
unusual facts about special interest

Shark Conservation Act

Tom Coburn of Oklahoma objected, claiming that it and four other wildlife-related bills were "special interest" legislation that would cost too much money.

see also

Active Interest Media

The company was formed in 2003 by private-equity investment firm Wind Point Partners by the acquisition of Sabot Publishing, a "special interest" publisher based in Richmond, VA which had been established in 1999 by James Causey and Colonnade Capital.

Andreas Troeger

In 1996-1998 he programmed and co-designed the Internet political art project namespace, which was designed to unstrain the Internet from special interest's control and expanded the artificial limitation of TLDs imposed on the Internet users by Network Solutions and IANA.

Baba Amte

He developed a special interest in cinema, wrote reviews for the film magazine the Picturegoer and even corresponded with Greta Garbo and Norma Shearer.

Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve

His special interest in Christian Greek was partly the cause of his editing the Apologies of Justin Martyr (1877), "which"

Britannia Inferior

After his accession in A.D. 193, Severus took special interest in refortifying the northern border in Britannia, and in 208 he relocated in Eboracum to oversee the military campaigns to pacify the northern tribes.

BroadR-Reach Ethernet standard

The OPEN Alliance SIG is a special interest group formed by BMW, Broadcom, Freescale, Harman, Hyundai and NXP to establish BroadR-Reach® as an open standard and to encourage wide scale adoption of automotive Ethernet as the connectivity standard in automotive networking applications.

Bruce Gilchrist

That same year, with a special interest in calculating methods for weather forecasting, and with funding arranged by the mathematician John von Neumann, he joined the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey supported on United States Smith-Mundt and Fulbright programs.

Christoph Theinert

Having studied with Antonio Janigro, Antonio Meneses, Anner Bylsma and Hidemi Suzuki, he developed special interest in early music interpretation on period instruments.

Clemenz Heinrich Wehdemann

With the British reoccupation of the Cape, he settled at Plettenberg Bay in the Eastern Cape, collecting botanical specimens for Joseph Mackrill (1762-1820), a practitioner with a special interest in medicinal plants.

Demarest Hall

In the late 1990s and early 2000s a number of language studies sections were among the officially funded special interest sections of the dormitory including: French; Spanish; and Italian.

E. Jennifer Monaghan

In 1975 Monaghan founded the History of Reading Special Interest Group of the International Reading Association, and was for many years an active member of its executive board.

Édouard Hugon

Hugon showed a special interest in Ancient Greek, especially the writings of Homer whose Iliad he had partially committed to memory, thus gaining for himself among his classmates the nickname "Homer's grandson".

F A Meier

Frederic Alfred Meier (4 February 1887 – 13 February 1954) was a British school master and headmaster of Bedales School, with a special interest in practical methods of teaching Physics.

Figure Eight Island

In 2001 and 2002, the homeowners' association commissioned a survey of endangered plants and animals on the island, some of the animals of special interest were piping plovers, sea turtles, sea beach amaranth, and marine mammals.

Geoffrey Scarre

His research focuses on a cluster of topics in applied ethics and moral philosophy broadly construed, including evil, the Holocaust, death, courage, the ethics of archaeology, and utilitarianism, with a special interest in the philosophy of John Stuart Mill.

George Althofer

George W. Althofer OAM (1903-1993) was an Australian botanist, nurseryman, author and poet, with a special interest in the mint-bush genus Prostanthera as well as other Australian native plants, who founded the Burrendong Botanic Garden and Arboretum.

Great Rail Journeys

Great Rail Journeys has also developed a range of ‘Special Interest Holidays’ featuring visits to Viennese Balls Europe’s major carnivals including Venice and Nice and, for 2010, tours to Oberammergau to see the world famous Passion Play.

Hedy d'Ancona

Outside of government, she is known for starting the feminist monthly Opzij as well as the special interest lobbying group, Man-Vrouw-Maatschappij (Man-Woman-Society), which she co-founded with Joke Kool-Smit.

Heimar de Fátima Marin

Heimar Marin is also the President of Brazilian Society of Health Informatics (2002–2008); Associate-editor of the International Journal of Medical Informatics; and Vice-chair and Elected Chair (2009–2012) of the International Medical Informatics Association Nursing Informatics Special Interest Group (IMIA NI SIG).

