
unusual facts about erosion


Since water erodes stone, it severely dislikes water, and seems to disappear in the rain.


erosion | Erosion |

1947 Atlantic hurricane season

In Charleston, South Carolina, the high tides caused minor beach erosion and isolated street flooding, and one person was killed there by a falling tree.

America's Wetland Foundation

In 2001, Former Louisiana Governor Mike Foster launched what would become the America's WETLAND Campaign, and declared a "holy war" on coastal erosion.

American Megafauna

There is a huge (almost endless) variety of species that can evolve via DNA chains, and the random tile map board setup is constantly changing due to certain random events (e.g., Erosion, Greenhouse and icehouse Earth, and Milankovich cycles), Catastrophes (e.g., an Impact event or a solar flare), and the addition of new Biome tiles during play.

Avicennia alba

Avicennia alba is a fast growing species and is sometimes planted, along with Sonneratia and Rhizophora, to help prevent coastal erosion.

Baer's law

In geology, Baer's law, named after Karl Ernst von Baer, hypothesises that, because of the rotation of the earth, in the Northern Hemisphere, erosion occurs mostly on the right banks of rivers and in the Southern Hemisphere on the left banks.


-- Its area is km² and its population was 6,146 in 2003.--> The origin of the name comes from the Tupi words iby meaning earth and soroc which combines to mean erosion.

Branxholme locomotive dump

In 1927, when scrap steel was an uneconomic proposition, New Zealand Railways started dumping obsolete steam locomotives at Branxholme to arrest erosion.

Burned area emergency response

Risk reduction treatments are designed to protect human life and safety and reduce flood severity, soil erosion and prevent the establishment of non-native plants.

Canterbury Bight

The cliffs are the result of erosion of the Rangitata River, Ashburton River and Rakaia River alluvial fans whose mouths are all encompassed by this region (Single, 2006).

Cooum River

According to the draft ecological plan, floral species such as Indian almond, black wattle, sacred fig, madras thorn, Indian mulberry, neem, banyan, magizham, Indian cork tree, punnai, sirukkambil, karumugai, shenbagam, bayur tree, kadamba, pavazha malli, vetiver grass, palmorasa, agave, lemon grass and subabul would be part of species along the nature trail which would play a role in erosion management.


North of Djelfa town there is an imposing physical feature known as Salt Rock (Rocher de Sel) that resulted from the erosion of rock salts and marls by rain, and to the west of the town Megalithic funerary structures are found.

Ed Hooper

In 1996, Hooper coordinated a successful national media campaign to bring attention to the plight of Shiloh National Military Park’s erosion issues and the destruction of a Mississippian Indian Mound, which sat on the back of the National Park Service's Shiloh property.

Effects of Hurricane Isabel in New Jersey

The beaches of southern Ocean County experienced a loss of 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 m) of sand, while locations further to the north experienced only minor erosion.

Efrén Pérez Rivera

In a joint venture with the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, the committee had a major role in the restoration project of Isla de Ratones, a small key by the coast of Cabo Rojo that is rapidly losing its surface area due to erosion.

Environmental impact of irrigation

The Manatali reservoir formed by the Manantali dam in Mali intersects the migration routes of nomadic pastoralists and destroyed 43000 ha of savannah, probably leading to overgrazing and erosion elsewhere.

Gates of the Mountains Wilderness

The entire canyon is an example of a superposed or antecedent stream, in which the river pre-dates the uplift of the rocks and kept pace with erosion as uplift occurred.

Genuine progress indicator

Analysis by Robert Costanza also around 1995 of nature's services and their value showed that a great deal of degradation of nature's ability to clear waste, prevent erosion, pollinate crops, etc., was being done in the name of monetary profit opportunity: this was adding to GDP but causing a great deal of long term risk in the form of mudslides, reduced yields, lost species, water pollution, etc.

Happisburgh Lighthouse

It was decommissioned and demolished in 1883 before it could be lost due to coastal erosion, its lantern being reused at Southwold lighthouse.

Headward erosion

For example, headward erosion by the Shenandoah River in the U.S. state of Virginia, a tributary of the Potomac River, permitted the Shenandoah to capture successively the original upstream segments of Beaverdam Creek, Gap Run and Goose Creek, three smaller tributaries of the Potomac.

Kudzu in the United States

Kudzu was intentionally introduced to North America by the Soil Erosion Service and Civilian Conservation Corp in 1876 for the purpose of controlling soil erosion in Pennsylvania.

Lake Souris

Therefore, when its channel of discharge was transferred to the new course by Pelican Lake and along the Pembina River, Lake Souris was suddenly lowered about 125 feet to the level of the top of the bluffs of Langs Valley, and a further lowering of 110 feet was afterward effected by the gradual erosion of this valley.

Landscape products

Geotextiles are used for drainage to either convey or allow water penetration and to prevent the mixing of two different materials; geomembranes are used to contain liquids in ponds or wastes in landfills; geogrids and geocells are used for load support and to increase the bearing capacity of weak soils; and geocells as well as a variety of turf reinforcement mats (TRM) and erosion control blankets (ECB) are used for slope and channel protection and erosion control.

