfactory balance within the ecological system of Antarctica.

Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary

26 species of marine mammals, including whales, dolphins, seals, and sea lions, are known to frequent the waters of the sanctuary.

Cuisine of the Maritimes

Seal flippers and seal flipper pie, various bean dishes, usually flavored with pork, any fish found in the many rivers, and many other foods are not to be forgotten.

Dildo, Newfoundland and Labrador

The town of Dildo was founded in the late 18th century and settled to exploit the abundance of marine resources such as fish (mostly cod), whales and seals.

Extreme points of Antarctica

While animal life such as penguins and seals are found all around the Antarctic coastline, the continent's only flowering plants are found on the northern portion of the Antarctic Peninsula (see Antarctic flora).

Fen Drayton

In January 2013, following a prolonged period of local flooding, a seal was spotted and filmed in a ditch linked to the nearby Great Ouse, some 50 miles from the sea.

Flight on Titan

Despite all this, Titan has a flourishing Arctic ecosystem, apparently at the top of which is a clawed, blubbery seal-like native race of infant-like intelligence.

Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary

Within the sanctuary are the Farallon Islands and associated National Wildlife Refuge, the sanctuary protects the feeding grounds of the seabirds and seals that breed and haul out on the islands.

Hotheaded Naked Ice Borer

The article carried a purported photo of a seal-like creature with a bony growth protruding from its head.

Isaac Stringer

Running low on provisions, he found that the seal skin of his boots was sufficient as emergency sustenance.


The lagoon and bay of Kalloni is a shallow, rich wetland that hosts a stupendous variety of aquatic and avian life, including flamingos, porpoises and seals.


In old Faroese folklore it was believed that on Twelfth Night the seals came out of the sea, stripped off their seal-skins and became human beings, dancing on the shore.

Komsa culture

Archaeological evidence indicates that the Komsa culture was almost exclusively sea-oriented, living mainly off seal hunting and being able boatbuilders and fishermen.


Many of the marine mammals they hunted for furs and food were sea otters, walruses, seals, and whales.


Other instances where animals could be harmed by litter include broken glass lacerating the paws of dogs, cats, and other small mammals, fishing nets caught on the necks of seals and turtles, etc.

Machine translation

Thus, the algorithm matched locally unambiguous meanings (for instance, while the word seal as such is ambiguous, there is only one meaning of "seal" in the animal subhierarchy).

Makah people

Cedar roots were used in basket making, while canoes were carved from whole trees to hunt seals, gray whales and humpback whales.

Mungo Martin

He had an interest in music in general and in folksong, and would sing songs from other tribes such as the Navajo he learned from his relative Bob Harris who met many people at the Chicago World Exhibition and even Japanese folk songs he learned from other Kwakwaka'wakw who had sailed to Japan on sealing vessels.


It is now most popularly imagined as an unknown type of marine mammal, sharing traits with a seal or walrus.

Mycobacterium pinnipedii

The species is named after the Pinnipeds, the organisms from which M. pinnipedii was first isolated.

Peter Hochachka

His work included studies of enzyme adaptation to temperature and pressure, the mechanisms underlying tolerance to low oxygen levels in animals, the bioenergetics of exercise, metabolism during diving in seals, allometric scaling, and human adaptations to high-altitude hypoxia.

Peter Ivanovich Shuvalov

For example, Shuvalov obtained for himself an exclusive right to export lumber, lard, blubber oil and monopolized the seal trade.


That they went extinct at the same time as the giant penguins of the Southern Hemisphere, which also coincided with the radiation of the seals and dolphins, has led to speculation that the expansion of marine mammals was responsible for the extinction of the Plotopteridae.

Polar ecology

Seals are also found in polar regions and number around 2.5 million.


In vernacular English, puppy refers specifically to dogs while pup may often be used for other mammals such as seals, giraffes, guinea pigs, or even rats.

Richmond Gulf

The many rivers flowing into Richmond Gulf make its water brackish but a healthy habitat for brook trout and whitefish, beluga and seal.


This name may have come from a native tribe known as "Les Loups" or from the many seals, known in French as loup-marin (sea wolves), once found at the river's mouth.

Savoonga, Alaska

The local economy consists largely of subsistence hunting for walrus, seals, fish, and bowhead whales; the city calls itself the "Walrus Capital of the World".

Smoky Bay, South Australia

Seals also enter the bay, providing further incentive for sharks to enter the bay.

South African Jews

Aaron and Daniel de Pass were the first to open up Namaqualand, and for many years (1849–1886) were the largest shipowners in Cape Town, and leaders of the sealing, whaling, and fishing industries.

SS Sagona

Sagona was primarily a sealing vessel until 1938 bringing a total of 165,599 seals from 1912 until 1938 under captains Job Knee, Jack Randell, Lewis Little and Jacob Kean.


This large area of sand dunes and beach at the mouth of the Tay Estuary forms an important roosting and feeding area for huge congregations of seaduck, waders and wildfowl, as well as a haul-out area for over 2,000 both common and grey seals.

Tees Barrage

Some angling groups argue that the progress of migratory fish is delayed below the barrier as fish have difficulty finding the very narrow entrance to the fish pass and that excessive numbers of foraging seals are taking advantage of this delay and are predating these fish and thus damaging the recovery of salmonids on the Tees.

The Adventures of Blinky Bill

The animals he rescued were Ling Ling the Panda, Slippery the Seal, Yoyo the Monkey, Princess Penelope the Poodle, Leo the Lion and Tico Toucan (who originally works for the Circus Bros.) They went to Antarctica, the African Plains, China, the Amazon Rainforest, India and Paris.

The Nameless City

In ancient times, the Nameless City was built and inhabited by an unnamed race of reptiles with a body shaped like a cross between a crocodile and a seal with a strange head common to neither, involving a protruding forehead, horns, lack of a nose and an alligator-like jaw.

The Seal Cub Clubbing Club

Their name, a mendacity as Seal infants are called pups not cubs, was an effort to get away from usual one word-searching through the dictionary names that are often used by bands.

The Strategy of the Were-Wolf Dog

Only a seal agrees, but it is too old and slow to do the job.

Transportation of animals

Transporting seals is considered to be easier than transporting cetaceans, since seals are semiaquatic and able to tolerate long periods out of water, as long as they are kept cool and moist.

USS Seal

Two submarines of the United States Navy have been named USS Seal for the seal, a marine mammal.


Humanoid in form, humans liken their features to a mix of iguanas and seals.


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Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

The ability to "piggyback" or use various animal companions, called "Animal Buddies", returns from its predecessor, such as Squitter the Spider, Glimmer the Anglerfish, Rambi the Rhino, Rattly the Rattlesnake, Nerk the Seal, Enguarde the Swordfish, and Squawks the Parrot, which can boost the gameplay experience, proving advantageous at certain points in a level or the whole level overall.

George Francis Lyon

Wearing Arab/Muslim dress and learning fluent Arabic he managed to blend in with the inhabitants of North Africa; he was tattooed by the Inuit in the Arctic, using needle and sooty thread, and ate raw caribou and seal meat with them.

Pana Wave

They first attracted attention in March 2003, when they attempted (and failed) to capture Tama-chan, an Arctic seal which had become a national celebrity in Japan since showing up in Tama River in Tokyo the previous year.