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We then see Lee competing in various martial arts tournaments and eventually landing a role on the television show The Green Hornet.
Captain Action was an action figure created in 1966, equipped with a wardrobe of costumes allowing him to become Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Captain America, Aquaman, the Phantom, The Lone Ranger (and Tonto), Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, Sgt. Fury, Steve Canyon, and the Green Hornet.
Additionally, she appears as Lenore "Casey" Case, the secretary to Britt Reid/The Green Hornet in the Green Hornet segment of Timothy Tau's bio-pic of Keye Luke.
He collaborated with Dean Jeffries in 1966 on several TV cars, including Black Beauty for The Green Hornet and the Monkeemobile for The Monkees.
He began a long association with station owner George W. Trendle and radio station WXYZ in Detroit, which was trying to make a name for itself as a producer of radio drama, creating and writing the early series Thrills of the Secret Service, Dr. Fang, and Warner Lester, Manhunter (which introduced Mike Axford, later a supporting character on The Green Hornet).
His producer credits in the 1940s include such serial films as The Green Hornet and Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe.
He earned the nickname "The Green Hornet", after the comic book and radio serial character of the same name, because he "always knew what the bad guys were doing" during his turn as orderly officer.
The prototype was called the "Green Hornet" after the popular radio show The Green Hornet, because it sounded like a buzzing hornet — resembling the show's theme tune — to anyone trying to eavesdrop on the conversation.
The Brown Hornet's name is a play on the name of the old time radio hero The Green Hornet.
A bit player for most of her career, she appeared in such TV shows as "The Girl From UNCLE", "The Green Hornet", "Mannix" and a brief appearance in the 1967 episode of "The Fugitive", The One That Got Away.
He also performed those functions on the The Green Hornet TV show, which starred Van Williams and Bruce Lee, although here the narration was limited to the stock opening, the next-episode trailers, and the story-so-far recaps in its three two-part episodes.
"The Best of Old Time Radio" featuring vintage episodes of Fibber McGee and Molly, The Green Hornet, Lum and Abner, The Great Gildersleeve, Gunsmoke among others were also aired to coincide with its earlier formats.
Dean E. Hallmark, born in Robert Lee on January 20, 1914, served as the command pilot of B-25 #6, the "Green Hornet," on Jimmy Doolittle's Tokyo Raid of April 18, 1942.