The Hornblower Hybrid uses power generated by two ten-foot-tall twisted-Savonius wind turbines and a photovoltaic solar array covering the awning on the top deck.
Southern exposed roof is covered by PV panels and ground floor spaces are protected by the main overhanging volume containing a restaurant pavilion.
Solar panels on the roof help power the ghetto blaster (which provides music for the shows), as well as fans inside the box that help cool the performer.
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The Cimarron Solar Facility is a 37 megawatt (MWp) (30 MW AC) photovoltaic solar generating facility in Colfax County, New Mexico, that uses thin film solar panels manufactured by First Solar.
It is a technological showcase that includes solar panel-powered headlights, integrated child seat, baby cam with a monitor mounted on the dash, inflatable rear safety belts, and an interior quieted by ground rubber taken from Nike athletic shoe outsoles.
With the stated aim of reaching a total production capacity of 10GW by 2013, three gas-fired thermal power plants at Fos-sur-Mer, Montoir-de-Bretagne and Saint-Brieuc are currently in various stages of development, as is a solar panel project in Curbans.
The Mac startup chime is now a registered trademark in the United States, and is featured in the 2008 film WALL-E when the titular robot character is fully recharged by solar panels.
The latter may be mitigated by the use of a UPS for the computer and some combination of backup power sources, such as diesel generator, solar panels, a wind turbine or other off-the-grid energy sources.
Solar Liberty is an American company that installs, sells and leases solar panel energy systems, known as photovoltaic (PV) systems, for homes, businesses, schools, universities, and other facilities.
It will house the largest photovoltaic cells (solar panel) installation on the roof in Singapore and also the first bio-diesel generation plant in a commercial development in the CBD.
He took various jobs ranging from a solar panel salesman to a window cleaner and eventually found permanent employment at Home Farm, working for the King brothers, Matthew King, Jimmy King and Carl King.
A "solar house" was completed in April 2012, with a 24 kW solar panel in Antalya.
As of 2012, all of the hangars and buildings on TRAB have been removed and the entire base is a massive solar panel "farm" (named Toul-Rosières Solar Park) with thousands of said panels cutting across runways, taxiways, ramps, roads and streets in nice straight lines.