
8 unusual facts about standardization


The current standard extending C++ with new features was ratified and published by ISO in September 2011 as ISO/IEC 14882:2011 (informally known as C++11).

In 1998, the C++ standards committee (the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 working group) standardized C++ and published the international standard ISO/IEC 14882:1998 (informally known as C++98).


CEN/CENELEC Guide 6: Guidelines for standards developers to address the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities is a document for participants in standardisation activities at CEN and CENELEC that contains guidance for the creation and the revision of standards to ensure greater accessibility of products and services.

The ISO/IEC Policy Statement 2000 "Addressing the Needs of Older Persons and People with Disabilities in Standardization Work" already provided principles and considerations for ensuring that the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities are addressed in the standardisation process.

In 2000 ISO and IEC published the policy statement: "Addressing the needs of older persons and people with disabilities in standardization work".

Generic Security Services Application Program Interface

These libraries present a GSSAPI-compatible interface to application writers who can write their application to use only the vendor-independent GSSAPI.

Interlibrary loan

Processes are automated by computer systems such as VDX based on ISO ILL standards 10161 and 10160.

TATP Benchmark

While other industry standard throughput workloads already exist, none was designed specifically to exercise the relationship between in-memory database software and the memory processing subsystem in which it transacts.

ABCA Armies

ABCA Armies (formally, the American, British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Armies' Program) is a program aimed at optimizing interoperability and standardization of training and equipment between the armies of the United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, plus the United States Marine Corps and the Royal Marines.

Aldo da Rosa

From 1945 to 1951 da Rosa founded and was the first head of the Research and Standardization division of the Diretoria de Rotas Aéreas (the Brazilian FAA).

Authenticom, Inc.

The company is a data aggregator that uses automated standardization and database normalization technologies to supply automotive data to OEMs, marketing companies, and CRM systems.

Bernard Deacon

“Cornish or Klingon?: the standardization of the Cornish language”; Exeter, The University of Exeter Press; Cornish studies edited by Philip Payton, New series, No.

Bien Logic

Employees of Bien Logic contributed articles about standardization of web server log files and analysis of their content.

Chagatai Khanate

Included among these are Kebek (1309, 1318–1326), who instituted a standardization of the coinage and selected a sedentary capital (at Qarshi), and Tarmashirin (1326–1334), who converted to Islam and raided the Sultanate of Delhi in India.


Therefore in 1977, a standardization was established by the American Thoracic Society and American College of Chest Physicians.

Eli Whitney

An early leader was Jean-Baptiste Vaquette de Gribeauval, an 18th-century French artillerist who created a fair amount of standardization of artillery pieces, although not true interchangeability of parts.

ERTMS Regional

Standardization reached a point in 2009 that the Swedish Rail Administration ordered the equipping of a pilot railway track on the West Dalarna Line between Malung and Repbäcken in Sweden.


With such business implications in mind, David Liddle (General Manager, Xerox Office Systems) and Metcalfe (3Com) strongly supported a proposal of Fritz Röscheisen (Siemens Private Networks) for an alliance in the emerging office communication market, including Siemens' support for the international standardization of Ethernet (April 10, 1981).

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization

Together with ETSI (telecommunications) and CEN (other technical areas), it forms the European system for technical standardization.

Form-based code

Baron Haussmann, appointed by Napoleon III to oversee the redevelopment of Paris in the 19th century, stipulated precise ratios of building heights to street widths; disposition and sizes of windows and doors on building facades; consistent planting of street trees; and standardization of material colors to bring unity and harmony to the public environment.

Hiroshi Yasuda

In the sphere of international standardization, together with Dr. Leonardo Chiariglione he founded the Moving Picture Experts Group which standardized MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3, better known as MP3.

IP camera

In order to address issues of standardization of IP video surveillance, two industry groups were formed in 2008: the Open Network Video Interface Forum (ONVIF) and the Physical Security Interoperability Alliance (PSIA).

