
unusual facts about tent


If the tent will be used where mosquitoes, gnats and other biting insects are expected, it should have all window, vent and door openings covered with fine-mesh "no-see-um" netting.


Not long afterward, during the heat of the day, Abraham had been sitting at the entrance of his tent by the terebinths of Mamre.


Agne returned to Sweden and they arrived at Stocksund (Stockholm) where they put up their tent on the side of the river where it is flat.

Asterix and the Big Fight

A billboard outside of this tent has a picture of the Marsupilami, a famous Belgian comics character.

Box Hill artists' camp

In the summer of 1885/86, Tom Roberts and Frederick McCubbin set up a tent on the site near Damper Creek (now Gardiners Creek) on the property of David Houston, about a mile south of the railway station.

Calgary Waldorf School

The "Faerium" boasts more notable live artists (Laura Love has played there in the past), a silent auction, catering, and even a sheesha tent.


The Rudolph Valentino Museum with exhibits on the life of the famous movie star including movie posters, the bed he slept in as a child in Castellaneta and a reconstruction of a set from the movie "The Son of the Sheik" with the tent used in the film.

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Although Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture was written with the building's completion in mind, it had its world premiere in a tent outside the unfinished church in August 1882.


Prunus fasciculata, Desert almond, (commonly infested with tent caterpillars of Malacosoma spp.)

Church Hopping

Their first stop is a Pentecostal church held in a tent, where Buck Strickland worships; Hank is quickly put off by their wild fervor.

Cyrtophora parangexanthematica

The specific name "parangexanthematica" literally means 'like exanthematica' in Filipino, referring to their close resemblance to double-tailed tent spiders (Cyrtophora exanthematica).

David Nalin

Nalin and his colleague, Richard A. Cash, working in an adverse research climate,working in a tent housing patient overflow, at a small missionary hospital carved out of the jungle, fought to perform scientific trials that would prove Oral rehydration therapy would work.

Dee Molenaar

He painted the highest watercolor in history, spending 10 days in a tent painting K2 from memory at 25,000 feet during a severe storm that hit during the 1953 expedition.

DeWitt Clinton Park

In 2005, ENK International Trade Events applied to erect a tent for two weeks in September over the handball and basketball courts in exchange for some minor repairs to the park facilities for a Fashion week event.

Dink's Song

The first historical record of the song was by ethnomusicologist John Lomax in 1908, who recorded it as sung by an African American woman called Dink, as she washed her man's clothes in a tent camp of migratory levee-builders on the bank of the Brazos River, a few miles from College Station, Texas and Texas A&M College.

Dwight McKissic

However, shortly after his election as president of the Convention, Rev. Frank Page expanded on his "big tent" view of Southern Baptists by saying,

Early Winters

of Seattle, Washington, USA was founded in 1972 by William S. Nicolai, who formed the company after creating a tent called the Omnipotent.

Eberhard Koebel

Koebel soon became a leader in the movement, inventing the Kohte, a tent design that consists of several smaller canvas panels that are carried by individuals and then assembled when they reach the campsite.

European Scout Jamboree

Some of the tents have displays by organisations (such as Oxfam) to give the participants information of global issues, and other tent

Good Scouts

He tries to chop down a petrified tree and pitch a tent with bad knots causing the nephews to laugh.

Hammersmith Is Out

Hammersmith Is Out was the first film financed by John Crean, the founder of Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. a producer of recreational vehicles, travel trailers (including fold-down tent trailers) and manufactured housing.

Honduran white bat

The Honduran white bat cuts the side veins extending out from the midrib of the large leave of the Heliconia plant causing them to fold down to form a 'tent'.

Jean-Christophe Lafaille

Over four weeks in December and January, he hauled loads up the mountain, entirely alone above his advance base camp at 5300m, but was forced to retreat from the col at Makalu La by strong winds, which destroyed his tent and twice blew him into the air.

Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument

Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument, located 40 miles southwest of Santa Fe, New Mexico (near Cochiti), is a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) managed site that was established as a U.S. National Monument by President Bill Clinton in January 2001 shortly before leaving office.

Kaspersky Commonwealth Antarctic Expedition

Team leader Felicity Aston, of the United Kingdom, explained: "Half of the team don’t usually celebrate Christmas so the others are having great fun teaching them Christmas songs and explaining why they have to hang their smelly socks outside the tent on Christmas Eve".


An open gallery connects the cathedral with the nearby Savior church, which has a square tower and a tent-like belfry.

Knaster–Kuratowski fan

In topology, a branch of mathematics, the KnasterKuratowski fan (also known as Cantor's leaky tent or Cantor's teepee depending on the presence or absence of the apex) is a connected topological space with the property that the removal of a single point makes it totally disconnected.

