
unusual facts about veil

Agnes of Germany

According to a legend, a veil lost by Agnes and found by Leopold years later while hunting was the instigation for him to found the Klosterneuburg Monastery.

Aishah Azmi

Aishah Azmi (born 1982) is a British Muslim woman who came to public attention in 2006 after being suspended and then dismissed from her position as a classroom assistant in a Church of England faith school for refusing to take off her niqab (face veil) when required to work in a classroom alongside a male teacher.

Ana Pastor García

On March 15, 2011, she interviewed the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad which caused some controversy given that her hair slipped out of her veil onto her shoulders without her realising, becoming a trending topic on Twitter.

Andreas Tatos

Aris enjoys to have such a player but it must spread a veil of protection to the player, besides the tremendous economic problems, in order to provide him the opportunity to be selected for the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Bahiyyih Nakhjavani

Her third novel The Woman Who Read Too Much is also set in the middle of the nineteenth century, and centers around Tahirih Qurratu'l-Ayn, a poet and scholar from Qazvin, who shocked the political powers of Qajar Persia and violated religious convention by casting aside her veil.

Brent Ryan Green

The Veil, shot entirely in Oklahoma, stars William Levy ("Dancing with the Stars"), William Moseley ("The Chronicles of Narnia" film series) and Serinda Swan ("Tron: Legacy", USA’s "Graceland").

Buzz Clic

After a late ’60s period of self-discovery that saw him residing in Northern California and even attending the Altamont Speedway Free Festival in December 1969, Clic returned to his hometown of Hudson, Ohio and began playing guitar—eventually settling in with a local outfit called Bold Chicken (whose recordings were later documented on a Smog Veil Records release) in 1971.

Center for Effective Government

OMB Watch was formed by Gary Bass in 1983 to lift the veil of secrecy shrouding the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

Christ Is My Hope

The lyrics to the track "No Storms Come" are adapted from the poem "Heaven Haven (A Nun Takes the Veil)", written by 19th-century English poet Gerard Manley Hopkins.

Dockrillia teretifolia

Dockrillia teretifolia is a synonym of Dendrobium teretifolium, the Thin Pencil Orchid, Rat's Tail Orchid or Bridal Veil Orchid is found in Queensland and NSW (Calliope Range to Tuross Heads); 500-800 metres altitude.

Does My Head Look Big in This?

The story revolves around (and is told from the view point of) a sixteen-year-old Muslim girl who decides to wear the hijab, a religious veil, full-time.

Ecgfrith of Northumbria

Eventually, in about 672, Æthelthryth persuaded Ecgfrith to allow her to become a nun, and “she entered the monastery of the Abbess Æbbe, who was aunt to King Ecgfrith, at the place called the city of Coludi (Coldingham, Berwickshire), having received the veil of the religious habit from the hands of the aforesaid Bishop Wilfrid”.

Elisabetta Querini

As such, on March 4, 1694, Elisabetta Querini appeared clad in a cloth of gold robe adorned with sable, with a white veil and corno ducale, (the version of ducal crown worn by the Doge and his wife) adorned with jewels, and a large diamond cross on her chest.

Felician Sisters

Most Felician Sisters maintain the religious garb of their Foundress, Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska, consisting of a brown habit (beige during summer months), scapular, (jacket at specified times), headdress, black veil, collar, Felician wooden crucifix suspended on tape or cord, and simple ring received at final profession.

France in the American Revolutionary War

Secretly approached by Louis XVI and France's foreign minister, the comte de Vergennes, Pierre Beaumarchais was given authorization to sell gunpowder and ammunition to the Americans for close to a million pounds under the veil of the Portuguese company Rodrigue Hortalez et Compagnie.

Francis Rodd, 2nd Baron Rennell

Rodd would later make two great expeditions into the central Sahara (in 1922 and 1927) which provided him for the material of his book about the Tuareg, entitled People of the Veil.

George Waggner

Many of his television credits, such as Maverick Batman and "The Doctors" episode of "The Veil," have his name spelled as "george waGGner." He also directed Red Nightmare, a Cold War propaganda film produced by the Department of Defense and narrated by Jack Webb.

Gin'nnah Muhammad

In 2009 Gin'nnah Muhammad went on to the Michigan Supreme Court and spoke to the panel of judges with her veil on.

Hassan Rahimpour Azghadi

Some of the subjects he addresses are notably that of the Islamic Hijab (veil), Westoxification, American hegemony, Communism, Christianity, Hezbollah, Jihad, Ayatollah Khomeini, Freedom, Marxism, Western moral corruption, nuclear energy, Shi'a Islam, Israel, Aristotle and Plato, Liberal Democracy, Islamic economics, political Islam but also youth affairs and social struggle.

