
unusual facts about selectivity

Dichotic listening test

Dichotic Listening also relates to the third basic property of consciousness: Selectivity which is the capacity to include some objects but not others.

4-Nonylphenylboronic acid

4-Nonylphenylboronic acid is a potent and selective inhibitor of the enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), with an IC50 of 9.1nM, and 870x selectivity for FAAH over the related enzyme MAGL, which it inhibits with an IC50 of 7900nM.


It is the first drug developed that is a highly selective agonist for the PD-168,077 and CP-226,269.


Due to the selectivity of its inhibition, apocynin can be widely used as an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase without interfering in other aspects of the immune system.

Carbon nanotube supported catalyst

The catalyst supports can improve specific properties such as mechanical strength, distribution, stability, catalytical reactivity and selectivity of catalysts.


Con-Br is isolated from Conus brettinghami (aka Conus sulcatus), and is the only known conantokin with a high selectivity for the NR2D subunit of NMDAR.

Cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel

By measuring the currents activated in excised inside-out membrane patches upon superfusion with varying ligand concentrations, the ligand sensitivity and selectivity of both endogenously and exogenously expressed CNG channels have been studied.

Distributed element filter

Distributed element filters are used in many of the same applications as lumped element filters, such as selectivity of radio channel, bandlimiting of noise and multiplexing of many signals into one channel.


Gemigliptin is a competitive, reversible DPP-4 inhibitor (IC50 = 16 nM) with excellent selectivity over other critical human proteases such as DPP-2, DPP-8, DPP-9, elastase, trypsin, urokinase and cathepsin G.

Joshua Jortner

In 1988, Jortner was awarded the Wolf Prize in Chemistry along with Raphael David Levine of Hebrew University of Jerusalem for "their incisive theoretical studies elucidating energy acquisition and disposal in molecular systems and mechanisms for dynamical selectivity and specificity".


Nafadotride is a dopamine antagonist with reasonable selectivity for the Prinomastat

Prinomastat (AG-3340) is a matrix metalloprotease (MMP) inhibitor with specific selectivity for MMPs 2, 3, 9, 13, and 14.


Selectivity or cultural refinement, the ability to notice/distinguish small differences


Nucleophilic substitution at sp3 centres can proceed by the stereospecific NSN1 mechanism, the outcome of which can show a modest selectivity for inversion, depending on the reactants and the reaction conditions to which the mechanism does not refer.


Because it has high selectivity for the targeted pests and low toxicity otherwise, the company that discovered tebufenozide, Rohm and Haas, was given a Presidential Green Chemistry Award for its development.

University of Michigan School of Kinesiology

The Masters and PhD programs have become highly selective, with 41.4% and 27.8% selectivity rates respectively and is ranked as 5th in the nation with University of Southern California being first.

see also