
unusual facts about weak


Stephen Uroš V of Serbia (1336-1371), also known as Stefan Uroš the Weak, King of Serbia and Emperor of the Serb and Greeks

1992 NCAA Division I-A football season

Possibly in a show of how weak the conference was, Nevada went 5-1 in conference, winning the Big West championship and representing the conference in the 1992 Las Vegas Bowl (formerly the California Bowl held in Fresno, California).

Asami Konno

In late 2004, Tsunku's choice of giving Konno the main vocals for "Namida ga Tomaranai Hōkago" yet again surprised many people, as it was known that she had rather weak vocals when compared to the other members.

Augustus William Hare

Weak health prevented his especially distinguishing himself, but in 1810 he was elected to a vacancy at New College.

Beiyang Fleet

These cruisers were fast (25 knots) and heavily armed, but were not adopted by the Royal Navy because the Admiralty considered them to be "weak in structure".

Burt Ovrut

His doctoral advisors were Benjamin W. Lee and Yoichiro Nambu, and his thesis was on an Sp(4) x U(1) Theory of the Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions.


There are two rebroadcasters on FM due to the AM station's weak signal to the south and east of the city: CKHJ-1-FM on 95.1 in New Maryland, and CKHJ-2-FM in 103.5 in Oromocto.

Clifton Sprague

In March 1955, Sprague fell ill of a weak heart and was moved to the Naval Hospital, San Diego, California.

Dirty hands

Sissela Bok writes that Machiavelli maintains in The Prince that rulers who cling to moral principles in order to avoid dirty hands, no matter the cost, are weak and invariably end up defeated, a view opposed by Erasmus and Kant.

Dougie Marillier

Marillier attended Eaglesvale Secondary School in Harare and quickly became a key figure for the cricket team there, although the team was a weak one.

Eastern Christianity

The terms "Eastern" and "Western" in this regard originated with divisions in the Church mirroring the cultural divide between the Hellenistic east and Latinate west and the political divide between the weak Western and strong Eastern Roman empires.

Equatorial waves

The weak low pressure in the Indian Ocean (due to the MJO) typically propagates eastward into the North Pacific Ocean and can produce easterly winds.

Geography of Toronto

Tornado warnings have been posted for the city on a few occasions in the past few years, however no touchdowns have been confirmed in the city since a weak tornado hit Scarborough in the mid−1990s.


However, younger, weak, or injured individuals may have been vulnerable to predation by tigers, pythons, crocodiles, machairodonts, hyenas, bears, and Homo erectus.

Glacial Lake Wisconsin

After removing the lake-bottom sand, it cut canyons through the weak Cambrian sandstone beneath, which had existed long before the lake, forming the Dells of the Wisconsin River, that are now largely beneath the high water created by damming the river.

Goldbach's weak conjecture

In 2012 and 2013, Peruvian mathematician Harald Helfgott released a pair of papers claiming to improve major and minor arc estimates sufficiently to unconditionally prove the weak Goldbach conjecture.


The word originally referred to a drink made with water or "small beer" (a weak beer) and rum, which British Vice Admiral Edward Vernon introduced into the Royal Navy on 21 August 1740.

Guy of Lusignan

Guy has also appeared in a number of historical novels, including Zofia Kossak-Szczucka's Król trędowaty (The Leper King), Graham Shelby's The Knights of Dark Renown, and Cecelia Holland's Jerusalem, generally as a good-looking but weak and foolish young man.


His interest in researching the non-innate Minimum comes from his belief in the equality of people whereby all people should have access to Minimum abilities and hence would put an end to the stratification amongst the weak and strong in society.

Head Above Water

Nathalie's considerably older husband George (Harvey Keitel) is a stern and prominent judge whose only weak spot is Nathalie herself.


They were soon being recommended for children, weak and anaemic adults, as well as people suffering from gastritis.

Henry Darwin Rogers

He died at Shawlands, Glasgow in 1866 seemingly as a result of a combination of overwork, a weak constitution and the effect of the Glasgow climate.


Hypoiodous acid, a weak acid consisting of hydrogen, oxygen, and iodine atoms.

Humphrey Lynde

Lynde pursued his attacks on the Catholics in Via Devia, the Byway leading the Weak into unstable and dangerous Paths of Popish Error, London, 1630, and in reply to Floyd wrote A Case for the Spectacles, which William Laud refused to license (on the ground, according to William Prynne's Canterburies Doome, that Lynde was a layman); the work was not published in Lynde's lifetime.

Jacob Bobart the Younger

Consul William Sherard, who afterwards left his library and an endowment to the Oxford Garden, wrote in July 1719 that Vice-chancellor Shippen had compelled Bobart, 'my old master,' who was then in weak health, to resign the office of botanic professor, Dr. E. Sandys receiving the post.

James Park Woods

On 18 September 1918, near Le Verguier, north-west of St. Quentin, France, Private Woods, with a weak patrol, attacked and captured a formidable enemy post consisting of four heavy and two light machineguns which, with two comrades, he held against heavy counterattacks.

