
unusual facts about tubers



Diosgenin, a steroid sapogenin, is the product of hydrolysis by acids, strong bases, or enzymes of saponins, extracted from the tubers of Dioscorea wild yam, such as the Kokoro.

Hog potato

Ipomoea pandurata, a species of morning glory with edible tubers, native to the Eastern North America

Hoffmannseggia glauca, a legume with edible tubers, native to the Southwestern United States


Almost all type of fruits, nuts and tubers can be made as kripik, such as kripik singkong (cassava cracker) and kripik pisang (banana cracker), kripik apel (apple cracker) from Malang in East Java, also kripik nangka (jackfruit cracker), kripik salak (snake fruit cracker), kripik durian from Medan, kripik talas (taro cracker), kripik ubi (sweet potato cracker), and kripik sukun (breadfruit cracker).


Matapa is a typical Mozambican dish, prepared with young cassava leaves piled with garlic and flour extracted from the tubers, cooked with crab or shrimp.

Stuckenia pectinata

The nutritious tubers are an important food source for waterfowl, including the Canvasback, which help disperse the plant.

see also