
unusual facts about subjective

What Is it Like to Be a Bat?

Subjective and objective concepts are two very different ideas and this is when the metaphor of bats comes into play.

1839 in paleontology

In addition to never being formally described, it may be a subjective synonym of the crocodilian Machimosaurus


Little is known about the subjective effects of 5-MeO-DPT, but the nature of the compound is probably comparable to psilocybin/psilocin, or DPT, which are also psychedelic tryptamines/indoles.

Alexander Rollett

He also penned treatises on the construction and physiology of striated muscle fibers, and works involving the eye and eyesight that discussed topics such as binocular vision, color in Newton's rings and subjective color.


Addiction Research Center Inventory, a standardized questionnaire for assessing subjective effects of psychoactive drugs


Being is an extremely broad concept encompassing objective and subjective features of reality and existence.

Clean, Shaven

Lodge Kerrigan: "I really tried to examine the subjective reality of someone who suffered from schizophrenia, to try to put the audience in that position to experience how I imagined the symptoms to be: auditory hallucinations, heightened paranoia, dissociative feelings, anxiety."

Communicative action

Communicative rationality is distinct from instrumental, normative, and dramaturgic rationality by its ability to concern all three "worlds" as he terms them, following Karl Popper--the subjective, objective, and intersubjective or social.

De Finetti

de Finetti usually refers to the Italian probabilist and statistician Bruno de Finetti, noted for the "operational subjective" conception of probability.

Emotional self-regulation

It has been shown to effectively reduce facial expressivity, subjective feelings of positive emotion, heart rate, and sympathetic activation.


This subjective experience is often called a quale (plural qualia), and it describes the private "raw feel" or the subjective "what-it-is-like" that is the inner accompaniment of many mental states.

Euthyphro dilemma

Contemporary philosophers Joshua Hoffman and Gary S. Rosenkrantz take the first horn of the dilemma, branding divine command theory a "subjective theory of value" that makes morality arbitrary.

Gong ageng

It is named according to subjective poetic descriptive images for different speeds of beats, comparing slow beats with waves of water and faster beats with Bima’s laughter (Bima is one of the Pandawa brothers in the Mahabharata epic).

History of schizophrenia

David Rosenhan's 1972 study, published in the journal Science under the title On being sane in insane places, concluded that the diagnosis of schizophrenia in the US was often subjective and unreliable.

Indigo Vertigo

According to Schaffer, who acknowledges a heavy influence from Lynch (and also Japanese auteur, Shinya Tsukamoto), the book is an experiment in subjective storytelling, and came about as the result of an unconventional, intuitive creative process developed by himself and KatieJane Garside (vocalist with extreme rock band Queenadreena).

International Association of People-Environment Studies

People-environment studies, originating from environmental psychology (Lewin, Barker, Brunswik), have always tried to close the “mind gaps” between natural sciences, engineering, arts, and social sciences by an epistemological approach that encompasses denotations (objects and techniques) as well as connotations (subjective social, cultural meanings).

John Searle

Thus, "McKinley is prettier than Everest" is "epistemically subjective", whereas "McKinley is higher than Everest" is "epistemically objective.

Joseph Wolpe

Wolpe developed the Subjective Units of Disturbance Scale (SUDS) for assessing the level of subjective discomfort or psychological pain.

Judith Black

That Fading Scent, which employs cross cultural depictions facilitated through the Snow White motif, was well received by the 2006 Fringe audience, but breached the edges of the "mixed (i.e. family) audience" at the 2007 National Storytelling Network Conference, illustrating the subjective limits of what is, or is not, considered appropriate.

Liselotte Grschebina

The viewer of her pictures feels like an outsider looking in, gaining a new, objective perspective on the subject: the “objective portrait . . . not encumbered with subjective intention” wherein, according to New Vision photographer László Moholy-Nagy, lies the genius of photography.


Lyric poetry, poetry that expresses a subjective, personal point of view


These beings view individual collections of matter, i.e. any object, as subjective structures and see the true state of reality as an 'undifferentiated world of pure energy'.

Permutation City

Within the story, "Copies", digital renderings of human brains with complete subjective consciousness, the technical descendants of ever more comprehensive medical simulations, live within VR environments after a process of "scanning".

Most importantly, this great computing capacity is used to construct physiological models of patients for medical purposes, enabling the creation of Copies, whole brain emulations of "scanned" humans which are detailed enough to allow for subjective conscious experience on the part of the emulation.

Pirsig's metaphysics of Quality

In 1950, Pirsig continued his philosophical studies at Banaras Hindu University, where he came across the Sanskrit doctrine of Tat tvam asi—in his words, "Thou art that, which asserts that everything you think you are (Subjective), and everything you think you perceive (Objective), are undivided. To fully realize this lack of division is to become enlightened."

Prise de Parole Inc v Guérin, Éditeur Ltée

Following the decision of Snow v. The Eaton Centre Ltd., the Court noted that prejudice must first be determined on a subjective standard based on the author's opinion.


Psychophysics, the subdiscipline of psychology dealing with the relationship between physical stimuli and their subjective correlates, or percepts

Re Cardiff Savings Bank

It is old law, but is still often mentioned as an extreme example of to what extent a "subjective" duty of care (as opposed to an objective duty of care under the modern law, see Re D'Jan of London Ltd and s.174 Companies Act 2006) allowed directors to escape consequences of their negligence.

Royal Oak Mines

In his majority decision Mister Justice Peter Cory formulated a distinction between the subjective and objective aspects of the duty to bargain.

School of Diplomacy

Both Su Qin of the Vertical Alliance clique and Zhang Yi of the Horizontal Alliance clique issue many plans and schemes that are politically subjective.

Subject–object problem

A rather different aspect of the subjective-objective divide is the role of social inhibition, a factor at work from the times of the Roman Inquisition and Galileo to the Scopes trial and Kennewick Man.

The Signal and the Noise

Climate scientist Michael E. Mann criticized the book for analyzing the "hard science" physical phenomena of climate trends with the same approach as used to analyze the social phenomena of voter preferences, which he characterized as "laden with subjective and untestable assumptions".

Tim Krabbé

He is known to Dutch readers for his novel De Renner (The Rider), first published in 1978 and translated into English in 2002, of which The Guardian's Matt Seaton wrote: "Nothing better is ever likely to be written on the subjective experience of cycle-racing".

Urban survival syndrome

In People v. Goetz, 68 N.Y.2d 96 (N.Y. 1986), Bernhard Goetz, a white man, used the defense of a subjective state of terror and fear to justify the shooting of four black teenagers on a New York City subway.

see also