Heinrich Eggestein

Furthermore, Heinrich Eggestein printed antique classics (e.g., Virgil's Bucolica, Cicero's De officiis or Julius Caesar's De bello gallico), but directed his special interest to Latin works of Medieval authors.

Infinite energy

Free energy suppression, a conspiracy theory that says that technology that could produce unlimited energy is being suppressed by special interest groups

Interactive Entertainment Merchants Association

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) as well as special interest groups including the National Institute on Media and the Family (NIMF) have performed sting operations on IEMA member company stores and found that retailers continue to sell M-rated games to children.

Karl König

He studied Medicine at the University of Vienna and graduated in 1927 with a special interest in Embryology.

Kjell Henriksen

Kjell Henriksen (1938–1996) was a Norwegian scientist, professor at the University of Tromsø and researcher with a special interest in Polar Lights.

Kumurdo Cathedral

Of special interest is a portrait of Queen Guranducht, the mother of King Bagrat III.

Lateral release

Amongst experienced knee surgeons with a special interest in diseases of the patellofemoral articulation, isolated lateral release is rarely performed.

Marine Nature Reserve

MNRs are by statute (under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981) and are designed to conserve marine life and geological or physiographical features of special interest.

Matheus Butrymowicz

A descendant of one of the oldest families of Lithuania and Samogitia, he took a special interest in the development of the industry and commerce of Poland and Lithuania, and to this end considered it of the utmost importance to utilize the energy and the abilities of the Jewish inhabitants.


Megaville was nominated for the title of "best film" at the international Mystfest special interest festival in Cattolica, Italy, in 1991 (although it lost to a Spanish language film, Amantes).

Near East School of Theology

The Near East School of Theology (NEST) is an interdenominational Protestant theological seminary serving the Evangelical churches of the Middle East and African churches, and is once again able to accommodate international students who have a special interest in Biblical and Islamic studies in a Middle Eastern context or those especially interested in the Ancient churches.

Omnibus spending bill

Often, omnibus spending bills are criticized for being full of pork (unnecessary/wasteful spending that pleases constituents or special interest groups.).


Special interest attaches to his edition of the Minerva sive de causis linguae latinae (Salamanca: Renaut, 1587) of Francisco Sánchez de las Brozas or El Brocense (ed. C. L. Bauer, 1793–1801), one of the last developments of the study of Latin grammar in its pre-scientific stage, when the phenomena of language were still regarded as for the most part disconnected, conventional or fortuitous.

Porter Grainger

Four of these records, made with his ensemble the Get Happy Band, are of special interest to collectors of early jazz, as these albums featured performances by the soprano saxophonist Sidney Bechet, as well as by Duke Ellington sidemen Joe “Tricky Sam” Nanton (trombone) and Elmer Snowden (banjo).


Ratfiv was developed by Bill Wood at the Institute for Cancer Research, Philadelphia, PA in the early 1980s and released on several DECUS (Digital Equipment Users Group) SIG (Special Interest Group) tapes.

Robert O. Fink

Robert Orwill Fink (4 November 1905, Geneva, Indiana – 17 December 1988, Mount Vernon, Ohio) was a papyrologist with a special interest in Roman military papyri.


Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval, a Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) concerned about information retrieval


This special interest group focus on model driven (or model based) and architecture centered software engineering techniques and tools, e.g. OMG's MDA (Model Driven Architecture).

Steven Flanagan

He holds a major TBI grant from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research; is chairman of the Brain Injury Special Interest Group of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R); and is a member of the Medical Advisory Board of the Brain Trauma Foundation.

Telecommunications Society of Australia

In 2007 TSA was absorbed into the Australian Computer Society as its Telecommunications Special Interest Group (SIG), now known as the ACS-TSA under the ACS Telecommunications Board.

The Double-D Avenger

It's of special interest to cult movie fans since it's the only "reunion film" of Russ Meyer's famous actresses Kitten Natividad (Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens), Haji (Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!) and Raven De La Croix (Up!).

Waun Fawr, Puncheston

The site is of special interest for its population of the internationally rare southern damselfly (Coenagrion mercuriale), which breeds in this small valley near Afon Anghof, above Puncheston.

West Rainton

A large granite tablet was used to record this donation and was of special interest being taken from the great pyramid of Ghizeh in Egypt with the permission of the Khedive at that time.