
64 unusual facts about university of Copenhagen

1873 in Denmark

The Danish Mathematical Society, a society of Danish mathematicians, is founded at the University of Copenhagen.


25CN-NBOH (or NBOH-2C-CN) is a compound indirectly derived from the phenethylamine series of hallucinogens, which was discovered in 2011 by Martin Hansen at the University of Copenhagen.

Actuarial credentialing and exams

In Denmark it normally takes five years of study at the University of Copenhagen to become an actuary with no professional experience requirement.

Bertel Bruun

He attended the University of Copenhagen for his undergraduate studies and medical school, completing his studies there in 1964.

Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen

Bergstrøm-Nielsen completed his studies in Musicology at the University of Copenhagen in 1984.

Carl Christian Rafn

After attending the Cathedral School in Odense (Odense Katedralskole), he entered the University of Copenhagen where he earned his law degree and graduated (1816).

Carlsberg papyrus

It currently resides in the Egyptological Institute of the University of Copenhagen.

Charax Spasinu

The Carsten Niebuhr Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, University of Copenhagen.

Darren Spedale

In 1996, having been awarded a Fulbright Fellowship after his undergraduate work, Spedale enrolled at the University of Copenhagen and spent two years in Denmark researching how northern Europe was recognizing non-traditional families.

Dialog Center International

According to According to Mikael Rothstein, an associate professor of religious history at the University of Copenhagen, the Dialog Center International has been greatly influential in promoting a negative public opinion of cults in Denmark and other countries in Europe.

Doctoral ring

The ring is not awarded as such, but the doctoral title enables the recipient to purchase the figured plate from the University of Copenhagen which is the facilitator of this service.

Elis Strömgren

He became Professor of Astronomy and director of the Copenhagen Observatory of the University of Copenhagen in 1907.

Frederick IX of Denmark

Frederick was educated at the Royal Danish Naval Academy (breaking Danish royal tradition by choosing a naval instead of an army career) and the University of Copenhagen.

Frostathing Law

The Håkon Håkonsson version is also known as the Codex Resenianus, after the historian Peder Hansen Resen who gave the only surviving version to the University of Copenhagen (unfortunately later destroyed in the 1728 fire at the Copenhagen Library).


He began collaborating with Dr. Soren Christensen, a natural products chemist, at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, and the first scientist to isolate thapsigargin from the plant Thapsia garganica, a poisonous weed that grows wild in areas of the Mediterranean.

Gonoshasthaya Samaj Vittik Medical College

Gonoshasthaya Samajvittik Medical College is listed by The University of Copenhagen in the AVICENNA Directory for medicine, a world directory of medical schools, with the help of the World Health Organization.


A fairly complete manuscript of the legislation from around 1250 has survived, Codex Ranzovianus at the University of Copenhagen; however, the text represents all the laws adopted and amended by the farmers at the thing over several centuries.

Hannes Hafstein

He obtained the National Grammar School Leavng Certificate (stúdentspróf) in 1880 and obtained a degree in Law (Lower Second Class) from the University of Copenhagen in 1886.

Heather Spears

Educated at the University of British Columbia and the Vancouver School of Art, Spears emigrated to Denmark in 1962 where she also studied at the University of Copenhagen.

Helle Frederiksen

At Syddansk Universitet Frederiksen studying for a Bachelors degree in sports (Idræt og Sundhed, 2005) and after having moved to Farum she studied for a Masters degree in Physical Education and Nutrition (Cand. Scient. i Human Ernæring, 2008) at the University of Copenhagen.


The settlement of Nødebo on the southeastern banks of Esrum Sø and enclosed by Gribskov, is home to the forestry boarding school of 'Skovskolen' (English: The Forest School) administered by the University of Copenhagen.

Holger Werfel Scheuermann

He began his studies in 1895 and graduated in medicine at the University of Copenhagen in 1902.

Horse genome

In 2012, researchers at the University of Copenhagen used NEXTGEN sequencing to sequence four modern domesticated horses of different breeds, a Przewalski's horse, and a donkey, comparing these to DNA from three fossil horses dated between 13,000 and 50,000 years ago.

Howard V. and Edna H. Hong Kierkegaard Library

Along with the Søren Kierkegaard Research Center at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, it is one of two internationally-significant research facilities devoted to the study of Kierkegaard.

