
unusual facts about timberlands


Antlers Frisco Depot and Antlers Spring

The railroad, which was built north to south through the mountains and virgin timberlands of the Choctaw Nation of the Indian Territory, brought civilization to the wilderness—three passenger trains operated daily in each direction, plus two freight trains, making for a total of ten trains per day.

Arkansas Timberlands

The Arkansas Timberlands was the birthplace of former President of the United States Bill Clinton.

Dense pine and cypress forests covered the hilly terrain and lined the numerous rivers of the Timberlands until modern settlement created a significant logging industry and subsequent clearance agriculture which provided the basis of the local economy until the discovery of petroleum.

Finkbine-Guild Lumber Company

As their timberlands were being exhausted in Mississippi, the Finkbine-Guild Lumber Company planned to keep their Mississippi mills as re-manufacturing and finishing plants and feed them with California redwood.

John Rudey

Since 1992, he has been Chairman of the U.S. Timberlands Services Company, Manager of the U.S. Timberlands Klamath Falls of Klamath Falls, Oregon, and Chief Executive Officer of Garrin Properties Holdings.

Steam donkey

Agreements have been made with forestland owner Island Timberlands (owned by Brookfield Asset Management) to log, mill, and sell trees and lumber from the surroundings of McLean Mill.

see also