In 2009, it was revealed that the couple had been defrauded by Texan swindler Allen Stanford.
His book Jabez: The Rise and Fall of a Victorian Scoundrel, a biography of the Victorian era politician and swindler Jabez Balfour, was shortlisted for the Saga Award for Wit, also known as the Silver Booker, as well as the Whitbread Book Award for biography.
In 2013, in response to Congressman Darrell Issa's accusations that the Obama administration knew about the IRS targeting of not-for-profit conservative groups for extra scrutiny, Plouffe tweeted: "Strong words from Mr Grand Theft Auto and suspected arsonist/insurance swindler. And loose ethically today" referring to two incidents in Issa's past.
Marcellus de Niveriis, O.F.M. ( died either 1460 or 1462 ), a Franciscan monk and priest, became a swindler and adventurer and then managed to become the 26th Bishop of Skálholt in Iceland.
Pierre Grassou de Fougères is a mediocre painter who lives off painting forgeries commissioned by an old swindler and art-dealer named Elias Magus.
The village is virtually isolated from neighbouring areas because of its natives' reputation of being swindlers.