
unusual facts about white papers

Milton C. Davis

The World Policy Council has published white papers on the Politics of Nigeria, War on Terrorism, Hurricane Katrina, Millennium Challenge Account, and Extraordinary Rendition.

see also


White papers have confirmed that sufficiently advanced Request-a-Call technology improves website conversion rates so much that Forrester Research reported 143% average ROI on implementing it, with $2.5 million in increased revenues over 3 years and initial payback in just 7–14 months for even the most expensive CTC systems.

David Harley

Harley has published white papers, conference papers and presentations, and on-line articles with or on behalf of ESET since 2006.

Kim Dovey

, Dovey, K. & Lochert, M. (2000) "Authorizing Aboriginality in Architecture", in L. Lokko (ed), White Papers, Black Marks, Chichester: Wiley, pp.218-35.

White paper

White papers originated in governments, and many point to the Churchill White Paper of 1922 as the earliest well-known example.