
unusual facts about video camera

Paul Sermon

Video cameras were set up to record the events and the images that are filmed are sent to a video mixer, they were then mixed together and transmitted on to the large monitor screen.

Fig Rig

Fig Rig is a camera stabilization device for smaller film cameras/video cameras, designed by film director Mike Figgis.


Twelve video cameras called "time-eyes" are connected to the internet in twelve locations in twelve time zones around the Earth, observing the sky twenty four hours per day, continuously creating a hypothetical "sun clock" which spans the planet.

see also

Active camouflage

In 2003 researchers at the University of Tokyo under Susumu Tachi created a prototype active camouflage system in which a video camera images the background and displays it on a cloth using an external projector.

De Udstillede

Von Trier set up a video camera in the desert near Los Alamos, New Mexico, pointed at a piece of ground.

Digital art

An image of Debbie Harry was captured in monochrome from a video camera and digitized into a graphics program called ProPaint.

Fernando von Reichenbach

Catalina or graphic analog converter (1967): capable of synthesizing sounds following an analog score by a video camera.

Luis Enrique Vergara

Bill Warren, the science-fiction historian, was on the set during the filming; he reported that Vergara forced the director of the American sequences Jack Hill to tie down with a rope “an early portable video camera to the top of the 35mm Mitchell he was using as his principal camera.”

Matthew Simmons

Previously, on May 26 2010, Matthew Simmons was a guest on 'The Dylan Ratigan Show' on MSNBC, where he explained his reasons for believing that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill involved not only the leak being monitored by BP's video-camera-equipped ROVs remotely operated vehicles, but another, much bigger leak, several miles away.


REDCODE, a video codec used in one model of digital video camera

Suburban Knights

The music video directed by Ben Crook features the band playing in front of many satellite dishes in North Woolwich being filmed by a video camera.

Synthetic schlieren

Named after the schlieren method of visualization, it consists of a digital camera or video camera pointing at the flow in question, with an illuminated target pattern behind.

Tadiran Mastiff

Three generations of the Mastiff developed by Tadiran were in operational use by the IDF performing numerous operational missions, the most well known of them was flown during the first Lebanon war when Yasser Arafat was caught by the Mastiff video camera.

Tech Coast Angels

MicroPower Technologies - power-efficient wireless video camera technology

The Deliberate Stranger

Larsen covered politics for the Times and had interviewed Bundy in 1972, years before he became a murder suspect, when Bundy worked as a volunteer for the re-election campaign of Gov. Daniel J. Evans and had been seen trailing the campaign of Evans' Democratic opponent with a video camera.

Tim Donovan

He won Broadcaster of the Year in the 2001 BT awards, for a report on Ken Livingstone's campaign to become mayor, having followed him around for a month with a digital video camera.