
unusual facts about pretext


401 BC

Cyrus the Younger uses a quarrel with Tissaphernes over the Ionian cities as a pretext for gathering a large army and also pretends to prepare an expedition to Pisidia, in the Taurus Mountains.

Andlau Abbey

In 887 Richardis was put to the ordeal by fire by her husband on the pretext of adultery with the chancellor Liutward.

B.S.A. Swamy

He was a member of a people's court jury which found George W. Bush, President of the United States of America, guilty in perpetrating terrorism in the name of fighting terrorism and attacking and threatening other countries using the issue of nuclear weapons as a pretext and resorting to human rights violation and large-scale killings of people, including women and children, especially in Afghanistan and Iraq and creating a sense of insecurity in the world.

Bhujia Fort

The army of Kutch was in a precarious condition, when a group of Naga Bawas got the gate of Bhujia Fort opened through a stratagem on pretext of visiting Nag temple for worship and then joined in the fray against Sher Buland Khan's army, putting them to flight.

Constitutional Court of Italy

Since 12 October 2007, when reform of the Italian intelligence agencies approved in August 2007 came into force, the pretext of state secret cannot be used to deny access to documents by the Court.

Dam Vinh Hung

Activist Ly Tong dressed up in drag in order to slip through security, and under the pretext of giving Dam a flower, sprayed Dam in the face with pepper spray.

Declaration of Pillnitz

The National Assembly of France interpreted the declaration to mean that Leopold was going to declare war; radical Frenchmen who called for war, such as Jacques Pierre Brissot, used it as a pretext to gain influence and declare war on 20 April 1792, leading to the campaigns of 1792 in the French Revolutionary Wars.

Emilio Barzini

Corleone enforcer Al Neri, disguised as a police officer, meets Barzini on the steps of the New York Supreme Court courthouse at Foley Square on the pretext of writing a parking ticket.

Eugene Siler

He considered the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which authorized President Johnson to take "all necessary steps" in Vietnam, as a "buck-passing" pretext to "seal the lips of Congress against future criticism."


740 (Tenpyō 12): Hirotsugu petitioned for the removal of Genbō; and then Kibi no Makibi and Genbō used this complaint as a pretext to discredit Hirotsugu.

Henry II the Pious

The situation in the northwest was more complicated: Margrave Otto III of Brandenburg, using the death of Henry the Bearded as a pretext, took the important Greater Polish fortress at Santok and besieged Lubusz.

Jerusalem Development Authority

The proposal was opposed by city council member Meir Margalit, who called it a pretext for the future establishment of Israeli settlements.


Later, Sparta used the Peace of Antalcidas as a pretext to break Mantineia into its constituent villages.

Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage

In 1797 enemies of Bocage belonging to the New Arcadia delated him to Manique, who on the pretext afforded by some anti-religious verses, the Epistola a Marilia, and by his loose life, arrested him when he was about to flee the country and lodged him in the Limoeiro, where he spent his thirty-second birthday.

Nalknad Palace

After the death of the Kodagu king, Lingaraja I in 1780 AD, Hyder Ali captured Kodagu under the pretext of being a guardian to Lingaraja's sons, Dodda Veerarajendra and Linga Rajendra who were of tender age.

Napoleon and the Catholic Church

Pope Pius VI sued for peace, which was granted at Tolentino on February 19, 1797; but on December 28 of that year, in a riot blamed by papal forces on some Italian and French revolutionists, the popular brigadier-general Mathurin-Léonard Duphot, who had gone to Rome with Joseph Bonaparte as part of the French embassy, was killed and a new pretext was furnished for invasion.

Nguyen Van Nhung

The plotters summoned a group of ARVN officers to the Joint General Staff headquarters at Tân Sơn Nhứt Air Base, on the pretext that they were going to attend a lunch meeting.

Niccolò Gattilusio

The Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II used this crime as his pretext to invade Lesbos.

Ona Šimaitė

Entering the ghetto under the pretext of recovering library books from Jewish university students, she smuggled in food and small arms (helped by Kazys Boruta, amongst others) and other provisions and smuggled out literary and historical documents, and also served as a mail carrier for the ghetto inhabitants, connecting them with the outer world.


The Ōnin War: This conflict began as a controversy over who should follow Ashikaga Yoshimasa as shogun after his retirement – whether it would be his brother (Yoshimi) or his son (Yoshihisa); but this succession dispute was merely a pretext for rival groups of daimyos to fight in a struggle for military supremacy.

Party of New Forces

The group also launched its own well-produced journal, Initiative nationale, organised protests against the 1977 visit to Paris by Leonid Brezhnev (on the pretext of his support for the Polisario Front, which had taken French hostages) and in 1979 launched the Eurodroite alliance with the Italian Social Movement, Fuerza Nueva and the Belgian PFN.


In spite of Herod's warning, Phasael allowed himself to be lured with Hyrcanus to the camp of the Parthian leader Barzapharnes under the pretext of peace talks.

Pity About the Abbey

They play satirised what the two writers saw as the current trend to demolish significant or beautiful structures under the pretext of necessity, for example the Euston Arch.

Pope Innocent VII

These troubles furnished him with a pretext, of which he was not unwilling to avail himself, for postponing the meeting, which was being urged by King Charles VI of France, theologians at the University of Paris, such as Pierre d'Ailly and Jean Gerson, and Rupert III, King of the Germans, as the only means of healing the Schism which had prevailed so long.

Surprise of Meaux

Taking as his pretext that the king was threatened by Italian plans to capture him, on 28 September 1567 Condé invaded the château de Montceaux in Brie, near Meaux, in order to arrest the king's person.

The Songs of the Kings

The king is slowly convinced that he must sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia for the gods to be satisfied and Iphigenia is brought to Aulis under the pretext that she is to marry Achilles, the Greek hero.

Tobacco Control Act of Bhutan 2010

In late March 2011, the Royal Bhutan Police sued a 28-year old former employee of the Bhutan Media Service in Thimphu for spreading rumors that police had raided one of the media houses earlier in March 2011 on a tobacco-related pretext.

Uichiro Niwa

The Noda government chose to nationalize the islands on the anniversary of the 1931 Mukden Incident, which served as a pretext for the Imperial Japanese Army to invade northeastern China, which became a step leading up to the Pacific War.

Valerio Adami

In 1975, the philosopher Jacques Derrida devoted a long essay, "+R: Into the Bargain", to Adami's work, using an exhibition of Adami's drawings as a pretext to discuss the function of "the letter and the proper name in painting", with reference to "narration, technical reproduction, ideology, the phoneme, the biographeme, and politics".

Wolfgang Fürstner

This explanation was a pretext to disparage Fürstner due to his background; Fürstner, along with fencer Helene Mayer and hockey star Rudi Ball, was one of the few people with Jewish ancestry connected with the 1936 Olympics.

see also