Hygrophorus agathosmus

In their 1963 monograph of the Hygrophorus of North America, American mycologists Lexemuel Ray Hesler and Alexander H. Smith classified H. agathosmus in the subsection Camarophylli, a grouping of related species characterized by a dry stem, and the absence of a gelatinous outer veil.

Iraj Mirza

Among many poems that Iraj composed, his well-known poems include Satan (in Persian: Ebleess), Mother (in Persian: Maadar), A Letter to a Poet Aref Ghazvini (in Persian: Arefnameh), Woman's Picture (in Persian: Tassvir-e-Zan), Story of the Veil or Hijab (in Persian: hejab) and the Story of Zohreh and Manouchehr (in Persian: Daastan-e-Zohreh-o-Manouchehr), which is based on William Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis.

Islamic graffiti

Inspired by Naomi Klein's No Logo, she drew her first veil in 2006 on the French rapper Diam's.

Jean Isherwood

The images represent the diversity of the Australian landscape and include "the filmy veil of greenness' seen from Isherwood's own window, a flood on the Darling River, a bushfire in the Blue Mountains and a forest of ringbarked trees near Armidale.

Laurence Ferrari

Ferrari incited controversy in 2010 by wearing a veil to interview Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Lavinia Fontana

Chief among these are Venus; The Virgin lifting a veil from the sleeping infant Christ; and the Queen of Sheba visiting Solomon.

Luminous Veil

The Luminous Veil was designed jointly by architect and University of Waterloo Professor Derek Revington and engineers at Halcrow Yolles, a structural engineering firm in Toronto.


It is famous for having a church which contains an image on a thin byssus veil, a sudarium, known as the Holy Face of Manoppello and which has been reputed to be identical to the Veil of Veronica.

Marian Spore Bush

She claimed her large surrealistic works were inspired by long-dead artists who were communicating with her from "beyond the veil." Her predictions of the future, her unusual artwork, her work with the poor in New York City's Bowery, and her eventual marriage to Irving T. Bush incited much interest in the national press.

Muhammad Sayyid Tantawy

In October 2009, Tantawy launched a campaign against the niqab (the full-face veil which covers the entire body except for the eyes, increasingly worn by women in Egypt) by personally removing the niqab of a teenage girl (after she failed to remove it) at a secondary school affiliated to Al-Azhar University, which he was touring in Cairo's Madinet Nasr suburb, much to the shock of all concerned.

Oratory of the Paraclete

In 1125 he was elected by the monks of the Abbey at Saint-Gildas-de-Rhuys, near Vannes, Brittany, to be their abbot, so he turned the Paraclete over to Heloise, his wife, who had been in a convent in Argenteuil since taking the veil.

Predrag Dragić

In 2003 Sir John Tavener, the most popular British composer reputed as a "classical artist" used texts from the book Medieval and Renaissance Serbian Poetry 1200-1700 written by Predrag R. Dragić Kijuk, for his monumental work "The Veil of the Temple" (performed by four choirs, several orchestras and soloists, seven hours in duration).

Princess Hijab

One of her works, Diam’s Ma France à Moi, is the portrait of the famous French rapper Diam's, covered with a veil using a black marker pen.

Rudolf Grimm

In 2006, his working group also managed to lift the veil on an old mystery of physics: they succeeded in the first experimental observation of Efimov States, mysterious quantum states that the Russian scientist Vitali Efimov had theoretically predicted in the early 1970s.

Santa Catalina Monastery

The dowry expected of a woman who wished to enter as a choir nun--indicated by wearing a black veil—and who thereby accepted the duty of the daily recitation of the Divine Office, was 2,400 silver coins, equivalent to about $150,000 (U.S.) today.

Selfish Machines

Pierce the Veil had been recording, demoing and writing new material, at a home studio in San Diego, since they finished the 2009 Taste of Chaos tour.

Smallpox demon

In European countries the "red treatment" was practiced from the 12th century onwards; when he caught smallpox, King Charles V of France was dressed in a red shirt, red stockings, and a red veil.


Pietro Della Valle, who visited a town near Pirouzcow in Mazandaran, noted that Mazandarani women never wore the veil and didn't hesitate to talk to foreigners.

The Bride Collector

A Denver serial killer has killed four beautiful young women and leaves a bridal veil at each crime scene.

The Minister's Black Veil

A clergyman named Joseph Moody of York, Maine, nicknamed "Handkerchief Moody", accidentally killed a friend when he was a young man and wore a black veil from the man's funeral until his own death.

Veil of money

In the 20th century the veil of money is used to describe questions of stability and the exchangeability of money for interest or commodity in a macro-economic model.

Ven Begamudré

Through the veil of Vishnu's unions with Lakshmi and his incarnation in the tale of Manu and the fish, the novel portrays a pair of siblings as they navigate 1960s North American culture under the weight of their emotionally abusive father and ambitious mother.

see also