
unusual facts about weeping


The festering of an open or healing wound, causing the discharge of a yellowish pussy liquid, sometimes accompanied by a strong smell.

7th Guards Cavalry Corps

In April and May 1945 the Group advanced as part of the Berlin Strategic Operation operating independently weeping north of the city to seize Brandenburg and then continuing on to meet advancing units of the US 9th Army.

Acer campestre 'Eastleigh Weeping'

The Field Maple Acer campestre cultivar 'Eastleigh Weeping' or Weeping Eastleigh Field Maple is a weeping tree that originated as a seedling at the Hillier & Son nursery, Ampfield, England and was released in 1980.

Alexander Runciman

He also created various religious paintings and an altar-piece in the Cowgate Episcopal Church, Edinburgh, and easel pictures of Cymon and Iphigenia, Sigismunda Weeping over the Heart of Tancre, and Agrippina with the Ashes of Germanicus.


Although a number of episodes depict the cast reacting as if traumatized by a particularly bad movie, Cambot suffered a severe reaction only once, weeping when several security cameras were systematically destroyed by the hero in episode #620: Danger!! Death Ray.

Crooswijk General Cemetery

Many of the trees symbolise grief such as Weeping Beech, Silver Birch (Betula pendula var. Tristis, which in Dutch is known as the Weeping Birch), Dutch Elm (in Dutch known as Weeping Elm) and Weeping Willow.


(Istituto di Filologia Moderna, Università di Parma: Testi e Studi, Nuova Serie: Studi 1.) (Fortuna of the Laughing and Weeping Philosophers topos)

Dingane kaSenzangakhona

The nearby present-day town of Weenen (Dutch for "weeping") was named by early settlers in memory of the massacre.

Dohány Street Synagogue

In memory of those who had died, there is a memorial by the sculptor, Imre Varga, depicting a weeping willow with the names and tattoo numbers of the dead and disappeared just behind the Synagogue, in the Raoul Wallenberg Holocaust Memorial Park.


A number of cultivars of the common hazel and filbert are grown as ornamental plants in gardens, including forms with contorted stems (C. avellana 'Contorta', popularly known as "Harry Lauder's walking stick" from its gnarled appearance); with weeping branches (C. avellana 'Pendula'); and with purple leaves (C. maxima 'Purpurea').

La Llorona

Sarah Shahi portrayed Constance Welch, The Weeping Woman who, after discovering her husband's infidelity took the life of her two children by drowning them in a bathtub at home and soon after, took her own by jumping off a bridge into a river.

Leah Horowitz

The central model she presents is the midrashic trope of the children of Israel going into exile, weeping at Rachel's grave.

Mannheim sigh

Pianto — the motif of a descending minor second, represented laments and associated textually with weeping, sighing, or pain, grief, etc.

Massacre of Glencoe

More recently Glencoe was the subject of Eric Linklater's 1957 story "The Masks of Purpose", and David Clement-Davies's "Fire Bringer", in which the region is called the "Valley Of Weeping".

McDowall, Queensland

Trees include weeping myrtle and native blueberry ash (Elaeocarpus reticulatus) with creek fauna such as water dragons (Physignathus lesueurii), turtles and native fish including the crimson spotted rainbow fish.


A. pendula, commonly known as Weeping Myall, True Myall, or Myall;

Only Fools and Horses DVDs

The Miracle of Peckham: Music O Fortuna from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff is replaced when the vicar and Del first see the status weeping.

Qkumba Zoo

The track Weeping was added to this release, the a cover of an anti-apartheid song by Bright Blue, another South African band.

Sebastiano del Piombo

In the same method, and also in the same gallery, is the Dead Christ supported by Joseph of Arimathea, with a weeping Magdalene colossal half-length figures.

Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal

The canal runs west through Tixall Wide and along the Sow valley, closely following the river, to Weeping Cross, on the south east edge of Stafford, the confluence of the River Penk with the Sow.

Talking tree

The weeping Date palm tree: The Prophet Muhammad, when delivering his sermons used to stand by or lean on a date palm tree.

The History of the Runestaff

Yet other gods from the "tragic millennium" are based on 20th Century British Prime Ministers (Chirshil, the Howling God (Winston Churchill) and Aral Vilsn, the Roaring God (Harold Wilson), Supreme God) or writers: Bjrin Adass, the Singing God (Brian Aldiss); Jeajee Blad, the Groaning God (J. G. Ballard); Jh'Im Slas, the Weeping God (James Sallis).

Weeping Angel

In "The End of Time" The President of the Time Lords refers to the two dissenters on the return of Gallifrey as being forced to stand like the weeping angels, and the two Time Lords are posed with their hands over their eyes.

In "The Angels Take Manhattan", numerous Weeping Angels including the Statue of Liberty have taken control of a building in New York, holding victims captive so they can repeatedly feed off their time energy.

Zimmer massacre

When she came to her senses she looked about upon a scene of blood and horror, and burst into a paroxysm of weeping.

see also