Inge Lehmann

After having finished school, she studied, with some interruptions due to poor health, mathematics at the University of Copenhagen and University of Cambridge.

Islands Brygge Station

Mostly educational in nature, nearby is the University of Copenhagen's Faculty of Humanities.

Iver Steen Thomle

In 1879 he took the dr. juris degree at the University of Copenhagen, and that same year became the seventh Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Jens Bangsbo

Jens Bangsbo is a Danish published author on physiology and sports science, and a scholar in those fields,being a professor at University of Copenhagen.

Johan Collett

Collett grew up in Copenhagen, and studied at the University of Copenhagen.

Jón Helgason

He was head of the Danish Árni Magnússon Institute from 1927 to 1971 and professor of Icelandic studies at the University of Copenhagen from 1929 to 1970.

Jonas Haas

He was very busied not long after his arrival there and was appointed official engraver for the University of Copenhagen (1755).

Jónas Hallgrímsson

In 1832 he sailed to Denmark, and passed the entrance exam for the University of Copenhagen.

Kamal Qureshi

After attending Tårnby High School Qureshi studied medicine at the University of Copenhagen, graduating as a medical doctor in 2000.

Lise-Lotte Rebel

Lise-Lotte Rebel (born 23. January 1951) is a master of theology from the University of Copenhagen (1978).

Louis Sass

He has been a visiting professor at Leiden University in the Netherlands, the University of Chicago, the University of Michoacan of San Nicolás de Hidalgo in Morelia, Mexico, at the Center for Subjectivity Research at the University of Copenhagen, and at the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology in Paris.

Milesian tale

But Gottskálk Jensson of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, offers a dissenting view or corrective, arguing that the original Milesian tale was

Oliger Jacobaeus

He was professor of medicine, philosophy, history, and geography at University of Copenhagen.

Peder Olsen Walløe

Dr. Louis Bobé was a professor at the University of Copenhagen, chairman of the Greenlandic Society (Grønlandske selskabs) (1921-1924) and was appointed Royal Danish historian in 1921.

Peter Gantzler

Peter Gantzler originally studied Danish at the University of Copenhagen, but changed to the Danish National School of Theatre where he got his degree in 1990.

Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard

His current position is as Professor of Political Theory and Comparative Politics at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, where he has held various positions since 1991, and where he specializes in political institutions, political economy and American politics, especially issues such as elections, voting systems and constitutions.

Peter Satir

In 2005, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Copenhagen.

Press Play On Tape

All of the members are alumni of the computer science programme at the University of Copenhagen.

Pristomyrmex rasnitsyni

Pristomyrmex rasnitsyni is known from a solitary fossil, the holotype, specimen number 1.ii.1969, which is currently in the collections of the University of Copenhagen.


Founded in 1773, the town is now home to a campus of the University of Copenhagen known as Arctic Station.

Robert Bruce Lindsay

Before receiving his Ph.D. for atomic models of alkali metals from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1924, he spent the 1922-23 academic year as a Fellow of The American-Scandinavian Foundation at the University of Copenhagen under Niels Bohr and Hans Kramers.

Roskilde University

In the 1970s the university was known for its very liberal education as opposed to the usual lectures provided by the more traditional universities of Copenhagen and Århus.

Seal of Massachusetts

The source is attributed to the letter written by a father of an English soldier and politician Algernon Sidney: "It is said that the University of Copenhagen brought their album unto you, desiring you to write something therein; and that you did scribere in albo these words: 'Manus haec inimica tyrannis ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem'".


As Sutton was teaching DanceWriting to the Royal Danish Ballet, Lars von der Lieth, who was doing research on sign language at the University of Copenhagen, thought it would be useful to use a similar notation for the recording of sign languages.

Sigri Mitra Gaïni

She has also studied Philosophy at the University of Copenhagen, but finally she finished an education as school teacher.

Silver Donald Cameron

One of the Terrio daughters, Marie Louise "Lulu" Terrio had gone to Denmark the year before he moved to the village to study biochemistry at the University of Copenhagen.

Sissal Kampmann

After finishing the Faroese University-preparatory school (in Faroese called Studentaskúli, in Danish: Gymnasium) in Tórshavn, she moved to Denmark to study Nordic literature at the University of Copenhagen.

Soren Holm

Holm holds a masters degree in health care ethics from the University of Manchester and two doctoral degrees in medical ethics from the University of Copenhagen.

