
unusual facts about placenta


Chavali Vyaghreswarudu

He was the first Indian to introduce `placental graft' technique for treatment of polio; and the first to develop `metallic guide' for the operation of Subtrochanteric Osteotomy and a guide for passing wire in Smith-Peterson nailing operation technique.

Gestational diabetes

Because glucose travels across the placenta (through diffusion facilitated by GLUT3 carriers), in untreated gestational diabetes the fetus is exposed to consistently higher glucose levels.

Hemolytic disease of the newborn

The Neonatal Fc receptor which in case of humans transfer the maternal antibody from mother through placenta to fetus, in this case is involved in transporting the IgG1 antibodies from mother animal's mammary gland into milk and then again from the ingested milk across the newborn intestine into the newborn animal's circulation.

Human placentophagy

Oral administration of the placenta was reported in Sino-Vietnamese medicine to aid the recovery of those suffering from tuberculosis.

Maternal hypothyroidism

Thyroid hormones, T4 and TSH, diffuse across the placenta traveling from the mother to fetus for 10-12 weeks before the fetus’s own thyroid gland can begin synthesizing its own thyroid hormones.


The expression profile in mouse of the co-regulated Meg3 and Dlk1 genes suggests a causative role in the pathologies found in uniparental disomy animals, characterized by defects in skeletal muscle maturation, bone formation, placenta size and organization and prenatal lethality.


Pablo Rubinstein, Chilean doctor who pioneered the preservation and medical use of placenta blood as a form of stem cell technology.

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