
unusual facts about rhizome

Shaun Wilson

This will be donated in 2017 to the Australian Centre for the Moving Image and Rhizome as a major filmic collection of international significance.

Anemone trifolia

The rhizome, found directly below surface is whitish, and tends to form dense clonal colonies.


Atractylenolides I-III are bio-active isolates of the rhizome Rhizoma atractylodes (Cāng zhú).

Bak kut teh

Additional Chinese herbs may include yu zhu (玉竹, rhizome of Solomon's Seal) and ju zhi


The species name valisineria comes from the plant Vallisneria americana, whose winter buds and rhizomes are the Canvasback's preferred food during the nonbreeding period.

Goodyera repens

Like other orchids, the creeping lady's tresses live in symbiosis with a mycorrhiza, a rhizome-dwelling fungus (Ceratobasidium cornigerum or Rhizoctonia goodyearae-repentis).

Joline Blais

Entitled Distributed creativity, this system wove together correspondents from separate email lists based in California (Creative Commons), New York (Rhizome), Ireland (DATA), India (Sarai), and Australia (Fibreculture) in a global conversation on the future of creativity, intellectual property, and mobile media.

Marisa Olson

Through Nasty Nets and with the sponsorship of Rhizome she premiered a new DVD at the New York Underground Film Festival and was the subject of an exhibition at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival.

Selliguea feei

Selligueain A is an A type proanthocyanidin trimer and a sweetener that can be extracted from the rhizome of the plant.

Shou Wu Chih

Rhizome of Ligusticum wallichii (Chinese lovage, also called Ligusticum chuanxiong) - 10%

Still Water

In 2004, Still Water co-organized the event Distributed Creativity with Eyebeam Atelier, which merged conversations during a six-week period from the email discussion lists Creative Commons (USA), Rhizome.org (USA), DATA (Ireland), Sarai (India), and Fibreculture (Australia).


So far the fossil record of the genus Todea consists only of the permineralized rhizome Todea tidwellii from the Lower Cretaceous of Vancouver Island, Canada and the species Todea amissa, known from the Eocene of Patagonia, Argentinia.

Tricyrtis chinensis

Plants of this species used to be thought to belong to the Japanese species Tricyrtis macropoda but differ in several respects, most notably in that the rhizome is annual, rather than perennial.

see also