
unusual facts about skin cancer

Skin cancer

Australia and New Zealand exhibit one of the highest rates of skin cancer incidence in the world, almost four times the rates registered in the United States, the UK and Canada.


Apigenin, a plant-derived flavanoid that has significant promise as a skin cancer chemopreventive agent, has been found to regulate normal human keratinocyte differentiation by suppressing involucrin, and this is associated with reduced cell proliferation without apoptosis.

Merkel cell polyomavirus

It is suspected to cause the majority of cases of Merkel cell carcinoma, a rare but aggressive form of skin cancer.

Olive leaf

Some recent research on the olive leaf has shown its antioxidants to be effective in treating some tumors and cancers such as liver, prostate, colon, skin and breast cancer, clinical studies lacking; Olive leaf is especially potent when used in combination with other antioxidants.

see also

David Leffell

Leffell is an internationally recognized expert in skin cancer and the Mohs technique, plastic reconstruction, and new technologies in dermatology.


Afamelanotide, originally developed under the names "Melanotan-1" or "Melanotan I" for skin tanning, a drug currently in trials in implant form as a prophylactic treatment for a series of light affected skin disorders and potential skin cancer preventative agent