Jonathan Borden

He is an advisor for the Science Directorate of NASA, has been an invited expert for the World Wide Web Consortium Web Ontology Working Group and has been actively involved in the development and standardization of XML based electronic medical records.

Labor market area

In the United States, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) maintains standard definitions of labor market areas for the purpose of standardization and to promote comparability of the labor force information used by various government programs.


SynOptics' investor, Menlo Ventures explained its position on joining the IEEE for standardization.

LifeCell International

ISMS Accreditation: The Information Security Management System protecting is a standard published by the International Organization for Standardization that deals with handling of critical and sensitive information.

Malling series

In 1912, Ronald Hatton initiated the work of classification, testing and standardization of apple tree rootstocks.

NAACO Brigadier

In the end, the project fell victim to NATO standardization, and the company folded in 1952.

NATO Standardization Agency

The current Director of the NATO Standardization Agency is Cihangir Akşit.

Nordic Industrial Fund

It had two divisions: the Bio and Chemistry Division and the Materials Technology and Standardization Division.


OHAUS also remains certified as an ISO 9000 manufacturer, an accreditation from the International Organization for Standardization for companies that maintain a family of standards for quality management systems.

Open Metering System

The Open Metering System OMS stands for a manufacturer and utilities independent standardization for Meter-Bus based communication between utility meters (electricity, gas, water, district heat, heat cost allocators) and systems in the field of Smart meter.

Orange County Astronomers

The game changer was the standardization by IBM of the personal computer and the Operating system by Microsoft.

Overall equipment effectiveness

Although OEE can be manually calculated based on collected production data, the standardization of plant floor networks and OPC technology has led many industrial vendors to introduce automated OEE systems, ranging in complexity from a single sensor to complex integrated MES, ERP or CMMS systems.


These four or five digit codes are a standardized system intended to aid checkout and inventory control in produce markets.


Physical Security Interoperability Alliance, industrial standardization initiative promoting interoperability of IP-enabled security devices


It plays an active role in the UNSPSC classification program and standardization of communication between suppliers and purchasers.

Seweryn Chajtman

After returning from the USA he created a laboratory equipped with counting and perforating Hollerith machines, accounting and billing equipment, equipment for standardization work, psychological test instruments, equipment for production planning and a then state-of-the-art UMC-1 computer.


On the basis of a standardised questionnaire of 30–70 questions about values, attitudes and political issues smartvote develops a political profile of interested voters.


The American Ornithologists' Union changed the official American English name of the duck Clangula hyemalis from Oldsquaw to the long-standing British name Long-tailed Duck, because of wildlife biologists' concerns about cooperation with Native Americans involved in conservation efforts, and for standardization.

Svenska Akademiens ordlista

While Swedish spelling was an entirely personal business in the Catholic Middle Ages, its gradual standardization (known as Modern Swedish) started in 1526 with the translation of the New testament of the Bible (Gustav Vasa Bible), as part of the Lutheran reformation.

UMTS Forum

UMTS Forum is very active in different standardization and regulation organizations like ITU, ETSI/3GPP, EC and CEPT (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations.

Unified Modeling Language

During the same month the UML Partners formed a Semantics Task Force, chaired by Cris Kobryn and administered by Ed Eykholt, to finalize the semantics of the specification and integrate it with other standardization efforts.

United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names

The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) is one of the seven expert groups of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and deals with the national and international standardization of geographical names.

United States Military Standard

In the late 18th century and throughout the 19th, the American and French militaries were early adopters and longtime developmental sponsors and advocates of interchangeability and standardization.


A member of the French AFNOR group of standardization bodies: Union Technique de l’Automobile du motocycle et du Cycle (Technical Union for the Automobile, Motorcycle and Cycle Industries - UTAC)

Victor Gulenko

He is also credited with Alexander Bukalov and Gregory Reinin, as a chief player in the later developments and standardization of socionics theory after Aušra Augustinavičiūtė.

Wolfgang Steinert

Furthermore he contributed to the work of several standardization committees (including DKE/K 761; head of the German delegation to CISPR/A).

see also