
unusual facts about soybeans


2008 in Argentina

12 March: The agricultural sector starts a 20-day lock-out in protest at the increase in export taxes on soybeans and sunflower.

Bean paste

Fermented bean paste, a savory or spicy fermented paste made typically of salted soybeans, used in many Asian cultures


When the prince of Huainan (legendary inventor of tofu) was exiled for inciting rebellion (in 173 BCE) against his brother, the Han Emperor Wendi, he and his retinue were, nevertheless, provided with such necessities of life as "firewood, rice, salt, shi (fermented black soybeans) and cooking utensils.

Herb Rule

In addition to his legal career and political career, Rule has farmed soybeans, rice and corn near Keo, Arkansas; has been a real estate developer; co-owned a restaurant; and was a board member and stockholder of a plywood startup company in the Arkansas delta.

Illinois Waterway

Primary cargoes are coal to powerplants, chemicals and petroleum upstream and corn and soybeans downstream primarily for export through New Orleans.

Lorenzo, Texas

Wheat, soybeans, milo, and various other crops are also produced in the Lorenzo area.


Nitrogen fixation requires molybdoenzymes in legumes (e.g., soybeans, acacia, etc.).

Tuscaloosa County, Alabama

Principal agricultural products in Tuscaloosa County have included hay, corn, cotton, soybeans, wheat and snapdragons.

Wood County, Wisconsin

The north of the county is in the Northern Highlands, mostly rich cropland with heavy clay soil, used for corn, soybeans, hay and dairy.

see also