St. John's Church, Copenhagen

The church plays host to the student priest for University of Copenhagen's faculties of Health Sciences and Science, both located nearby.

Steensby Inlet

It is named in honor of Hans Peder Steensby, ethnographer and professor of geography at the University of Copenhagen.

Steve Scully

Scully received an undergraduate degree with honors in communication and political science from American University in Washington, D.C. During his degree he completed a study abroad program at the University of Copenhagen, interned for Sen. Joe Biden and served as a staff assistant in Sen. Ted Kennedy’s media affairs office.

Store Kannikestræde

After the Reformation, University of Copenhagen took over the Roskilde bishops' premises north of the church side of the church (now known as the University Quadrangle).

Its history is closely associated with the University of Copenhagen and some of Copenhagen's oldest halls of residence are located in the street.

The Adler Papyri

The published papyri are now in the Papyrus Carlsberg Collection at the University of Copenhagen.

The Bible in History: How Writers Create a Past

The Bible in History, subtitled How Writers Create a Past, (Pimlico, 1999), is a book by Thomas L. Thompson, Professor of Old Testament at the University of Copenhagen.

Ulmus × hollandica 'Dampieri'

University of Copenhagen Botanic Garden, where it is also known by the common name of 'Krusbladet'.

Ulmus × viminalis 'Aurea'

University of Copenhagen Botanic Garden, (as Ulmus procera 'Viminalis Aurea').

Wilhelm Lenz

They maintained close scientific and personal exchanges with the institutes for theoretical physics at the Universities in Munich (Sommerfeld), Göttingen (Max Born), and Copenhagen (Niels Bohr).

Yoshio Nishina

He visited some European universities and institutions, including Cavendish Laboratory, Georg August University of Göttingen, and University of Copenhagen.

Youth Climate Movement

The fifth Conference of Youth took place at the University of Copenhagen from the 4–6 December 2009 where over 700 young people from 100 countries are reported to have attended.

Aage Skavlan

He was given a royal scholarship in 1877 to conduct studies at the University of Copenhagen and Lund University, and in 1878 he published his first book Historiske Billeder fra den nyere Tid i Danmark, Norge og tildels Sverige.

Aksel C. Wiin-Nielsen

Aksel C. Wiin-Nielsen (17 February 1924 – 26 April 2010) was a Danish professor of meteorology at University of Copenhagen, University of Michigan, Director of the ECMWF, and Secretary-General of WMO.

Christian E.O. Jensen

He studied botany and pharmaceutics at the University of Copenhagen and the Pharmaceutical College in Copenhagen.

Eric van Damme

In between he was Visiting Professor at European Universities in Bielefeld, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Vienna, Lisbon; and in the USA at the Kellogg School of Management.

Eva Koppel

They were subsequently known for their large public buildings and restoration projects including the Hans Christian Ørsted Institute (1955–1962) in Copenhagen, the Technical University of Denmark in Lundtofte (1961–1975), the Panum Institute, Copenhagen (1966–1986) and the South Campus of the University of Copenhagen on Amager (1972–1979).

Horos son of Nechoutes

After Adler's death, they passed through several private collectors - being sold in 1948 to Martin Bodmer of Geneva, in 1970 to Hans P. Kraus of New York, and in 1989 to Martin Schøyen of Oslo - before they were acquired in 2012 for the Papyrus Carlsberg Collection (University of Copenhagen) with means provided by the Augustinus Foundation and the Carlsberg Foundation.

Johan Lausen Bull

He took the jurist examination in Copenhagen in 1776, and worked as district stipendiary magistrate (sorenskriver) in Sundmøre from 1779 to 1798.

Johan Nicolai Madvig

He was educated at the classical school of Frederiksborg and the University of Copenhagen.

Peter Erasmus Müller

Returning to Denmark, he wrote numerous works; was appointed professor of theology at the University of Copenhagen in 1801, and in 1830 became Bishop of Zealand, the highest ecclesiastical dignity in Denmark.

Søndre Campus

It is home to the Faculty of Humanities which will later be joined by the Faculty of Theology and the Faculty of Law.

University of Copenhagen Faculty of Social Sciences

The University of Copenhagen Faculty of Social Sciences is divided into five departments, where research and teaching are carried out in the fields of Economics, Political Science, International Politics, Management, Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology.