
15 unusual facts about the Holocaust

Eric Cline

Ahenakew, once a respected aboriginal leader, had delivered a speech describing Jews as a "disease" who deserved to be "fried" in The Holocaust.

Gertrude Scharff Goldhaber

from the University of Munich, and though her family suffered during The Holocaust, Gertrude was able to escape to London and later to the United States.

Ghulam Azam

Former caretaker government adviser, human rights activist and witness for the prosecution Sultana Kamal said- "In brutality, Ghulam Azam is synonymous with German ruler Hitler who had influential role in implementation and execution of genocide and ethnic cleansing".

Gila Golan

A Roman Catholic family found her left in a bundle at a train station during the Holocaust, and adopted her during the war.

Hong Kong Island by-election, 2007

Chan derided Ip for saying Hitler killed 7 million people after coming to power through democracy, and then saying she was fighting for universal suffrage.

Jena West station

The deportation of Jews, Sinti and Romani during the Second World War is commemorated by a flower-decked plaque at the track-side entrance of the entrance building.

Kiryat Sanz, Netanya

In the 1950s, as the nascent State of Israel began building its population, the Klausenburger Rebbe — who had emigrated to the United States in 1947 after surviving The Holocaust and living in displaced persons camps — applied to the Israeli government for land on which to build a Hasidic settlement for Holocaust survivors.

Mekor Baruch

Before 1948, Mekor Baruch was considered an upscale neighborhood and was home to Eastern European Labor Party members and Holocaust survivors.

New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education

Its core mission is to promote Holocaust education throughout the state by surveying, designing, encouraging and promoting Holocaust and genocide education and awareness.

Şerban Nichifor

He has composed many works dedicated to the victims of The Holocaust.


Shoa may refer to The Holocaust (also known as "the Shoah" or Ha-Shoah in Hebrew).

SS Navemar

In 1941, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (known as "The Joint") were desperate to rescue Jewish refugees from Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia escaping Nazi persecution.

Veľká Lomnica

Adolf Burger (born 1917), a Jewish The Holocaust survivor and writer, whose memoirs were made into an Oscar winning movie

Vladimir Šenauer

Šenauer paternal grandmother, most of his closer and wider family were killed during the Holocaust.

Wilhelm Brasse

--Can you give an idea of numbers? "some 500"?--> are on display in the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority, Israel's official memorial to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust.

1940 in Germany

3 June — The Holocaust: Nazi leader Franz Rademacher proposes the Madagascar Plan according to which the Jewish population of Europe would be relocated to the island of Madagascar.

1952 in Israel

According to the Agreement, West Germany was to pay Israel for the slave labor and persecution of Jews during the Holocaust, and to compensate for Jewish property that was stolen by the Nazis.


In addition to the criticism that had already been raised about The Deputy for its portrayal of the role of the Catholic Church during the Holocaust, the film created controversy in Catholic circles by its poster (created by controversial Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani) representing a mix of a Christian cross and a swastika.


Most of the town's Jews (around 21% of the population) perished in the Stahlecker phase of the Holocaust in August 1941.

Charles C. Glover Memorial Bridge

On November 20, 1946, Stephen Norman, grandson of Theodor Herzl, jumped off the bridge to his death three weeks after learning that his whole family had died in the Holocaust.

Dario Gabbai

He was liberated from Ebensee concentration camp in Austria by the United States Army, and has publicly spoken about what he witnessed and experienced during the Holocaust.

Felix Zandman

He survived the Holocaust thanks to a family of Polish Righteous Jan and Anna Puchalski who hid him and his uncle for 17 months.

Hiding and Seeking

Hiding and Seeking: Faith and Tolerance After the Holocaust is 2004 documentary film about Menachem Daum, an Orthodox Jew and son of German Nazi Holocaust survivors who has spent his life interviewing survivors about the impact of the Holocaust on their lives.

Imre Varga

He created a wide array of works - ranging from statues of Vladimir Lenin to the Holocaust, to statues of Francis II Rákóczi, Raoul Wallenberg, Sir Winston Churchill and Béla Bartók to Konrad Adenauer and Charles de Gaulle.

Julian Grobelny

The couple was famous for their preoccupation with saving particularly Jewish children from the Holocaust by entering the Warsaw Ghetto and walking out with them as their own.

Karl Eberhard Schöngarth

Schöngarth attended the Wannsee Conference on 20 January 1942, along with Dr. Rudolf Lange (Einsatzgruppen A), who had also participated in the Holocaust.


After the war, he established a congregation for Chust Holocaust survivors in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn which his son-in-law Grand Rabbi Pinchos Dovid Horowitz, eldest son of Levi Yitzchak Horowitz the Bostoner Rebbe, now leads.


