
10 unusual facts about White Nile

Abed Elrahim Abu Zakrra

He got his primary education in his homeland, but he went to Kosti in White Nile State for his intermediate education.

Aliab Dinka

They traditionally lived in an area west of the upper White Nile river.

Aswa, South Sudan

Aswa lies about 18 km north of Nimule on the eastern banks of the Aswa River, roughly six km east from that river's confluence with the White Nile.

Butana and Kenana cattle

The Kenana breed is found just south of Butana, mainly in the region between the Blue Nile and the White Nile.

Lith Payam

Lith Payam borders on Kongor Payam, Pibor County, Duk County, and the White Nile.


Rejaf, also Rajjāf or Rageef, is a community in Central Equatoria State in South Sudan, on the west bank of the White Nile.


The first European to visit the community was the explorer Samuel Baker who traveled there in 1863 from Gondokoro on the White Nile, crossing the Kinyeti River en route.

White Nile

The river continues north to Nimule, where it enters South Sudan and becomes known as the Bahr al Jabal ('Sea of the Mountain', possibly from Nahr al Jabal, 'River of the Mountain').

The Bahr al Jabal passes through Juba, the capital of South Sudan, which is the southernmost navigable point on the Nile river system, and then to Kodok, the site of the 1898 Fashoda Incident that marked an end to the 'Scramble for Africa'.

Bahr al Jabal was the former name of the state of Central Equatoria.

Apostolic Vicariate of Sudan

In the early 20th century it included: — stations at Assuan (now in Egypt), Omdurman, Khartoum (central station); Lul and Atigo (White Nile); Wau, Kayango and 'Cleveland' (Bahrel-Ghazal); Omach and Gulu (Uganda); besides twenty-five localities provided excurrendo.


The Dutch explorer Juan Maria Schuver visited Beica during his first explorations between the White and Blue Niles (August 1881).

Geoffrey Francis Archer

Archer travelled overland from Uganda to Sudan to take up his new appointment, walking from Nimule to Rejaf and then travelling by steamer down the Bahr al Jabal to Khartoum.

Georg August Schweinfurth

Starting from Khartoum in January 1869, he went up the White Nile to Bahr-el-Ghazal, and then, with a party of ivory dealers, through the regions inhabited by the Diur (Dyoor), Dinka, Bongo and Niam-Niam; crossing the Congo-Nile watershed he entered the country of the Mangbetu (Monbuttu) and discovered the river Uele (March 19, 1870), which by its westward flow he knew was independent of the Nile.

Goz Abu Goma Bridge

The Goz Abu Goma Bridge is a railway bridge across the White Nile at Kosti, the former Goz Abu Goma, 50 miles south of Alays, in Sudan.

James Wilson Robertson

After Oxford he joined the Sudan Political Service from 1922 to 1953, serving appointments in Blue Nile, White Nile, Fung and Kordofan provinces and was the Civil Secretary from 1945 to 1953.

Omdurman Bridge

The Omdurman Bridge (also known as the Redemption Bridge or the Old White Nile Bridge) is a steel truss bridge in Sudan on the road connecting Khartoum on the White Nile to Omdurman.

The Shamba Raiders

In particular, the book describes Kinloch's management of the Uganda Game and Fisheries Department during the introduction of the Protectorate's first National Parks, the introduction of Nile Perch to the upper Victoria Nile, and the creation of the College of African Wildlife Management.

Theodor von Heuglin

He and Steudner reached Khartoum in 1862 and there joined the party organized by Alexandrine Tinné and her mother Henriette Tinne-van Capellen, who then had just returned from a White Nile journey to Gondokoro.

University of Bakhtalruda

The University of Bakhtalruda is a university in the town of Ad Douiem in Sudan, on the White Nile, between Khartoum and Kosti.