
unusual facts about shia

1935–36 Iraqi Shia revolts

Martial law was declared in Diwaniyya by Bakr Sidqi and the full power of the Iraqi airforce and army was deployed against the Shia tribesmen.

Abid Ali Nazish

According to Human Rights Watch over 275 Hazara and Shia people have been killed in Pakistan since 2008, and no one has been tried yet for any of the target killings.

Ali Akbar Mohtashamipur

and to have been instrumental in the killing of Lt. Col. William R. Higgins, the American Chief of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization's (UNTSO) observer group in Lebanon who was taken hostage on 17 February 1988 by Lebanese pro-Iranian Shia radicals.

Azadari in Lucknow

The Chief Minister Mayawati issued a strict warning to the Shia community that any attempt to take out Alam procession would force the government to deal strongly with them.

Battle of Tel Hai

The defenders abandoned the position and retreated to the Shia village of Taibe where they were given shelter and an escort to Ayelet Hashahar which was under British control.


According to Palestinian American historian Hanna Batatu, the Shia inhabitants of Bosra were "relatively recent arrivals," and immigrated to the town from the city of Nabatieh in South Lebanon.


The Fatimid Islamic Caliphate or al-Fāṭimiyyūn (Arabic الفاطميون) was an Isma'ili Shi'a Muslim caliphate that spanned a vast area of the Arab world, from the Red Sea in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west.

Camp War Eagle

Soldiers from the 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division including 1st battalion 12th Cavalry Regiment and 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment were stationed at Camp War Eagle and fought against the shia Militia of Muqtada al Sadr known as the Mahdi Army during the uprising which began April 4, 2004.

Charlie Chan at the Circus

Lieutenant Macy takes charge of the investigation, assisted by Chan and his overzealous eldest son Lee, who also takes the opportunity to (unsuccessfully) romance Su Toy (Toshia Mori, credited as Shia Jung), the contortionist.

Demographics of Yemen

Religion in Yemen consists primarily of two principal Islamic religious groups: 53% of the Muslim population is Sunni and over 45% is Shia, according to the UNHCR.

Dia Abdul Zahra Kadim

1970 – January 29, 2007), also known as al-Ali bin Ali bin Abi Talib (Arabic: العلي بن علي بن أبي طالب), claimed to be from Hilla, Iraq, was the leader of an armed extremist Shiite Islam cult named Jund al-Samaa ("Soldiers of Heaven" in Arabic, a well-armed Shia cult regarding the religious leadership in Najaf as illegitimate) based in Iraq.

Education in Bahrain

Families of a predominately religious background often sent their children to religious institutions in the region, to madrasas in Mecca and Al-Hasa in mainland Arabia for Sunni students and to Najaf and Karbala for Shia students.

Eid al-Adha

# Men should go to mosque—or a Eidgah (a field where eid prayer held)—to perform eid prayer; Salat al-Eid is Wajib according to Hanafi and Shia (Ja'fari) scholars, Sunnah al-Mu'kkadah according to Maliki and Shafi'i jurisprudence.


The population is almost totally made up of ethnic Talish/Talysh—an Iranian-speaking people whose Sunni Islamic religion distinguish them from the surrounding Turkic-speaking Shia Azeris (in all sides but the south) and the similarly Iranian-speaking, but Shia Muslim Gilanis /Gilaks to their south.

Ghurabiyya Shia

While Traveling through Syria at the turn of the 13th century, the Andalusian traveler Ibn Jubayr noted that the Ghurabiyya Shia were among the Shia sects represented in Syria at that time.

Hadrat Abbas Shrine

The shrine is especially revered by the Shia who visit it every year, in the month of Muharram, and various other times of the year, to honor his legendary martyrdom in the Battle of Karbala.

Hani Kobeissy

Hani Kobeissy is a Shia Lebanese member of parliament who was elected in 2009 to represent the Shiite seat in the Beirut II district.

Hasan al-Utrush

Abu Muḥammad al-Ḥasan ibn ‘Alī ibn al-Ḥasan ibn ‘Alī ibn ‘Umar al-Ashraf ibn ‘Alī Zayn al-‘Ābidīn (Medina, ca. 844 – Amul, January/February 917), better known as al-Ḥasan al-Uṭrūsh ("the Deaf"), was an Alid Shia missionary of the Zaydi sect who re-established Zaydid rule over the province Tabaristan in northern Iran in 914, after fourteen years of Samanid rule.


From Yanouh, Hbeich went to Ghazir in the Keserwan District where he served the emirs and got rewarded with the Sheikh title, while Younane went to a village called Edde near Jbeil and named himself after the village in order to hide his original identity fearing conflict with the Shia tribes present in the Jbeil area.

Islam in Iran

Since much of the Abbasid administration had been Persian anyway, the Buwayhid, who were Zaidi Shia, were quietly able to assume real power in Baghdad.

Islamic marital jurisprudence

In Shia jurisprudence, the contract is transformed into a nikah mut'ah.

Khodayyir Abbas

A Shia Muslim and surgeon, member of the UK Royal College of Surgeons, he is a member of the Daawa Party.

Madrassas in Pakistan

Most madrassas in Pakistan cater to the dominant Sunni sect, having maximum Deobandi schools, with an estimated 4-10% madrassas serving the minority Shia population.

