
unusual facts about well water

Trial balloon

An example was when the New York Times reported in mid-June 2012 that Governor Andrew Cuomo and his staff were deliberating on a plan to restrict hydrofracking to five counties in the 'southern tier' of New York, along the Pennsylvania border, where the Marcellus shale is deepest and drilling is least likely to pollute well water supplies in those aquifers.

see also

Arsenical keratosis

Arsenic is also found to be an environmental contaminant in drinking water (well water) and an occupational hazard for miners and glass workers.

Environmental persistent pharmaceutical pollutant

Clofibric acid, a metabolite of the lipid-lowering agent Clofibrate, can still be found in surface as well as well water, although Clofibrate long ago has been withdrawn.

Eve Andree Laramee

This work zeroes-in on sites where Uranium mining/milling, plutonium production for nuclear weaponss and the nuclear energy industry have contaminated surface water, well water and deep aquifer water with radioactive isotopes and her work archives this atomic legacy.