Lipka Tatars

As a reaction to restrictions on their religious freedoms and the erosion of their ancient rights and privileges, the Lipka Tatar regiments stationed in the Podolia region of south-east Poland abandoned the Commonwealth at the start of the late 17th century Polish–Ottoman Wars that were to last to end of the 17th century with the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699.

Monocacy River

Some farmers in the Monocacy watershed participate in the national Conservation Security Program operated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), designed to help stem pollution due to erosion and pollutant runoff from farming.

Morris Island Light

Erosion of land caused the Coast Guard to begin construction of a new Charleston Light in 1960.

MOSE Project

Floods effects are further worsened due to greater erosion by the sea caused by human interventions to facilitate port activities (e.g. jetties, artificial canals); establishment of the industrial Porto Marghera area; and increased wash from motorized boats, which aggravate erosion of morphological structures and the foundations of quaysides and buildings.

Mount Carleton Provincial Park

The mountains in the park are erosional remnants of resistant igneous rocks that remained after an ancient Mesozoic peneplain surface was uplifted in the Cenozoic to form a plateau, and subsequently dissected via millions of years of erosion by wind, water and glacial ice.

Mount Nonotuck

The Connecticut River Oxbow (now a lake), immortalized by the famous landscape painter Thomas Cole just before natural flooding and erosion separated it from the Connecticut River, is visible from the ruins.


A nappe outlier or klippe is a small area isolated from the main body of the nappe by erosion that lies on the autochthonous base; the summit of Veľký Rozsutec in the Western Carpathians is a typical example.

National Cooperative Soil Survey

In 1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Soil Erosion Service under the Department of the Interior.

Nawabganj District

But, recently, the geography has changed due to the corrosion and erosion by the river Padma(Ganges).

New medievalism

New medievalism is a term used by Hedley Bull in The Anarchical Society to describe the erosion of state sovereignty in the contemporary globalised world.

Parson's Pond

The Arches Provincial Park with an interessting geological formation of limestone formed by glacial action, wind and water erosion is 10 km north of the town.

Passenger-Only Fast Ferry-class ferry

There was opposition to the ferries due to allegations of beach erosion in Rich Passage caused by their wake.

Pedro Valle Carlo

Valle Carlo also spearheaded the initiative to save Isla de Ratones (Mice Island), a small key off the coast of Cabo Rojo that israpidly losing its surface area through erosion.

Pile bridge

One such bridge was probably Pons Sublicius thought to have been first created around 642BC, although being made of wood; this bridge and none of the other Roman bridges of the period have survived the erosion of time.


The Macellum includes three majestic columns in cipolin marble, which show erosion from marine Lithophaga molluscs when, at an earlier time, the ground level was much lower due to Bradyseism, and sea-water could flow in.

Prehistory of Taiwan

In 1972, fragmentary fossils of anatomically modern humans were found at Chouqu and Gangzilin, in Zuozhen District, Tainan, in fossil beds exposed by erosion of the Cailiao River.


Other volcanic hills more or less like those of Auvergne are also known to geologists as puys; examples may be found in the Eifel and in the small cones on the Bay of Naples, whilst the relics of puys denuded by erosion are numerous in the Swabian Alps of Württemberg, as pointed out by W. Branco.

Sedimentary budget

Incorporating a sediment budget into a coastal plan has been recognised as highly important in the Hawke's Bay of New Zealand for finding information relating to hazard zones, beach property protection, and coastal erosion as well as assess the successfulness of current management strategies.

South Fork Eel River

The steep terrain in the South Fork Eel's watershed is the result of continuous uplift along the San Andreas Fault, and coinciding with the erosion caused by the river and its tributaries, steep canyons and ridges, many with slopes of over 50 percent, were formed.

Sphinx water erosion hypothesis

Colin Reader, a British geologist, agrees that the suggested evidence of weathering indicates prolonged water erosion.

The Life and Loves of a She-Devil

The BBC adaptation was partly shot at the Belle Tout lighthouse at Beachy Head, which has since been moved several meters from the cliff edge, due to the rapid rate of coastal erosion in the area.

Top rope climbing

For example, in Kent and Sussex in south-east England, the sandstone rock is soft and prone to erosion, so placing protection into the rock would be both damaging and unreliable.

Tristan Murail

Other pieces include his Désintégrations for 17 instruments and tape, Mémoire/Erosion for French horn and nine instruments Ethers for flute and ensemble, Winter Fragments, for flute, clarinet, piano, violin, cello and electronics as well as Vampyr! for electric guitar.


Movement of molten rock in the mantle, caused by thermal convection currents, coupled with gravitational effects of changes on the earth's surface (erosion, deposition, even asteroid impact and patterns of post-glacial rebound) drive plate tectonic motion and ultimately volcanism.

see also