Mahbub Ali Khan

Mahbub Ali Khan's grandfather was an eminent doctor in Calcutta and was personal physician to the Bihari Shia lawyer-politician Syed Hasan Imam, the top barrister of Calcutta High Court and leader of the Indian National Congress.

Maroun al-Ras

The population in Maroun al-Ras being shia Muslims, however immediately called on help from Fatah and their Lebanese allies.

Mass graves in Iraq

The 1991 massacre of Iraqi Shia Muslims after the Shia uprising at the end of the Gulf war, in which tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in regions such as Basra, Karbala, Najaf, Nasiriya, Amara and Al-Hillah were killed.

Mirza Abutaleb Zanjani

Arthur Henry Hardinge, the British ambassador to Iran, wrote about him:"As I have previously mentioned, the most intellectual and enlightened Shia scholar that I've met in Tehran was Mirza Abutaleb Zanjani with whom we usually had debates about religion and politics. I personally think that Mirza Abutaleb worked on the same aspiration for Islamic unity as Abdul Hamid II ... although he himself had less faith to these principals".

Mohammad Baqir al-Fali

Sayed Mohammad Baqir Ahmad Abdul Aziz al-Fali (born 11 June 1948) is an Iranian Shia cleric and preacher from Bahraini origins.


The Momna are now divided into three endogamous groups, the Shia Momna found in Mehsana District, Ahmedabad city, and the talukas of Dholka and Dhandhuka of Ahmadabad District, the Sunni Momna who re concentrated in fifty four villages of Wankaner and Morbi talukas of Rajkot District and the Wahabi Momna of Mehsana and Banaskantha Districts.

Mufaddal Saifuddin

The Dawoodi Bohras are a sub group within the Mustaali, Ismaili Shia branch of Islam.Mufaddal Saifuddin is also one of the four Omara's(Rectors) of Al Jamea tus Saifiyah.


Like “Muhtār’īyyah”, “Hāsheem’īyyah”, “Kabr’īyyah”, all of them were from the Ghulat Shia madh'hab of Kaysān’īyyah defending the Godhead of Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah, another son of Ali from his wife Khawlah bint Ja'far.

Neil Macdonald

The report uncovered documents suggesting the UN investigative body had strong evidence to link the Shia paramilitary group Hezbollah to the 2005 bombing that killed Hariri, and that the UN had not acted on this intelligence due to diplomatic concerns.

Orakzai Agency

The Shia population resisted Talibanization in the first place.


Although the population of Pariaman is predominantly Sunni, a famous and popular festival of Shia origin named Tabuik (from Arabic "tabut" meaning coffin), is held annually in the city every 10 Muharram, the Day of Ashura.

Peter in Islam

Shia Muslims maintain that every major prophet had a disciple who became the Imam, or leader, after his death: Adam had Seth; Noah had Shem; Abraham had his sons; Moses had Joshua; and Jesus had Peter.

Religion in Bangladesh

Although these Shias are few in number, Shia observance commemorating the martyrdom of Prophet Muhammad's grandson, Husain ibn Ali, is widely observed by the nation's Sunnis.

Religion in Egypt

The vast majority of Egyptian Muslims are Sunni, with a small Mu'tazila, Shia Twelvers and Ismailism communities making up the remainder.

Religion in Iraq

Similarly, Najaf is renowned as the site of the tomb of Alī ibn Abī Tālib (also known as "Imām Alī"), whom the Shia consider to be the righteous caliph and first imām.

Royce C. Lamberth

Given the bench's reasoning, the Islamic Republic of Iran was ordered to pay US$2.65 billion for the actions of Hezbollah, a Shia militia.

Said Ashour

In Kuwait, Dr. Ashour, a Sunni Muslim, gained a great deal of recognition and admiration amongst the minority Shia'a community from his work on bridging the gap between Islam's two main sects.


Differences arise because of different interpretations of the Islamic legal sources by the different schools of law (madhhabs) in Sunni Islam, and by different legal traditions within Shia'ism.

Shia Islam in Egypt

According to Brian Whitaker, in Egypt, the small Shia population is harassed by the authorities and treated with suspicion, being arrested - ostensibly for security reasons - but then being subjected to torrents of abuse by state security officers for their religious beliefs.

The Shia Fatimids come to power in 969 CE in Egypt, they established the new capital called Cairo which was the seat of the Fatimid dynasty.

Shia Islam in Indonesia

The 2010 report to the United States Congress by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom noted attacks against the Shia communities in Indonesia, particularly in East Java and Madura in 2008.

The Five Martyrs

The Five Martyrs of Shia Islam: five Shia Muslims executed by Sunni Muslims in different periods.


One of the common characteristic of these three distinct group of people is that they frequently call themselves as "Kurdish Alawites" and distance themselves from Twelver-Shia-Muslim-Tariqat of the Anatolian Turkish-Qizilbash-Alevi-Bektashis in such a way that the prophecy of Muhammad as it was revealed by the verses of the Quran does not constitute a part of their fundamental religious faith.


Ziyārat can also refer to a form of supplication made by the Shia, in which they send salutations and greetings to Muhammad and his family.

see also