
unusual facts about sea water


The Nernst equation shows that hydrogen peroxide can oxidize chloride (E°= 1.36 V), bromide (E°= 1.09 V) and iodide (E°= 0.536 V) from a thermodynamic perspective under natural conditions, i.e., a temperature range of about 0-30 °C and a pH ranging from about 3 (humic soil layer) to about 8 (sea water).

see also

2400 Fulton Street

At the time, Levi Strauss marketed a line of jeans that were bleached white by exposure to sea water.

Agatti Island

There is a Sea Water Desalination unit which provides desalinated water to the islanders.

Ahmed Al-Kudmani

In 2007, Al-Kudmani announced his retirement from swimming to spend time with his family and work under the sea water injection department for Saudi Aramco.

Ceremonial ship launching

Admiral David Farragut's famous American Civil War flagship, steam sloop Hartford, was christened by three sponsors—two young ladies broke bottles of Connecticut River and Hartford, Connecticut spring water, while the third sponsor, a naval lieutenant, completed the ceremony with a bottle of sea water.

Copper sheathing

In the late 18th to early 19th century, Sir Humphry Davy performed many experiments where he had various thicknesses of copper submerged on the shore and then measured how much the sea water had degraded each one.


took his children, their wives, and pairs of animals with him on the ark, and later built a great temple in Manbij (northern Syria), on the site of the chasm that received all the waters; he further describes how pilgrims brought vessels of sea water to this place twice a year, from as far as Arabia and Mesopotamia, to commemorate this event.

Geography of Haiti

It is a saline lake with a higher concentration of salt than the sea water and harbors numerous fauna such as American Crocodiles and American Flamingos.

Jordan Atomic Energy Commission

A study by the Ministry of Natural Resources found that the only way to meet the increasing water demands in the country is through desalination of sea water from the Gulf of Aqaba, then pumping the water to altitudes of 800–1000 meters above sea level to the population centers in Amman, Irbid, and Zarqa traveling distances of 300–400 km.

Karl Brandt

The charges against him included special responsibility for, and participation in, Freezing, Malaria, LOST Gas, Sulfanilamide, Bone, Muscle and Nerve Regeneration and Bone Transplantation, Sea-Water, Epidemic Jaundice, Sterilization, and Typhus Experiments.


A Scottish name for Salt marsh, an environment periodically flooded by sea water

Natural gas

Natural gas was used by the Chinese in about 500 B.C. They discovered the potential to transport gas seeping from the ground in crude pipelines of bamboo to where it was used to boil sea water in Ziliujing District.

Old Steine

Dr. Richard Russell, whose 1750 paper on the health benefits of sea water helped to popularise Brighton, had a house built on the Old Steine in 1759; the site is now occupied by the Royal Albion Hotel.

Polar bear plunge

Every New Year's Day around 10,000 people dive collectively into the icy cold sea water at Scheveningen, The Netherlands' main beach resort town since 1960.

Port of London Authority

Brackish water detailing the type of water of the Thames Estuary as opposed to the North Sea's Kent/Essex Strait which in terms of sea water salinity stops at Gravesend


The Macellum includes three majestic columns in cipolin marble, which show erosion from marine Lithophaga molluscs when, at an earlier time, the ground level was much lower due to Bradyseism, and sea-water could flow in.


A 2004 report published in New Scientist warned that an explosion could occur if sea water penetrated the bombs.