As part of the Polotsk and Vitebsk guberniyas, the region was part of the Pale of Settlement and had a very large Jewish population – but most of the Jews perished in the Holocaust and much of the remainder has emigrated.

Louise Murphy

She caught both kids and adult readers in her story of the classic fairy tale Hansel and Gretel mixed in with the Holocaust and World War II.

Malka Lee

She is the author of Durkh Kindershe Oygn (Through the Eyes of Childhood), published in 1955 and dedicated to her family, who were killed by the Nazis in the shtetl of Monastrishtsh (now Monastyryska, Ukraine) in 1941, as well as six volumes of poetry in Yiddish, her mother tongue, much of it about her experience of observing the Holocaust from the safety of the United States.

Matthew Kapell

Other publications include works on the computer game Civilization, Holocaustal images in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the American speculative fiction and socialist writer Mack Reynolds re-working of the Utopian fiction of Edward Bellamy, and Christian Romance fiction.

Miklos Kanitz

Miklos Samual Kanitz (1939–2006) was a Hungarian-Canadian Holocaust survivor living in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Mordechaï Podchlebnik

Mordechaï Podchlebnik or Michał Podchlebnik (born in 1907, and residing in Koło before World War II) was a Polish Jew who managed to survive the Holocaust.

Naftoli Carlebach

In the year preceding World War II, he narrowly escaped the horrors of the Holocaust through the aid of Rabbi Naftoli Neuberger, the principal of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, who sent him an entry visa.

Page of Testimony

A Page of Testimony is a form issued by Yad Vashem (יד ושם) that asks for information about a Jewish victim of the Holocaust.

Pope John Paul II and Judaism

This concert, which was conceived and conducted by American Maestro Gilbert Levine, was attended by the Chief Rabbi of Rome, the President of Italy, and survivors of the Holocaust from around the world.

Psyclon Nine

In interviews, the band has stated that they are frequently accused of Nazism, partly because their name is derived from Zyklon B, an insecticide best known for its use by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust.

Rabin Square

Near the south end of the square is a memorial sculpture designed by Israeli artist Yigal Tumarkin commemorating the Holocaust.

Resistance in Lithuania during World War II

As of January 2008, 723 Lithuanians were recognized by Israel as Righteous among the Nations for their efforts in saving Lithuania's Jews from the Holocaust.

Samson Option

In 2012, in response to Günter Grass's poem "Was gesagt werden muss" ("What Must Be Said") which criticized Israel's nuclear weapons program, Israeli poet and Holocaust survivor Itamar Yaoz-Kest published a poem entitled "The Right to Exist: a Poem-Letter to the German Author" which addresses Grass by name.

SMS Berlin

In January 1924, Berlin departed German waters for an extended overseas cruise, which was the first time a German warship had done so since the end of World War I. While on the cruise, Canaris met a naval cadet by the name of Reinhard Heydrich, who went on to become a close friend and eventual architect of The Holocaust.

Soldiers and Slaves

Cohen details how the prisoners, many of whom were accused by their Nazi captors of being Jewish, were mixed in with victims of the Holocaust and sent to a concentration camp in Berga.


Also, euphemisms of Nazi Germany, like "final solution" for what is today known as the Holocaust, have been regarded as a case of Sprachregelung as recounted in Hannah Arendt's coverage of the trial of Eichmann in Jerusalem.


Almost all of Subate's Jews were brutally murdered in the Stahlecker phase of the Holocaust in 1941.

The Camomile Lawn

The character of Oliver was based on her former boyfriend Lewis Clive while Max was based on Paul Ziegler (brother of Heinz Otto Ziegler), one of her friends whose parents died in The Holocaust.

The Electronic Intifada

EI co-founder MP Arjan El-Fassed, who also wrote for the website Al-Awda, told major Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant that the fuss created by NGO Monitor was related to one quote from an interview with the Jewish Holocaust survivor and anti-Zionist Hajo Meyer in June 2009.

Tzvi Berkowitz

Born in San Francisco to Holocaust survivors of Gerrer Hasidic descent, he went to study at Ner Israel Yeshiva at a young age.

Victor Martin

During World War II he embarked on a spying mission in Germany for the Front de l'Indépendance Belgian communist resistance organization, bringing back the first reliable information about the fate of Jews deported to Germany, as well as detailed information about the functioning of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Werner Willikens

Ian Kershaw has argued that a speech made by Willikens in 1934, and in particular his use of the phrase "working towards the Fuehrer", was important in laying the framework for the Holocaust.

William Daroff

He also studied at Kraków, Poland's Jagiellonian University, where he received a certificate in the history of Eastern European Jewry and The Holocaust.