Projects in Burkina Faso have been led in 1994 to use a red desoxy-3-anthocyanin pigment identified as apigenindin from Sorghum in the dyeing industry.
It is considered a minor pest on some species, such as Actinidia sinensis, Mangifera and Sorghum.
Sorghum bicolor | Sorghum | sorghum | Sweet sorghum |
The area and surrounding governorate depends on agriculture, mainly the production of coffee, tobacco, corn, sorghum and qat.
Aligider is located ten kilometers to the west of Teseney and was home to the Barattolo cotton plantation where Hedareb tribes and 1500 ex-fighters and their families farm cotton, sesame and sorghum.
The northern part is within the Sahel zone while southern sector has a typical Sudan–Guinea Savanna ecology, and includes Acacia-Balanites woodlands separated by dense stands of Elephant grass and Sorghum.
The only Black family in the area and like many farmers in Appalachia, Silas Wilkinson grew cash crops of tobacco and corn and produced sorghum molasses; and, given the few jobs available for African-American women in eastern Kentucky, Christine Wilkinson cleaned and cooked in the homes of the local schoolteachers of Casey County.
Wheat, soybeans, milo, and various other crops are also produced in the Lorenzo area.
These aphids become carriers after they feed on plants such as Johnson grass, corn or sorghum, or other grass species that are infected with MDMV.
According to William Safire, Sweat's nickname was derived from the phrase "sorghum top," a reference to the way in which his hair resembled a sugar cane tassel.
Puccinia purpurea, a plant pathogen species that causes rust on sorghum
Research focuses on the study of major crop species such as sorghum and cotton, as well as other species such as Bermuda Grass, Brassica and Peanut.
;Herbicide-resistant crops : commercial varieties of important agricultural crops (including soy, maize/corn, sorghum, canola, alfalfa and cotton) have been developed that incorporate a recombinant gene that results in resistance to the herbicide glyphosate (trade name Roundup), and simplifies weed control by glyphosate application.