Common associates in the flora of the plant's basin and desert habitat include saltbush, winterfat, creosote bush, ragweed, greasewood, hopsage, and boxthorn.
Its native habitat is very arid, cover is sparse, and consists of saltbush and other chenopods and emu bush.
Growing around the springs are Poplar trees and Atriplexes, commonly known as saltbush, which grows on riverbanks and can tolerate salinity.
Saltbush shrublands (Atriplex sp.), with an understorey of grasses and forbs, was the dominant plant community at the time of European settlement.
The land is mostly gently undulating calcareous plains with eucalypt–melaleuca–myall woodlands and chenopod shrubland interspersed with saltbush shrubland and bindii grassland.