Jeff Granger

After being pulled from the season opening Disneyland Pigskin Classic game against Stanford for a weak passing performance, he returned to throw a game-trying pass to tight end Greg Schorp.

Joaquín Sorolla

Here, he presents his friend Simarro as a man of science who transmits his wisdom investigating and, in addition, it is the triumph of naturalism, as it recreates the indoor environment of the laboratory, catching the luminous atmosphere produced by the artificial reddish-yellow light of a gas burner that contrasts with the weak mauvish afternoon light that shines through the window.

Johnnie Armstrong

He burnt Netherby in Cumberland in 1527, in return for which William Dacre, 3rd Baron Dacre burnt him out at Canonbie in 1528; and Gavin Dunbar, the Archbishop of Glasgow as well as Chancellor of Scotland, intervened with an excommunication for Armstrong, whose activities made the central authority look weak and were a hindrance to diplomacy with England.

Johnny Reno

The local Sheriff, Hodges (Chaney), a weak and conciliatory man goes along with this.

Landau's problems

Deshouillers, Effinger, te Riele and Zinoviev conditionally proved the weak conjecture under the GRH.

Lilly Téllez

Téllez "proof" was too weak, and the timing suspicious – just before Francisco Gil announced, as part of his work in Fox's government, sanctions to TV Azteca's owner Ricardo Salinas Pliego for illegal profit from privileged information both in the United States stock market (where he is prosecuted under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act) and in the Mexican one in operations related to his cell-phone company Unefon.

Mark Perrin Lowrey

Following several years of teaching at the Blue Mountain College Lowrey became very sick and in 1882 his doctors alerted him that his heart was very weak.

Mass generation

The Standard Model uses this mechanism as part of the Glashow–Weinberg–Salam model to unify electromagnetic and weak interactions.

Military history of the Three Kingdoms

Since Emperor Guangwu had disbanded the recruit (募兵) units in the first century AD, the provincial armed forces were purposely left weak and territorial armies were only raised in times of emergency.

Needle ice

Alternate names for needle ice are "frost pillars" ("Säuleneis" in German), "frost column", "Kammeis" (a German term meaning "comb ice"), "Stängeleis" (another German term referring to the stem-like structures), "shimo bashira" (霜柱 the Japanese term for "ice needles"), or "pipkrake" (from Swedish pipa (tube) and krake (weak, fine), coined in 1907 by Henrik Hesselman).

Pilt Carin Ersdotter

Carin, however, was judged to be too weak for this task, and she was instead hired to deliver milk from Järla gård in Nacka and sell it on the square of Stortorget.

René Turlay

From 1962 to 1964 he played a major role in all phases of the memorable experiment at Brookhaven's accelerator where the CP violation phenomenon in weak interactions was discovered.

Richard A. Lanham

The so-called weak defense (which Quintilian makes as well as Ramus) suggests that rhetoric is separate from philosophy and one first becomes a good person and then can add good speaking on top (158).

Russian battleship Retvizan

Based in Sasebo when the Japanese declared war on Germany in 1914, the ship was sent to reinforce the weak British squadron off British Columbia, but diverted to Hawaii after reports of a German gunboat there.

Send the Light

This had been characterised by "a combination of weak economic conditions in the UK, and a difficult move to the new SAP IT system", leading to a "significant operational loss" for that year.


The rishabh is weak, but Gandhar (Ga) is strong, unlike Marwa.

Terence Hawkins

It tells the story of Achilles, a monstrous hero, who turns vain and selfish, cruel and noble; of Paris, weak and consumed by lust for his stolen bride; of Agamemnon, driven nearly to insanity by the voices of the gods; and of Trojans and Achaeans, the warriors and the peasants caught up in the conflict, their families torn apart by a decade-long war.

Trịnh Sâm

With the Nguyễn army divided and weak, the Trịnh army captured Phú Xuân (modern-day Huế) in February 1775.

Universal logic

The term 'universal logic' has also been used by some logicians (e.g. Richard Sylvan and Ross Brady) to refer to a new type of (weak) relevant logic.

Weak ordering

In horse racing, the use of photo finishes has eliminated some, but not all, ties or (as they are called in this context) dead heats, so the outcome of a horse race may be modeled by a weak ordering.

Wilhelm Keppler

Considered weak and slow, Keppler's role was supplanted in 1936 by the Four Year Plan.

William Jex

He is said to have developed a weak heart after catching a fever following a swim in the River Wensum in Norwich.


One study showed weak linkage to the Xq28 region, whereas a second in 1999 studying Canadian material consisting of 52 pairs of gay brothers found no statistically significant linkage in alleles and haplotypes and concluded against an X-linked male homosexuality gene.


Yukimarimo are balls of fine frost formed at low temperatures on the Antarctic plateau during weak wind conditions.


It binds to the partial agonist effect at α2 likely to be responsible for the lack of anxiety produced by this drug when compared to older α5-preferring inverse agonists such as L-655,708.

see also