
unusual facts about squad leader

Albert E. Baesel

Upon hearing that a squad leader of his platoon had been severely wounded while attempting to capture an enemy machinegun nest about 200 yards in advance of the assault line and somewhat to the right, 2d Lt. Baesel requested permission to go to the rescue of the wounded Corporal.

see also

Advanced Squad Leader

"to develop, produce, and distribute games and other products for Avalon Hill's Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) game system." MMP is a gaming company founded in 1994 by Perry Cocke and Brian Youse, and later co-partner Curt Schilling, to preserve ASL and other Avalon Hill games.

Aubrey McDade

On the night of November 11, 2004, during the Second Battle of Fallujah, McDade was a machine gun squad leader with 1st Battalion, 8th Marines, 1st Marine Division, when his squad was attacked and pinned down by small arms and machine gun fire in an alley.

Battle of Kesternich

It took actions like those of squad leader Jonah Edward Kelley, who singlehandedly destroyed several machine-gun emplacements, to push the attack.


B Seshayya was the squad leader of martyrs who fought in the Telangana Peasant revolt.

Franz Augsberger

Franz Augsberger served with the Austrian Legion from April 1932 to October 1933 when he left the Legion's base at Lechfeld, South of Augsburg, and transferred to a training area near Dachau, and was subsequently promoted to SS-Unterscharführer (Junior Squad Leader) on 20 April 1934, and to SS-Oberscharführer (Senior Squad Leader) on 1 June 1934.

Red Faction II

Lance Henriksen provides the voice of the squad leader, Molov, and Jason Statham voices the vehicle expert, Shrike.


Solitaire Advanced Squad Leader, a single-player variant of the World War II board wargame Advanced Squad Leader

The Short-Timers

After his quick recovery, Joker learns that the platoon commander was killed by a friendly grenade, while the squad leader went insane and attacked an NVA position with a BB gun only to be shot down.