
unusual facts about sediment

2003 Colima earthquake

A seiche was observed on Lake Pontchartrain in the US state of Louisiana, and sediment was stirred up in several Louisiana wells.


Potassium bitartrate, a sediment from winemaking, used in cooking as "cream of tartar"


The coral is converted to sand by internal bioeroders such as algae, fungi, bacteria (microborers) and sponges (Clionaidae), bivalves (including Lithophaga), sipunculans, polychaetes, acrothoracican barnacles and phoronids, generating extremely fine sediment with diameters of 10 to 100 micrometres.

Canfield ocean

The term Strangelove ocean is a model name coined by a study published in 1985, which found a decrease in the δ13 C values of planktic skeletons following the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, causing a homogenous ocean in decades or centuries, visible in the boundary sediment layer as a manifestation of the elimination in the surface-to-bottom carbon isotope gradient in ocean waters, the halt of ocean primary production.

Cyclone Bola

As such, it had a large and lasting effect on the rivers of the area when it deposited a large amount of sediment, as recorded in the sedimentary record of Lake Tutira.

Daphnia lumholtzi

lumholtzi deposits eggs in lake sediment that can remain dormant for long periods of time.


Drywasher - A mechanical apparatus used for separating free particles of placer gold from dry sediments.

Edeowie glass

Edeowie glass is a slag-like, opaque rare natural glass found as vesicular or in sheet-like masses in a semi-continuous swath in baked sediment, about 55 km long and 10 km wide along the western side of the Flinders Ranges near Parachilna, South Australia and Lake Torrens.


Gold mining, the extraction of gold, usually from rock or sediment

Hawaii Ocean Time-series

These strategies include high resolution conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiles, biogeochemical analyses of discrete water samples, in situ vertically profiling bio-optical instrumentation, free-drifting arrays for determinations of primary production and particle fluxes, deep ocean sediment traps, and oblique plankton net tows.

James Hays

Using ocean sediment cores, the Science paper verified the theories of Milutin Milanković that oscillations in climate can be correlated with Earth's orbital variations of eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession around the Sun (see Milankovitch cycles).

Lagis koreni

It has been found in studies of Liverpool Bay that in areas where the sediment has been disturbed by dredging and more deposition has occurred, Lagis koreni and Phaxas pellucidus often come to dominate the community.


All come from the fissure filling (a fossil deposit formed when a rock fissure filled with sediment) of La Grive L5, part of the La Grive-Saint-Alban complex in Saint-Alban-de-Roche, southeastern France.

Laguna de Términos

Laguna de Términos (Términos Lagoon) is made up of a series of rich, sediment-laden lagoons and tidal estuaries connected by two channels to the Bay of Campeche in the southern part of Gulf of Mexico, in Carmen Municipality in the southwestern part of the Mexican state of Campeche.

Lake Amatitlán

Each year large quantities of untreated sewage, industrial waste and a staggering 500,000 tons of sediment are carried into the lake through the Villalobos River.

Lake Yoa

Lake Yoa recently became of interest in the study of global climate trends when a team headed by Stefan Kröpelin, of the University of Cologne, recovered a core of sediment from the bottom of the lake.


Jaekel (1910) found a potential match of the sediment in which the skull was preserved to the Wipperbrücke, Parforcehaus locality, a horizon at the very base of the Middle Buntsandstein near Bernburg.

NASA Pathfinder

Major science activities of Pathfinder missions have included detection of forest nutrient status, forest regrowth after damage caused by Hurricane Iniki in 1992, sediment/algal concentrations in coastal waters and assessment of coral reef health.

North Fork Toutle River

The Toutle River Sediment Retention Structure was built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the river in 1989 to prevent this sediment from traveling downstream and clogging the shipping channel of the Columbia River.

Paleodictyon nodosum

Adolf Seilacher who discovered the original fossils of Paleodictyon nodosum hypothesizes that the creature is a worm-like species that burrows into the sediment around hydrothermal vents and deflects water flow through the burrows to catch food or farm its own food.

Phaxas pellucidus

Studies in Liverpool Bay show that where the sea bed has been disturbed by dredging and deposition of further sediment has occurred, P. pellucidus and the polychaete worm Lagis koreni often come to dominate the community, which includes another bivalve, Abra alba.

Phyllopod bed

The preservation of the fossils – and their pre-burial livelihoods – was likely facilitated by mats of the cyanobacterium Morania, which served to bind the sediment and allow anoxic conditions to quickly form.

Pigmentiphaga litoralis

Pigmentiphaga litoralis is a gram-negative, oxidase and catalase-positive, facultatively anaerobic non-spore-forming, non-motile, rod-shaped bacterium from the genus Pigmentiphaga, which was isolated from a tidal flat sediment in the South China Sea in China.

Pteria colymbus

In El Niño years, there is increased rainfall in the Caribbean Sea which reduces the salinity, more sediment is stirred up from the substrate and there is greater run-off of nutrients from the land.


Long term industry has had an environmental effect on the fjord, and its sediment has become polluted with PCB and mercury.

Schmale Heide

In particular, the coastal cliffs of Rügen have been eroded by breakers and sea currents and the sediments dumped sand and gravel between the island cores as bars and spits.

Scientific echosounder

;Bottom type; Seabed type; Substrate type; or Sediment type : can be assessed and classified (e.g., sand, rock, soft mud, hard mud).


SedDB is based on a relational database that contains the full range of analytical values for sediment samples, primarily from marine sediment cores, including major and trace element concentrations, radiogenic and stable isotope ratios, and data for all types of material such as organic and inorganic components, leachates, and size fractions.

Sedimentary budget

For example, the Waimakariri River on the coast of Canterbury, New Zealand produces 77% of sediment supplied to the Pegasus Bay coastline.

Incorporating a sediment budget into a coastal plan has been recognised as highly important in the Hawke's Bay of New Zealand for finding information relating to hazard zones, beach property protection, and coastal erosion as well as assess the successfulness of current management strategies.

Seven Lakes of San Pablo

In a recent rocks and sediment analysis or petrographic study on the lakes and adjoining rivers in San Pablo, sulfate concentrations were considerably higher than the naturally occurring sulfates from volcanism.

Tarbela Dam

Because the source of the Indus River is glacial meltwater from the Himalayas, the river carries huge amounts of sediment.

Toutle River

It was further altered by dredging to remove sediment and by construction of the Sediment Retention Structure on the river's north fork.

The United States Army Corps of Engineers dredged sediment from the river and built the $65 million Sediment Retention Structure on the North Fork Toutle River to prevent debris from continuing downstream.

Transboundary river

Rivers have positive effects in that they carry a significant amount of sediment, which aids in building land in estuarine regions.

Tuggerah Lakes

It is also the main basin into which all the rivers and streams drain and it receives nutrients, chemicals and sediment from the entire area.


In the 1840s, Hitchcock suspected laminated sediment in North America could be seasonal, and in 1884 Warren Upham postulated that light-dark laminated couplets represented a single year's deposition.


Movement of molten rock in the mantle, caused by thermal convection currents, coupled with gravitational effects of changes on the earth's surface (erosion, deposition, even asteroid impact and patterns of post-glacial rebound) drive plate tectonic motion and ultimately volcanism.

Welsh Basin

The Welsh Basin was a northeast-southwest aligned back-arc depositional basin during the Cambrian, Ordovician and Silurian periods during which a considerable thickness of marine sediments was laid down in the area.

see also