
unusual facts about scientific community

Cardus Education Survey Canada

Christian school graduates and religious home educated graduates show more confidence in corporations and the federal government, but less in the institutions of the federal government, the Supreme Court, the media, and the scientific community.

Darwin on Trial

The book initially received more attention from popular media than from the scientific community, although soon after the book was released Eugenie Scott of the National Center for Science Education responded to it, saying "scientific creationists" like Johnson "confuse the general public, by mixing up the controversy among scientists about how evolution took place, with a more general question of whether it took place at all".

see also

Ágnes Heller

In his response, the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, József Pálinkás assured the signatories that the Hungarian members of the scientific community are not harassed due to their scientific work.

Alexander Chumakov

Alexander N. Chumakov (born 1950), Russian philosopher, theoretician of science and scientific community organizer

Andrias scheuchzeri

In 1777 Petrus Camper thought it was a lizard (Lacerta), and at that time there was no differentiation between reptiles and amphibians by the scientific community.

Avian sarcoma leukosis virus

Much debate in the scientific community surrounded this issue until DNA integration was demonstrated by Temin in 1968 and reverse transcriptase was independently discovered by both Temin and David Baltimore in 1970.

Bermuda Principles

At a 1996 summit in Bermuda, leaders of the scientific community agreed on a groundbreaking set of principles requiring that all DNA sequence data be released in publicly accessible databases within twenty-four hours after generation.

Climate and Forecast Metadata Conventions

They are promoted as an important element of scientific community coordination by the World Climate Research Programme.

Corentin Louis Kervran

Kervran was largely ignored by the scientific community with scarce literature citation and no effect on mainstream models of biology, although the quantum physicist Olivier Costa de Beauregard considered his work valuable.

Eaton Hodgkinson

Hodgkinson used all his spare time in reading science and mathematics and soon introduced himself into Manchester's scientific community, meeting, among others, his future collaborator, Sir William Fairbairn.

France A. Córdova

From 1993 to 1996, she became the youngest person and first woman to hold the position of NASA Chief Scientist, serving as the primary scientific advisor to the NASA administrator and the principal interface between NASA headquarters and the broader scientific community.

George Wetherill

Wetherill provided leadership in the scientific community by serving on advisory committees for NASA, the National Academy of Sciences, and the National Science Foundation.


Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics, a German institute and part of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Scientific Community

John Arthur Thomson

According to Peter J. Bowler Thomson was a popular science writer who had promoted a nonmaterialist interpretation of science though his interpretation was not accepted by all within the scientific community as some had claimed his views were neovitalist and thus outdated.

Maranatha Christian University

Maranatha Christian University was founded on September 11, 1965 by the Christian scientific community in Bandung with the support of the Indonesia Christian Church and Pasundan Christian Church by the effort of the medical students of the Immanuel Christian Indonesian University.

Millennium Science Initiative

The Science Initiative Group (SIG) was established in 1999 to ensure adequate representation of the international scientific community in the MSI, to provide scientific guidance, and to coordinate the efforts of the many groups whose participation is essential for successful program implementation.

Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital

The international scientific community especially recognizes the MNI for its epilepsy research and treatment, brain imaging, cognitive neuroscience, neuroimmunology, complex neural systems, as well as for its treatment of neuromuscular disease.

Nadir of American race relations

While there were critics in the scientific community such as Franz Boas, eugenics and scientific racism were promoted in academia by scientists Lothrop Stoddard and Madison Grant, who argued "scientific evidence" for the racial superiority of whites and thereby worked to justify racial segregation and second-class citizenship for blacks.

Sociology of the history of science

A major development of the Scientific Revolution was the foundation of scientific societies: Academia Secretorum Naturae (Accademia dei Segreti, the Academy of the Mysteries of Nature) can be considered the first scientific community; founded in Naples 1560 by Giambattista della Porta.

United States House of Representatives elections in Georgia, 2012

In response to this, and as Broun is also on the House Science Committee, libertarian radio talk show host Neil Boortz spearheaded a campaign to run deceased biologist Charles Darwin against Broun as the Democrat candidate, with the intention of drawing attention to these comments from the scientific community and having him removed from his post on the House Science Committee.

World Tuberculosis Day

March 24 commemorates the day in 1882 when Dr Robert Koch astounded the scientific community by announcing to a small group of scientists at the University of Berlin's Institute of Hygiene that he had discovered the cause of tuberculosis, the TB bacillus.