
unusual facts about postcranial



It is known from several skulls and some postcranial material found from the Argana Formation in Morocco, which dates back to the Early Triassic.


Harry Govier Seeley named this genus in 1879 for a disarticulated partial postcranial skeleton that had been uncovered at Reach, Cambridgeshire, composed of a left dentary fragment, numerous vertebrae from the neck, back, and sacrum, parts of the pectoral girdle, humerus fragments, part of the left femur, left tibia, foot bones, ribs, and other fragments.


Remains of Homo heidelbergensis were found on the site in 1994, the only postcranial hominid bone to have been found in Northern Europe.


Evidence of its existence was first found near the Smoky Hill River in Kansas, USA in the form of partial skull fragments and as an articulated postcranial skeleton.

Howler monkey

The hyoid of Alouatta is pneumatized, one of the few cases of postcranial pneumaticity outside Saurischia.

Maboko Island

These excavations resulted in a large number of craniodental (crania and teeth) remains of a medium seized cercopithecoid monkey and cranial and postcranial remains of a large anthropoid ape — later to become the holotypes Victoriapithecus macinnesi and Sivapithecus africanus.


This cranium and a number of isolated teeth and postcranial bones were found in a cave site in Pinar del Río Province.


One example is the case of a Cretaceous sauropod skull of Nemegtosaurus found in association with the postcranial skeleton Opisthocoelicaudia.


Anthodon and Pumiliopareia share numerous and striking postcranial traits with turtles.


A remarkably well preserved and nearly complete Selmasaurus skull and partial postcranial skeleton was discovered by Steve Johnson and family in 1996, from the Santonian or Campanian marine horizon in the Niobrara Formation of Niobrara Chalk, western Kansas.


It contains a single species, Stenomyti huangae, which is known from a skull, postcranial skeleton and other referred material from the Late Triassic Chinle Formation, Eagle Basin of Colorado, USA.


Yangchuanosaurus zigongensis is known from four specimens including ZDM 9011 (holotype), a partial postcranial skeleton; ZDM 9012, a left maxilla; ZDM 9013, two teeth and ZDM 9014, a right hind limb.

see also