
unusual facts about portrait bust

Arrigo Minerbi

Minerbi was the favourite artist of Gabriele D'Annunzio, for whom he produced "Luisa", a portrait of D'Annunzio's mother (as well as the tomb in the Chiesa di San Cetteo at Pescara, now Pescara Cathedral) and the bust of Eleonora Duse: both these portrait busts were exhibited at the Vittoriale degli Italiani of Gardone Riviera.

Francesco Fanelli

His only signed sculpture is a portrait bust of a youthful Charles II as Prince of Wales, dated 1640, at Welbeck Abbey.

see also

Archaeological Museum of Kavala

On the ground floor of the museum are artifacts from ancient Amphipolis including a marble bust of a woman (4th century BC), a marble grave stela of an ephebe (5th century BC), a large gold finger ring and a gold olive wreath that were found in Macedonian Tomb 1 (3rd century BC), a headless marble statue of a woman wearing a peplos (1st century BC), and a portrait bust of the Roman empress Agrippina.

Beriah Magoffin Monument

However, atypically of such monuments, Magoffin's portrait bust draped in a toga recalls Neoclassical conventions, as in Houdon's sculptural portrait of George Washington; this parallel with a heroic Roman was intended by the builder of the Beriah Magoffin Monument.

Charles Thomas Newton

In 1889, he was presented by his friends and pupils, under the presidency of the Earl of Carnarvon, with a testimonial in the form of a marble portrait bust of himself by Boehm, now deposited in the Mausoleum room at the British Museum ; the balance of the fund was by his own wish devoted to founding a studentship in connection with the British school at Athens.

Gino Cavicchioli

To the left of this paragraph is the portrait bust of football player Pinball Clemons created by Gino Cavicchioli, created for the Canadian Football Hall of Fame Induction 2008.

Hinton St Mary

On the floor of one room was laid a large 4th-century mosaic depicting Bellerophon and the Chimera (illustrating good defeating evil) and a portrait bust that may be a depiction of Christ.

Parliament Square

The features are based on the portrait bust of Canning by Sir Francis Chantrey, who was "not at all pleased with the preference shewn to Mr. Westmacott".