
unusual facts about stem cell research

John Loike

Serving on an Rabbinical Council of America panel on stem cell research, Dr. Loike highlighted scientific innovations that could allow for additional research, while alleviating the ethical questions posed by the scientific use of embryonic stem cells.

Libertas Spain

Antonio Robles, "C's" member of the Catalan Parliament, promptly objected, stating that he could not justify an alliance with a party that was diametrically opposed to "C's" position on xenophobia and social liberal issues such as freedom of sexual orientation, abortion, contraception, assisted suicide and stem cell research.

Pallab Ghosh

Ghosh has covered subjects including the human genome project, cloning, stem cell research and genetically modified (GM) crops.

see also

Heat of the Moment

In a 2001 episode of South Park titled "Kenny Dies", Eric Cartman sings the song to the United States Congress to convince them to reverse a ban on stem cell research (telling them that he wanted to save his 8-year-old friend Kenny McCormick from muscular dystrophy), eventually leading members of Congress in a sing-along.

Kenny Dies

Cartman gives a speech to the House of Representatives on behalf of stem cell research.

New York Stem Cell Foundation

In 2005, Susan L. Solomon co-founded The New York Stem Cell Foundation to accelerate stem cell research to cure major disease.

The largest prize for stem cell research, each recipient receives a cash award as well as a sculpture designed by the architect Frank Gehry, winner of the 2009 NYSCF Humanitarian Award.

Stem cell laws and policy in the United States

9 March 2009 - President Barack Obama signs an executive order reversing federal opposition to embryonic Stem Cell research.

Bill Frist (R-TN) and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), a vocal abortion opponent, called for limited federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research....

2001–2006 - U.S. President George W. Bush signs an executive order which restricts federally funded stem cell research on embryonic stem cells to the already derived cell lines.

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Stem cell research at the school is aided in part by funding from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation and the promotion of WiCell.