Live at Loch Lomond

The Hacienda Classics Tent, celebrating 25 years of one of the world's most famous clubs, was popular on Sunday with DJ sets from Boney, Peter Hook, A Guy Called Gerald.

Marina Rikhvanova

In 2008, a group of Russian youths attacked a tent camp Rikhvanova had organized to protest a proposed uranium enrichment center in Angarsk, about 50 miles west of Baikal.

Mel Broughton

He worked on Operation Osprey in Scotland when he was 15, living in a tent to guard osprey nests.

Ministry of Fear

He guesses the weight of a cake for a shilling, and is urged to go to the palm reader's tent to have his fortune told by Mrs. Bellane (Aminta Dyne), an older woman.

Mummery Cliff

In association with the names of pioneers of polar life and travel grouped in this area, named by the United Kingdom Antarctic Place-Names Committee (UK-APC) in 1971 after Albert F. Mummery (1855–95), English mountaineer and designer of the Mummery tent.

Occupy Dame Street

The group gained the support of Irish musicians Christy Moore, Damien Dempsey and Glen Hansard, who all played separately at the group's "Tent Town" on 8, 23 and 24 December respectively.

Occupy Unmasked

The Occupy Unmasked premiere was introduced by Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann in a tent theater outside of Tampa Bay Times Forum during the 2012 Republican National Convention.

Oxnard Airport

In the 1930s aviator Howard Hughes erected a tent at the airport to shelter his famous H-1 monoplane racer, which he tested from the dirt strip.

Partille Municipality

The Scotsmen William Gibson and Alexander Keiller opened a factory for production of sail- and tent cloth.

Robert Dickerson

Inspired by Somerset Maugham's novel The Moon and Sixpence he spent the time painting island children using tent canvas and camouflage paint.

Saharonim Prison

Together with the Ktzi'ot prison, Sadot prison and the Nachal Raviv tent camp they detain Sudanese and Eritrean asylum seekers who crossed the border from Egypt to Israel.

Second ascent of the Matterhorn

The Valtournanche natives who started to facilitate the way up the southwest ridge of the Matterhorn for Felice Giordano and Quintino Sella, pitched their tent upon Whymper third platform, at the foot of the Great Tower (12,992 ft), and enjoyed several days of bad weather under its shelter.

Sioux Falls Jazz and Blues Festival

JazzFest features a main stage, second stage for local talent, the Sanford Children's JazzQuest Area, a poetry tent, various food and beverage vendors and many craft and non-food booths.

St Mary's, Barkly West

Within a month, “Church of England Services” were being advertised and held at Pniel, “in the new church tent”; in the Music Hall at Klipdrift (afterwards called Barkly West); and also at Good Hope.

Strange Piece of Paradise

On June 22, 1977, after stopping to camp at Cline Falls State Park in Oregon, they are brutally attacked when a man runs over the tent in which they are sleeping with a high-clearance pick-up truck and assaults them with an ax.

Tent tortoise

The Tent tortoise (Psammobates tentorius) is a species of tortoise and one of three members of the genus, Psammobates.

The Family of Darius before Alexander

According to Quintus Curtius's History of Alexander the Great, Alexander went to the women's tent accompanied only by Hephaestion, counselor to the king and his intimate friend since the two had been children.

The Midnight Patrol

The Stoke-on-Trent Laurel & Hardy tent is named 'The Midnight Patrol Tent' in honour of this film as well as the San Jose, California tent.

Totta Näslund

Nationalteatern was one of the many leftist music and theater groups that came together in 1977 to form Tältprojektet, The Tent Project, a musical theater performance on the history of the Swedish working class, which toured the country that summer.

Vitaly Nikolayenko

He helped conduct an inquiry after Michio Hoshino, the renowned Japanese bear photographer, was pulled out of his tent and eaten by a bear in 1996 in the southern reserve, a more remote region neighbouring the 2.8 million acre (11,000 km²) Kronotsky state reserve where Nikolayenko was based.

Vivienne de Watteville

She narrowly escaped death in a close encounter with a lion (thinking the visitor one night was a hyaena, she left her tent to chase it off with a pail, realising her mistake too late to retreat: she was so close to the lion she could have touched it), and twice with charging rhinos that missed her by inches; she climbed two mountains (Ol Doinyo Orok and Longido); and she killed no animals except, at the request of the local Maasai, a man-eating lioness, shot by her askari.

Whymper Spur

Named by the United Kingdom Antarctic Place-Names Committee (UK-APC) in 1971 after English mountaineer and artist Edward Whymper (1840–1911), who made the first ascent of the Matterhorn, Switzerland, July 14, 1865; designer of the prototype of the Whymper tent, 1861-62.

see also